How long did it take for you until you to start to feel an improvement on lexapro? What are your experiences with it (particularly grateful for positive stories)?
I started taking it 15 days ago; started on 5 mg and have been taking 10 mg for 11 days. So far, I don't really feel anything. Had some mild side effects during the first week, but that's it.
Somehow, the idea got into my head that my anxiety isn't bad enough and therefore lexapro won't do anything (doesn't make any sense, I know).
Before I started taking medication I felt like I didn't 'deserve' it, because my anxiety is not as bad as for other people (e.g. I don't get panic attacks).
And now, I'm anxious around the whole thing not working; and that, when we meet again, my psychiatrist will me that since it didn't work and my anxiety isn't so bad, that we won't try anything else and I'll have to deal with everything on my own again, until I can start my next therapy - which would be so overwhelming.
I know it takes time to work, but shouldn't I feel something by now?
What's your experience? How did you feel on it? Grateful for any input!