Does anyone else wake up with anxiety almost everyday
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yes recently waking up in panic mode I’m sorry it sucks
I am sorry for you too, and yes it totally sucks. Just trying to get going for the day no matter if something is going on or not seems next to impossible at times
I hear you. I try to be really compassionate with myself. I have to try not to run down the list of worries but I do. I try to use mindfulness and take it little step by step.
This morning instead of green tea (with caffeine) I had to drink chamomile lavender calming tea. Going to have some more now. What if anything helps you?
Most times I just go take a walk to clear my head I walk with my dogs but today its going to be super hot. I know one thing that is triggering me at the moment and its not anything I can control. I am not a tea drinker I am a coffee drinker but have been limiting that.
That’s good you are aware of the trigger. One of my triggers I also have no control over. Taking a walk is great. I had been taking 1-2 walks a day until I got too sick to.
I have copd so my walks are limited to 1 a day now, one of my dogs is suffering from cancer so that is a trigger right now. I have many more lol but this one is at the top of the list at the moment
Oh I’m so sorry Amysmom. Ilnesses of our own and of others are one of those things that we can’t control. But that doesn’t always stop anxiety from them. ((((((((Hug))))))))
Thank you , its hard knowing what I will soon have to do, and then dealing with other issues makes my anxiety raise
Oh yeah, for sure. Things will hopefully fall into place. I wonder if you are at all into meditations. I sometimes find them helpful to ease tension and anxiety.
I am on medication but with the anxiety it doesn't always work, it just gets the better of me sadly.
Oh no I mean meditating Have you ever found meditating to be helpful?
oops sorry must of read to fast, no I haven't tried it cause my mind is always all over the place it can be difficult to just slow it down. The only time its quiet is if I am out walking or sleeping lol
Right. I understand. That’s good it’s quiet when you walk and sleep ha! But seriously that’s really good you have that. I had the worst nightmare last night. So I’m at times really not safe feeling when I sleep and first wake up. I also don’t always relax when I walk my dog. It’s so hard for me to meditate usually too. Racing mind intrusive negative thoughts seem like they never stop. But if I cant get myself to listen even without being still nor with eyes closed I might not feel it worked but I think it does it little by little it just can take a while of doing it for an effect. Then I get to a point where I can fully be into it, sometimes and it’s an amazing feeling. I’m so back and forth being in either really good or I want to die it’s so so bad. I’m rarely in between. I have bipolar so I guess that’s why mood is intense.
I hear you , I'm not bipolar but do have major depression the damn negative thoughts pop up out of nowhere and then they take on a damn life of their own. When I walk its quiet unless of course I run into a neighbor who is also walking their dog and that helps to break up things. But there are times when even for just a bit my mind is quiet as soon as I get back into the house its bam that awful racing heart waiting for something to happen even if I know nothing will just doesn't stop the feeling.
I too get those too- the “bam that awful racing heart waiting for something to happen even if I know nothing will just does t stop the feeling.”
it's awful , took a walk with my one dog since my big girl can no longer go far just to see if it would calm me down it helped a little. Just need to have a good cry maybe to release all the pent up anxiety that seems to be strangling me.
Wow me too on the needing to cry- I started crying a couple of times but it wouldn’t come really. I’m glad the walk helped. I think I’ll go for one today or two just short ones as I am still recovering and don’t want to overdo it
short walks are better then nothing , for me it allows me a little time to get out of my own damn head . And I hear you where you want to just cry and let it out but it doesn't come.
Exactly I do want it to come. Yeah I do like short walks it does clear the mind. I usually go in morning early and have been going at night as it is just becoming dark. I love the dark because I don’t like running into people on the sidewalks. Having social anxiety I get weird feeling like uncomfortable passing by people sometimes.
anxiety will do that to you , where all you want to do is avoid people there are times I am like that just don't want to talk to anyone or even go outside. When that happens I need to force myself if I don't it just gets worse and worse for me.
Oh I see. At least we are not alone in it. Sometimes I force myself and other times I let myself isolate for stretches as I see fit to just decompress I don’t know if that’s the word for it I just really enjoy my solitude. But if I see it feel I ‘can’t’ go out, that’s when I know I need too really push for it I do feel better when I go out during those times. I love nature and used to spend more time outdoors then in it seemed now it’s the opposite but like this year I couldn’t take the heat I used to thrive in. A lot of things certainly change more lately it appears to me. I’m trying to adjust to so much right now.
Hope you are having a great day!
Enjoy your time out today, I am still hanging in here lol.
Thanks I just came back from walk with Coco my 80lb Australian Shepherd. Was really nice. 3 incidents that made me a little uncomfortable but on the whole peaceful. Ha! Enjoy your hanging in time!
I’m sorry you feel this way, but I am right there with you. The anxiety in the mornings is overwhelming. I try to find something, anything to do just to keep my mind focused but it’s impossible. The anxiety mixes with the depression and most days I just feel terrible. Know you’re not alone.
yes I hear you on this one. I woke up with so much fear and anxiety every single morning without fail. For years I had this and developed passive suicidal depression. I’ve worked so hard on myself reading, listening, talking, sharing, getting outside, got professional help and started and tried different meds. I’m now on Citalopram for the past 5 weeks which has definitely helped. I still wake up early every morning but that horrible fear isn’t there and I pray and meditate as soon as I wake up. I know how hard this battle is and it’s so hard but you can make it a bit easier. Today get outside and feel a tree or just lean against it knowing it’s alive and unique just as you are 🙏♥️🕊️
Hi Amysmom, waking up fearful is a normal stress response to the highly oversensitized
individual. Actually we all have those same chemicals reaching their peak in the morning.
It's how each person responds to it that makes the difference. The average person may
find it invigorating. A new day, new things to strive for that they can hardly wait to get
moving. And then there's the millions of us who look in fear with each new day. What if
this happens, what if, what if.. And so starts our day on the wrong foot.
With us, it's like stepping out on ice and waiting for it to crack allowing us to fall through.
The thoughts are completely different with each person. What you think you get and so
starts the day. xx
Yes, Just totally sucks the life out of you first thing in the morning.
I hear you. Knowing the reasons behind these feelings can help you
find tools/methods to calm down those emotions. It takes time to find
what works for you as well as time to practice rewiring your brain to
a more positive approach when you aren't in the throws of fear. Until
then, it does indeed suck the life out of you first thing in the morning if you
allow it. Don't give up. Don't fear it.. Accept it as a feeling that will soon tone
down as you get on with the day. Of course always have your doctor check
for any physical issues that may be exacerbating those feelings. Breathe xx
I did for a year. Got. Heart echo and I have heart disease. It could be something else, get checkout if you can
Sure do ,,,,, every day I wake up shaking like a leaf & can't stop, heart racing, so fearful I want to die. Once I get up & go about my day it stops, so you'd think I would learn not to be afraid, but it always happens again and again. Maybe some year I'll outgrow it......