Feeling scared I feel like I've lost my mind.
Anxiety : Feeling scared I feel like I... - Anxiety and Depre...

These are normal symptoms of anxiety. They're bad, and I'm sorry you're experiencing them. I know what it's like. But they will not harm you, and you can get through them.
Dearest Bluebird91.... know that those who have lost their mind don't
realize it. This sounds like Anxiety playing with your mind. Making you
believe the thoughts you are having.
Please check your breathing.. when we are scared, we don't inhale and
exhale properly causing this scared feeling to arise.
Try going on YouTube and listening to a Breathing for Panic video..
Pick a short film maybe 5 min or so..Find a quiet spot put headphones
on if possible and tune into what they are saying. Play it over at least
twice. Hopefully, your body will calm down enough for you to go into a
proper breathing pattern. I think this might help you dear. xx
Thank you I'll give it a try.
Let me know Bluebird if it helps.
There are many more tools in my basket lol xx
You can tell me I'm okay with it.
I'll try...Anxiety comes about when we feel as if we have lost control of our
lives. Situations around us can make us feel uncomfortable. That's when a
thought(s) come into play. Once we believe those thoughts, we become trapped.
I have used everything to get myself where I am today. *In control of my life again.
OH it's not because my life is perfect, far from it. But I've learned how to accept
the ups and downs of everyday w/o fear. For myself, I use Meditation and Breathing.
Within my Meditation exercises are Mindfulness, Affirmations, Self Hypnosis,
Relaxation etc. These are all a sort of mind control. Medication and Therapy
are usually the first things that are used. Finding a therapist/psychiatrist who
can guide you is important. Getting down to the root of your fears needs to be
addressed. As long as that fear is there, you will continue to feel scared and
out of control. One step at a time is the answer in getting yourself back again.
The "key" is within you when the time is right and you are ready, you will go
forward and not be afraid to heal. You are okay. You are Safe, just a little lost
right now but with the help of this community, you will reach your goal. xx
Thank you I appreciate it.
Bluebird, everything you might need is on YouTube xx
To be honest agora some of those breathing exercises don't work.
They don't work right away dear. You are too tense right now plus it needs
to be practiced daily (3x a day). Before bed, mid afternoon and upon awakening.
As you repeat this practice the subconscious mind will absorb what it's hearing
and what you are doing.
Be patient, it took a long time for you to develop anxiety and fear and can take
just as long to change your habits. xx
I too was feeling like you say,I had to go to Dr and was put on strong Zyprexa medicine and a duluxotine, I been feeling better,but still have debilitating racing thoughts and bad concentration issues,I been dealing w or trying to deal w these my whole life,it's not fully living I knowvthst, Hope you can find relief,cut out caffeine tobacco etc.....