I was on venlaflaxine a couple years ago and it worked well. I wish I hadn’t come off now but I tapered slowly off and then suffered what doctor considered a relapse ….. I went back on medication but it hasn’t worked at all. I have steadily increased to 225mg (5 weeks at this level) but I still have a lot of anxiety and low mood. The doctor says to wait until back from holiday to see if things settle and then increase to 300mg but I’m really worried the anxiety is just going to get worse ( and the insomnia increase) I can’t bear this roller coaster and wonder if anyone has been through this?
venlaflaxine 225mg still experiencing... - Anxiety and Depre...
venlaflaxine 225mg still experiencing anxiety?
I've been on venlafaxine for about 10 years. It has worked well until a year and a half ago. My dose was 150mg at the time. It was increased to 225mg which is as high as my doctor will go. I feel better at times but for the past year have been up and down with anxiety. Not sure it's working like it was before. I was also put on buspirone last year too. Hard to tell what's working or not.
Unfortunately in my case, my body has likely created a tolerance for the medication. Not sure why you're not feeling better this time since you were able to get off. Maybe the doctor tapered you up too fast without seeing the full effects. It can take up to 4 to 8 weeks to start working. Maybe ask if there's a fast acting medication you can take just briefly until the venlafaxine is working. Or maybe you need a different antidepressant. Our body chemistry changes and what once worked before may not now. Not sure how long it's been since you were on it last.
Anyway, I hope you can find some relief until it's figured out. Wishing you peace and calmness ❤️
thank you for your thoughts. It’s strange as it worked last time at 150mg. I really shouldn’t have come off but as you say maybe it’ll take more time to kick in. It’s been 5 weeks tho on 225…. I don’t drink since I went on but last night had 2 gin and tonics I’m wondering if that’s why I feel bad today. It’s rubbish as I’m off on holiday tomorrow and was looking forward to feeling good for this but instead I feel like a bag of nerves…. Thank you for well wishes, wishing you them also 🤗🤗