I knew it was wet over here, Dubai a bit damp over there, but?????
Just had an electricity bill, £58 + v... - Anxiety and Depre...
Just had an electricity bill, £58 + via using heater, just shows how bad weather is in Northern Ireland, for April?

How long is that bill for ? It’s really cold here in Wales but at least it’s stopped raining👍
Its usually £80 but due to 'climate change' conditions, I have to keep the house warm or damp gets into walls and foundations, that infamous black mould starts creeping in from the corner of the rooms, ☔as usual 🙄
Normal £80 this time £138😵🥶😬
Wow that’s a jump, but you have to watch the damp, we had the same problem , our guttering got blocked and the water ran into the walls, we bought a dehumidifier to dry the walls out, which is really good , it fills with water almost every day . Is that for a month or a quarter ?
That's for a month, it came down from £95 to £80, then they decided to read my meter🙄, have not put my dehumidifier on for a while [thanks Arymretep 👌], been 'living' downstairs or in my mancave most of the time, got my wee heater on hopefully dehumidifier not too expensive🤞
I use non-electric dehumidifiers, they collect the moisture and seal it into a loose gel. I get them in Hardware stores. They take refill blocks which aren't too expensive.
Is your place solid walls or cavity wall? Solid walls are worse for condensation I find.
Cheers, Midori
Definitely cavity wall, built early eighties, right in middle housing estate, nice and quiet usually, except for weekends, younger so and so's like to bring out their noisy bikes, I went through a phase of putting up large thick pull curtains, great for keeping in heat. Must look that up "non-electric dehumidifiers, they collect the moisture and seal it into a loose gel." interesting🤔?
I know what you mean, tbh I was a bit shocked with my gas and electric it’s super high and I’m in debit already, I thought it was meant to be going down! Your not wrong the weather not too good thought it would be getter better. How you been health wise?
The weather dreadful where I am just so windy all the time and then very cold in the evening , need heating on. The rain non stop too!
Had a bad clonic tonic seizure a couple of weeks ago , was very upset as been doing so well, but being having these really explosive headaches , spoke to epilepsy nurse, was supportive , thinks they could have been a build up to a tonic clonic (generalised ) or may have had a slight bleed? Going to arrange for a ct scan, feel ok just exhausted tbh.
Lovely to hear from you, stay warm, heated blankets take up less electric I keep mine on low when I’ve not been well.
Got to keep winter woollies on for another month🥶 and the curtains drawn, the grass outside a bit wild😵 the electric meant to be coming down [seasonal😎🙄]
Went to epilepsy action meeting, oldest there by about 25 years, scared the 💩out of them with my various stories, would like to apologise to them next time with that, that was the first such meeting since pre-pandemic!
Have bad feeling of onset of PD coming on, as usual very long waiting time to get to see GP just to ask? Infernal shaking of left hand very annoying, and perpetual fatigue, but that could be because of ????
Keep warm and dry car67🖐
I`m about 25 a week just now 40 in winter just gone my online account isn`t right electric is ok but gas part keeps saying 00.00 in my account although I do. cold here as well in Bonnie Scotland I think the meds for hypertension are making me colder.
I have been on oil and electric since 2003, neighbours keep going on about alternatives, like gas because better cooking, electric cooking ok but being a qualified cook and retired, thought I could branch out a bit, meanwhile, gas or oil, price comparisons 🤞 Usually Donegal wettest part of the Irish isle but been a bit "damp" over the whole of the fair green [cold] Isle since🤔🤔🤔 Anybody want a functional but "expensive electrically" heater? Must be a way of recycling of old electrical stuff, if they can't be upgraded, nowadays straight into the bin, not a happy way of doing things?😱🥴🙄
we had a coal fire and my dad chopped logs as well great heat but only in the living room rest of the house was baltic.
Those were the days lived in a big house centre of town, listed 2 so could not have double glazing, ice on inside of windows, no duvets, about four blankets, I remember 62-63 winter, snowman in back yard from Nov 62 to April 63, Mum bringing in washing from line, like cold metal sheets🥶🥶
That looks cosy M , does it give out good heat, we’ve got a fake one which isn’t much good so usually have to have the heaters on , since P Ill he feels the cold more and I’ve always been a freezer, we’ve got to have heat whatever it costs 👍
Slightly panicked when saw electric bill, three figures instead of two, but have been cutting back anyway, as Sister said less journeys down to town this month🙄 maybe spring cleaning/clearing is in order, weather report looks good😱 unheard of around here could there be😎🌞 had completely forgotten about dehumidifier🙃 its going well now! Getting old, having to drag myself into 21st century, values completely different, back to a warm bed! 👌
Sleep tight xx
Its grim really, all we hear is that inflation is coming down, food, council tax, television licence, travel, broadband, fuel, water, I dunno about anyone else but things are worse than ever, we're getting smaller food items, " shrinkflation " and the standing charges are crippling people, oh and getting less services in our councils, poverty is rife, and now having to pay the debts of those who can't afford to pay their utility bills, you'll have an extra £28 a year towards these debts, people are skint, the country is on its knees whilst BILLIONS was wasted on dodgy ppe equipment, this is facts something that this government doesn't realise, oh and don't forget the massive hikes on mortgages, times are truly awful 😬
Somebody somewhere is making a lot of money and it is NOT the general public! The price of chocolate biscuits is going down, the packet is smaller🙄 that sort of thing! Why do we even pay for tv licence, I'm on Freeview, so no fancy networks which of course would be MORE money, out of our bare pockets😵 no offense to our friends across the water, but most of the "programs" are USA orientated anyway, mentioning people which have NEVER even graced this side of the Atlantic, and repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated etc🥱🥱
Profits before people, I think society has become dreadful, there's a saying you reap what you sew, and the public have been used as a cash cow, politicians are meant to have the publics interests at heart, in the beginning they were "picked " from our society and they didn't even have to collect money for doing this "job" they were respected individuals who already had money, just look how the current government behave, its rubbed onto society, unfortunately we are difficult times, and to be honest I can't see things improving , the national debt is TRILLIONS of pounds in debt, £3,5 TRILLION, this government has used the taxpayers money to satisfy their greed for money, I know politics can be a touchy subject, and shouldn't be debated on here perhaps, but if it's affecting people then surely it's then affecting people's wellbeing 🤐