What meds are you all taking for anxiety and does it work?
What meds are people taking for anxiety? - Anxiety and Depre...
What meds are people taking for anxiety?
Hi Doglover51, it's not so much about what drugs work and don't as it is about
finding the right one for you. We each react differently, it has always been a trial
and error process. I always have believed it is better to start on a medication that
your doctor feels is a good fit for you. When we start asking around, we can get a
false sense of what works.
Medication is just the tip of the iceberg because unless the root of the problem
is addressed, the struggle goes on. Keep an open mind when being put on a
drug recommended by your doctor who knows your health history. Stay Positive xx
Doglover, psychiatrist just started me on a couple of weeks ago Vraylar and Lexapro, increased buproprion. and gabarpenton The medication has kind of improved me and I feel a little bit better he said therapy along with the medication should help me feel better I hope your anxiety gets better too. It has it has helped me take away some of my dark thoughts but I still have them a little but it's gotten better
Hi I’m taking Venlafaxin but it’s for depression and anxiety. I’ve found it very effective over the years. I was switched to this after my other drug became ineffective. Venlafaxin seems to be helpful during menopause too! ❤️😘xx
The best thing I ever took for anxiety was paxil - but it was really rough to get off of.
The only med that directly affected my anxiety was Klonopin which is a benzo and can be difficult to get prescribed.
I just bought some passionflower capsules and I use herb ashwaganda.A few times a month when it gets really bad I'll take a fourth of a Xanax or few times a week half of a clonidine blood pressure pill. Trying not to get dependant on them.
What works best for me is Ativan . My P.C. Dr. says it's addictive, and I do agree with her; but, I need it & stay on a Very low dose. It's a controlled sub. & the pharmacy won't deliver it so I have to take taxi's to & from (don't drive) the pharmacy! I have been on Ativan for years! Also, I take Effexor for OCD & Anxiety --it's an anti-dep., but works for Anxiety Disorders, too. However, the Effexor has side-effects which are Very bothersome (that's putting it mildly), and my Therapist wants me to try another type of medicine. I am SO fearful of going off the Effexor, & trying another med. since I am now alone since my Sig. Other passed away last Nov. Don't know what to do. As some others have stated in these posts, every body is different, and have to find the med. that is right for you. Meds. are definitely not the only ans., but a good therapist, a good set of "tools," like diag. breathing, meditation, support groups, friends, books, prayer, etc. is part of the healing. It's Hard especially when you can "Hit" with Grief, or illness, or other losses in life. But, we are all trying to carry on. This site it very helpful, too!
Wellbutrin has been my biggest help with anxiety. I've also supplemented with hydroxyzine and currently supplement with propranolol. I have a low dose of Ativan as well if it reaches panic attack status.