so ive been taking buspirone for about 3 weeks now, i started at 5 for the first week, 10 for the second week and now 15 milligrams for the third and going on fourth week. all was good and i was feeling pretty decent until i accidentally missed my morning 7.5 dose. i slept through it and wokeup and took it about 11:30 AM instead. i felt kinda dizzy and drowsy but nothing too bad, until i took my night time dose. i felt strange ALL night. fast forward to morning, i wokeup to my alarm, took my 7.5 dose and went back to sleep. i wokeup again around 2 PM( i didnt fall asleep initially til 5 am), and i felt REALLY dissociated almost like an intense DPDR feeling. i felt a little confused, and disoriented for HOURS. as the day went on the intensity of these feelings lessened and lessened. but i'd like to know if you guys think this is from taking my ususal 8:30 am dose at 11:30 AM?
i kind of think it probably is the cause because buspirone has an extremely short half life. let me know what you guys think