anxiety: anxiety - Anxiety and Depre...

Hi How are you? I have suffered from social anxiety, general anxiety and panic attacks. I’ve been managing really well lately though.
That sounds great. I would like to know more about how you have been managing so well!
I think some of it is acceptance. I accept what is. I step back and observe what is happening in the present moment. I’ve been meditating at least a few times a day. I use exercise as well. And positive thinking and gratitude. Practice positive thinking and eventually your brain gets good at it with patience and determination.
What kind of meditation? Are there any videos to it? Id like to try meditation gor my anxiety buy I'm not sure how it works or what it does to the body. Could you please explain best you can?

I can't manage meditation, Starrlight is the one to help with that. This seems to help me a bit.
deep breathing seems to help me too when I'm in the middle of an attack it always has

Hi Ashleybarkerr meditation helps us to stay in the present as we experience non judgmentally as moments unfold. We focus on the breath. Tara Brach’s guided meditations are good. Or just look up guided meditations on the web and try some out. I hope it helps. ❤️
Thank you. Could you maybe put link here for it? Ill definitely look into it

I’m not sure how I just go to google try Tara
will do. Thank you
Hi ShortyWebster, I also have anxiety, sometimes severe. I invite you to share, but only if you are comfortable with it. There are many good listeners here who are easy to talk to.
Hi ShortyWebster, I'd like to Welcome you to an amazing forum support for Anxiety.
I certainly can attest to the fact that I've gone through Anxiety as well as 5 years of Agoraphobia. *hence my username
I think what saved my sanity is my believing that I would and could get back control of my life once I started accepting that Anxiety was but a game that my mind played with me.
It starts with a thought that escalates into physical symptoms unless we learn how to not feed into those negative beliefs. I learned to rationally listen to my thoughts and make decisions upon what is real and what is not. I studied the Mind/Body Connection along with reprogramming my mind. I was not going to allow the Anxiety Bully to win his game with me. Games are met to be won and I was determined to win this one.
I did through multiple methods of positivity which I can explain further in another message.
Do not give up on yourself. Stay positive. Take one day at a time. Stay in the moment, the past is gone and the future has not happened yet. By doing this it keeps your mind in balance and not so overwhelmed.
I'm happy that you are here with us. Take care new friend xx
Thanks so much Agora1. I have been working on those same things for years, but Still get sucked into all the negative thinking.
Could you share more about your positvity methods?
Hi ShortyWebster, sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
We must realize the power we have within us. Our mind can be retrained at any time. Our brain absorbs daily information like a sponge. Unfortunately, it's not only positive things but a big percentage of negativity is retained.
When we sleep at night, 5% is the only part of our brain that goes to sleep. The subconscious mind (95%) plays back every second of your day while we are sleeping . The subconscious can't weed out the good from the bad and so unfortunately when we wake up in the morning, all that transpired during the night hits us like a ton of bricks.
That is, unless we start re-programming the subconscious mind. Bombarding it with Affirmations and Imagery Meditation while you sleep. It can help those intrusive thoughts from magnifying while sleeping. Some you hear consciously until you drift off to sleep and then the subconscious mind takes over.
Continuing this practice both morning and night can eventually put you back in control. At first it's a shock to our mind but with practice and time, usually at least 30 days, it will eventually get the idea and it will become more easier to turn a negative thought into a positive one. xx
Thank you! So positive affirmations before bed might be a help?
Absolutely my friend. But it's not might, it's about it working.
When doing anything such as Meditation in whatever it may be, it's
about believing that it will. Opening your mind to the suggestions.
Be consistent in doing this each and every morning and night.
It's amazing, how even after years of my doing this, I still hear new
suggestions from time to time that I missed along the way.
Your subconscious mind will eventually absorb all the positives that
are spoken to you while you sleep or even just awake in a quiet open spirit.
It takes time but so well worth it. xx
i used to take medication but now I do slow deep breathing and muscle tension relaxation and visualization/mindfulness
Same. I had so much reasons that now i started getting anxiety even without a reason. But this is a good opportunity to take care of yourself. And remember this will pass. How are you now?
have anxiety in my body most of the time. It has been diagnosed as General Anxiety Disorder. I wake up at night feeling anxious. My stomach feels yucky most of the time.
Same. I'm so sorry you're there too and you're so strong. Trying different methoods to calm these sympthoms