Beauty within and without.
Beautiful.: Beauty within and without. - Anxiety and Depre...
I think a wise person is the most wonderful of all, and well worth following.
wonderful 👍
El natural
Aww, youth. This is a great quote as I miss my youth and looks terribly. I wish I could do it all over again and make a few different choices along the way. I am an el naturale woman (57 yo) and refuse to dye my hair, get injections or procedures to better my appearance. Unfortunately, it's so very difficult to simply accept me as-is. ☹️
I wish I could take this message to heart at this point in my life. Yes, I'm a senior citizen (10% discount- yay!), silver sneaker, not-so-golden years adult male. I don't know when I started to notice this, but it seems every time I read something in relation to health and wellness, the article inevitably tells the audience what goes wrong with our bodies (and our minds) at the age of retirement and beyond. Yeah, what's up with that grand designer? Aren't we supposed to reap the benefits of having worked most of our lives? Isn't that what we're taught from the time we get our first job? No one mentioned the increasing pains and arthritis. All of sudden we find that our favorite subject to talk about is our joints/ailments. If I had a dollar for every time I've gone in for x-rays, and was told I had degenerative this or that, I wouldn't have to worry about having a comfortable retirement in a country gone to ruins. Let's not forget, that we'll start to forget our own names. Seriously though, it wasn't the best day. 😎 I'll get over it. I've lost much more than my own mental and physical health.
We can change ourselves we have the power within to reverse aging. its up to us how we age as we think so are we.