Burn out...: I feel as though ever... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Burn out...

GeorgeGloomy profile image
22 Replies

I feel as though ever since the Covid 19 lockdowns life has taken on a two-dimensional and pointless quality....all the things we loved were withdrawn from us and when they were returned they just didn't 'feel' the same. I feel like I've ground to a halt and there's no great point to carrying on.

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GeorgeGloomy profile image
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22 Replies
Dolphin14 profile image


Welcome to the community.

We certainly lost a lot during lockdown.

What types of things have you found that don't feel the same?


Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to Dolphin14

I had many episodes during lockdown when I had cried over having the choice of going out to enjoy myself or not taken away!

What I did do was had a look at the things that weren't cancelled say like reading, kindness and future learn and home cooking and learning foreign languages and took those instead!

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Turnipgirl


I see what you are saying.

But what about things you returned to after lock down? Did they change? That's where my question stems from.

I know jobs changed. I just wanted a couple examples


Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to Dolphin14

Yes the job changed as it turned into a work from home job if you wanted to full time whereas before that came along it was that you were at the office all the time and no one got home working!

Swimming as before lockdown came along you could stay there all day if you wanted but nowadays you have to book in advance and I booked 2 hours in advance and got told off its an hour at a time!

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Turnipgirl

I see ok that explains how your swimming changed

Thank you so much :)

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to Dolphin14

That was unnecessary though when I got told off like a 6 year old after I had booked the 2 hour swim session and got told not to do it again like you would say to a naughty child!

Tonight's dinner was a root veg and ham casserole with carrots, turnips that I got in the greengrocers shop in Newport this afternoon and white cabbage which we both enjoyed!

Washing has been done and dusted nice and early as well so one less thing to worry about over the weekend!

This morning I went to a job interview early at a place and got told off for sitting outside their premises and I told them where to go with their interview as I wasn't being treated like that when I had done nothing wrong!

How are you and Herman getting on?

Baby is great and is a sour old Puss at 20 years old!

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Turnipgirl

You had a busy day

Agree, there was no reason for them to be rude about your swimming.

Herman is doing great :) It's hedgehog weather, they like to be warm.

Wow! 20 that's fabulous. A few of my cats lived that long too. Sadly you don't see that too much with dogs

Happy Friday ❤️

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to Dolphin14

Dogs usually live to be about 13 don't they?Good news I have honoured and done all my booked appointments for the week and I am off up to swimming this afternoon for 2pm and had a nice chat to my sister in law about things and she says I'm not responsible for other people's rudeness and it's them with the problems not me!

I said I felt stupid yesterday when I burst out crying in the middle of Newport after that place had laughed in my face and how the people nearby had been very kind to me and had said how it said more about them than me and my sister in law said no it wasn't stupid to have become upset after that happened as its not nice when someone treats you like that when you have done nothing wrong!

Good news as I have been invited to an assessment centre as a result of the phone call with legal and general earlier on on 29 July so we will see how things go!

After that happened yesterday I just went to bed early in despair and cried wanting to give up but something stopped me!

Why should I lose out because of someone else's rudeness?

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Turnipgirl

It took me a long time to make sense of that line

" it's about them" now I see it clearly and it makes so much sense.

No one has the right to be cruel to someone else but they are bringing their own baggage to the table. We do the same when we react.

My dog lived 14 years. I needed him so many more 😢.

scansnap profile image
scansnap in reply to Turnipgirl

Actually, the things that you did do such as learning and focusing on kindness are really some of the most important things a person can do.

Turnipgirl profile image

I get episodes myself when I wonder what the point is with trying things only to get smacked in the face ad infinitum but I would rather wish I hadn't done things and regret things I have done than be filled full of regret over not taking opportunities when they were there and wondering what might have been.

I can remember back in the August of 2020 when they opened up the bars and restaurants and one mate of mine wished he hadn't gone to the pub as he had felt it was like being in an operating theatre not a pub like previously!

Mamacita500 profile image

I’m sorry you feel this way George gloomy. I relate somewhat

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to Mamacita500

Yesterday I got reduced to tears in the middle of Newport when a place I interviewed at were extremely rude to me when they laughed in my face when I got upset over their attitude towards me!

It was a lesson not to go near that employer again when they did that as when they treated me badly as a visitor it gave me an insight into the poor way they treat the staff they pay!

Good riddance to them!

secrets22 profile image

Yes i think covid lock down changed us and when it was over things never got back to what it once was , people changed, we changed, we have become more isolated, so much so i now think it's normal?

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to secrets22

Yesterday I went up to an interview in Newport and arrived early and sat down and had a cup of tea there and then I got told off by an aggressive security guard who said to me in a rude manner that he wanted to ask me some questions and I went and asked what was the reason for them and I got told off all for just being sat on a chair minding my own business and I got extremely angry and caused a scene in front of everyone as I felt it wasn't fair getting victimised when I had done nothing to merit it and the paid staff there came out and asked me what was wrong so I told them and they said that was a bit silly as well and unnecessary having a go at someone when they had done nothing wrong!

