I have been taking Lorazepam on and off for a while, as-needed. I rarely take more than 0.5mg at a time, and not every day. In response to current stress (as irrational as it may be), I'm thinking of trying 1mg at a time. I know this is still considered a small dose for anxiety, but I want to avoid dependence. Most internet sites are mixed on this and don't mention any amount, but say that it can be habit-forming. What is everyones' experience with this?
Withdrawl from 1.0mg Ativan - Anxiety and Depre...
Withdrawl from 1.0mg Ativan

I'm a little confused so you take 0.5 as needed and now you want to take 1.0mg instead. Has this been approved by a physician?
You will find mixed feelings in the community regarding dependence.
Research has shown it's an addictive medication. I'm going with that as my answer.
Doctors are prescribing it more as a short term drug. Years ago it was given out like candy.
Despite a slow weaning process I had symptoms of withdrawal decreasing my clonopin.
Our individual situations are unique. You and your prescriber need to make the decision as to what is best for you.
Talk to your doctor before increasing any medication. My neurologist had prescribed it for me so I could relax and sleep. I got dependent to it. I had to approach my dr about getting off it. It was hard to get off it and didn't sleep for a period of time. Please be careful.
I've been on 1 mg prn for quite a while. There are days I need it and days I don't. I may have to take it several days in a row then may not need it for a while. I've gone a couple weeks at a time without it. Not everyone becomes dependent on it. I've never had a problem with it. I am presently also taking Buspar which has helped.
definitely talk to your doctor before upping your dose. If you’re not adhering to the prescription instructions that’s technically abuse.
Second thought I have is “why increase?” For me, I increased because I had become too accustomed to the drug and it wasn’t helping me as much. Thats when I knew I needed to quit. (Was at .5 once per day).
You’ll get a lot of feedback on this here. I hate the drug. As I quit I developed palinopsia and getting off of it was very hard for me. However, there are others who just stop and it’s no big deal. It’s crucial to measure your experience yourself, with your clinician.
I say this more as a warning and support. I don’t want people to go through what I went through, though I know many do not. I also recommend an Anxiety therapist. I went through a few therapists until I found someone who specialized in anxiety disorders. It was a whole new world of practices and it really helped me.
I was prescribed Ativan to help me sleep. The dose was .5 mg. I used it on and off to avoid becoming dependent on it. My sleep issues were due to anxiety. I didn't like the hangover it gave me the next morning and sometimes half of the day. As soon as I learned to manage my anxiety in other ways I stopped taking it.
I had Ativan years ago. I guess I took it as needed, I didn’t want to depend on it. Once for anxiety reasons, I was prescribed it, later on. I didn’t need it after all, but just having it on hand was helpful incase.
It has little efficacy, many problems with dependency and withdrawal psychosis that can last for more than 2 years, it only helps reduce symptoms for about 6 weeks then tolerance occurs and the restless is back.
I would NOT do that without consulting your doctor. While it is still a "low" dose, it is far too easy to get addicted. And trust me, the withdrawal is horrible!!! That being said, if your doctor okays this occasionally and short term, I would try cutting a tab in half and only adding half a tab as needed. That way, take one tab, wait for it to kick in, then if you STILL need more, take the additional half (or even 1/4) tab. I would not jump to doubling your dose, and DEFINITELY not before consulting your doctor. Good luck!
I am currently on day 6 of no lorazepam and I am suffering get off of it ASAP!!!