I am experiencing Ativan tolerance withdrawal. There is nothing I can do other than increase my dose which is not going to help in the long run with my taper. I am having breakthrough anxiety and now withdrawal symptoms from the taper. I just started taking 25mg Pristiq which is a low dose to begin with and will take longer to establish a therapeutic level but I am sensitive to medication. I am so angry that I am going through this at all as prescription for Ativan was to take every 6 hours as needed for anxiety. It's no wonder how I became dependent!!
Ativan tolerance withdrawal - Anxiety and Depre...
Ativan tolerance withdrawal

I tapered off Ativan too quickly and got violently ill. I was told it was the same as getting off heroine. Make sure you are closely supervised as you go down. I was not and should have been in the hospital. I was stupid listening to a boyfriend who said I was fine and didn't need my medication. Jerk... I was fine because my meds were working.
There is no failure in trying to come off meds. Benzos are tough. Weaning slowly is the key.
I've been working on my down titration since June. Withdrawal minimal in comparison to some stories I have read.
Maybe the Pristique needs to get fully into your system before you continue?? What does your Dr say?
I think my doctor would prefer that I wait for Pristiq to be at a therapeutic level before I continue with the taper. I am having withdrawal symptoms on .5mg and have for over a week. The last 2 days I have taken .5mg in the evening to decrease anxiety symptoms so I can sleep. Playing with the dose like this is also causing some nervousness.
I hope the symptoms subside soon. It does seem like the best thing to wait for the Pristique to be working before making other adjustments.
I've found that two weeks has been the average for my withdrawal symptoms. We are all so different though and our history with the Med is a huge part of how we are may feel.
Are you doing this with the guidance of you Dr?
Yes with guidance from my psychiatrist. I'm struggling with tolerance or interdose withdrawal however and it sucks big time.
Yes coming of these meds can be very difficult. I hope things settle for you soon
My psychiatrist wants to switch me from lorazepam to clonazepam as the half life is longer. Not sure if this is worth the trouble.
This switch helped me
I did some reading on that sight you mentioned and think I am experiencing interdose withdrawal or tolerance withdrawal. In either case its a real struggle with all kinds of mental and physical symptoms. One moment at a time.
I'm really struggling with withdrawal symptoms at .5mg for the past two weeks though. What can I do?