I've had a lot of experience with feeling panic and having the fear of being trapped in certain situations. I guess we're never technically trapped but it's usually a matter of not wanting to get up and run out of the room and embarrass myself. I used to get these way back in high school before I had started taking medication and it was tough.
If I learned anything, it's that although it's scary and uncomfortable, these feelings can't hurt you. Also, the right medication can be a game changer and PRN's (as needed medications) can be a life saver. I take 0.5 mgs of clonazepam occasionally and it's helped me get through certain things that I would probably have to avoid otherwise.
Lately I've struggled though because recently while tapering my daily medication down I've had a couple situations where the PRN wasn't as effective. The problem is that these medications are less effective if you use them more often. I only use them on average about 2-5 times per month depending on what I have going on but the thought of using them more often and having them be less effective is scary to me. It's possible that I might have to go back up to my standard dose of my daily medication as well.