I ended up refusing to do the interview with them and told them to f off as I couldn't stand their attitudes and walked off the site with my head held high and went into town as planned and had a picnic up there!

I was sat down in town trying to calm myself down and the phone went and it was their hr contact wanting to know what had gone wrong and she put me down and I shouted at her and swore at her and she laughed down the phone and I went red with rage as that's just rude and disrespectful and I burst out crying in the middle of Newport in pent up fury over how I was treated and strangers were very kind to me saying how that says more about them than me that kind of behaviour!

Today it's the job centre nice and early and a phone interview with legal and general who used to work in Brunel house when I did who look like a nice place to work for!

secrets22 profile image
secrets22 in reply to Turnipgirl

Oh my, you do get some bad situations, bloody people urghh.

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to secrets22

This morning at the job centre they were friendly as they always are!

There was no call for that carry on yesterday!

There's been times I have wanted to stay behind closed doors and cry in despair myself but decided I wasn't giving them what they wanted and would live my life as I see fit and not changing for someone else's rudeness!

There's a lady in one of the other flats who isn't very old and has given up completely all because of other people's rudeness!

I will do what I see fit and not let them affect me and I do feel things happen for a reason myself and when I arrived early at that place when they had a go at me for sitting on a chair it was a favour as by accident when they did that they stopped me from making a big mistake as it was an insight into the poor way they treat their people!

I often wonder why do I get picked on when I have done nothing to deserve it?

momander profile image

Hi George,I know what you mean.

Life will never be the same.

It is now completely different as we all have to live with this virus around us. I think.alot of people have become a bit complacent now and are not taking the same precautions as before. Social distancing seems to be forgotten now!? I still distance myself if I am out, especially if someone stands too close to me. It's 3 years since I've been on holiday, and I have no intention of going anywhere near an airport, sitting on a plane, or staying in a holiday resort!! We are all different though. Its something we just all have to live with as best we can.

Gillyflower18 profile image

Nothing much changed for me. I worked all the way through it (exempt occupation). I’ve always been an introvert so I was okay spending time with myself when not working. Spent a bit more time texting but not a lot. Missed church a bit but caught it on tv. Much the same now except I go out with friends for lunch again etc. I do notice a lot more careless behaviors on the road and a lack of compassion for others and an unwillingness to get involved.

JaaKK profile image

Good morning,

I am sorry that you are feeling this way right now. Know that there are many, many people still out here in the world that are feeling the same way that you are feeling today as well. You are not alone. However, you can do something about it! I understand the burnout feeling too, I have been there. Want to get back to life? Yes, it is different out in the world, but this is a chance that you can help make positive improvements in your part of the world.

1). First of all, "Heavy Burdens are Not Put Upon Weak Shoulders!" - Burn Out is a Pretty heavy load! So, you are a pretty strong person!

2). "NOT one-person is ever meant to carry their burden alone!" - Here is what I started out doing when I wanted to get out of that burned-out feeling of life. I got myself a notebook and started writing. Writing whatever came to my mind. Expressing all my thoughts down on paper released a lot of stress and pressure.

3). "Find something to soothe your Soul!" - I like to listen to Praise and Worship music and Old Time Classical Hymns." That lifts up my Spirit! Once my spirit is full, then I feel like I can move onto something more.

4). "Make time to eat healthy!" Get rid of all that junk food and those sugary/ alcohol and unhealthy beverages...Clean up your diet.

5) " It's Time to Exercise!" - Get out and take a walk, even if it's just down to the end of the block or outside to the back yard. Get yourself a hobby! Maybe you like playing golf, or like biking, maybe you enjoy getting out and people watching from a park bench, tennis, or join a health club. Maybe you enjoy learning- you could take a night class of something that interests you... Maybe you like to volunteer...?

6). "Adequate Sleep!" Make sure to get 8 hours of sleep every night. And a nap if you need it. (I have no problem taking a nap in the afternoons, lol!)

7). " Make time to "Nourish Your Soul!" - As you have taken time to care for your physical wellbeing, now it's time to take care of your inner most being, Your Soul. Do you want peace of mind and know that you are loved? There is always faith, hope, love and joy! - I found that to nourish my/ our souls, we need to come to know Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior.

If you truly want to find that loving peace, purpose in life, have that burden lifted. Then here is how you can do it.

Dear Jesus,

I know that I am a sinner, please forgive me of all my sins. Jesus, I need you. I believe that you are God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. And that You died for my sins and that You rose again. Please come into my heart and be my heavenly Father, I trust in You and You alone. Praise you and thank you Lord Jesus!


If you prayed this prayer and truly believe what you prayed, tell someone who you know and if you don't know of anyone who can encourage and support you here is wonderful place to help and encourage you focusonthefamily give them a call and they will give you wonderful encouragement! 18553825433.

God bless you!

Lost_Everything profile image

I lost everything, nothing has come back for me.

JaaKK profile image
JaaKK in reply to Lost_Everything

Good afternoon,

I am sorry that you have lost everything!

Then, now is the time to reevaluate your life and see what kind of changes you can make to make a better life for yourself. " When you have lost it all and all is gone, look up to the One who can help and grab His hand."

God bless you!

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