Joe here, had a terrible day yesterday,for the most part! Anything could go wrong, did! But, I came out of it unscathed & it behind me. Now, It’s a Beautiful Morning! Why? For me, beautiful, I’m alive & healthy. Narrow it down to just one thing, hm, I got mine, OUR FORUM. We are all Beautiful! I’m a beautiful JOKER! What’s your Beautiful quality? Let’s start wwiitthh, YOU!!
It’s a Beautiful Morning : Joe here... - Anxiety and Depre...
It’s a Beautiful Morning
Come on People. You making me a Chump! I wanna hear about beauty! We all Beautiful ! Another for me is ‘Charmer’ ! I can charmer the pa ******** No that not appropriate. Just believe me, I good. SWS I know you beautiful; guess why I’m thinking.
Nobody wants to play! Ol’ Joe be in the Clubhouse all alone feeling sad, eh knock before ya come in , ok? Never know….
You got it together! Love it ! You Cool !
Hey JoeI have a hard time with mornings because my anxiety is high. However, I do love when the birds are chirping in the morning. The thing I like about me is I like learning.
Like it, Blue, like it! See you’ve been here 5 years, that’s dedication!
Waiting for ya, SweetCherryWine, where you be?? I wait a bit. @&#$+oh SWS , oh Iminatra, come on home. I’m feeling funny, kinda ‘spaced out’ like I’m in some sort of trance like that. Later Gator!

After a while, Crocodile….
You One Smooth Operator
Operator, can you help me made this call?

Use voice command.
For Real, I just saw it happening on my pad yesterday. Talking to the RN and my pad haywire. I was baffled! Thanks for???? Not any thing worth a snort, ButtonNose. Gotta Eat! Buzz off HoneyBee

Hey BananaClip, help me out! Gotta take 5 ta stay alive. You dig?
BeanBag I’m Jumping Ship ! Saw a Mermaid! Gotta check it

LipGloss, thanks for spelling me, nooo, I know ya actually spell me, yea , ME, good job Einstein! Where was I, yea, git outta Clubhouse, you a pain in the rain, yea, it won’t hurt , you, waterproof! See,that’s intelligent, you stu******gotta go, raining!
MotionInTheOcean- not a clue to your riddle-meet ya way out back, in the little trailer, down by old mill stream- 10 min- get a move on- go- you driving me bananas! Yea, yea,yea - Sorry Folks, I Gotta Go******
It was rainy today, I like rain sometimes it’s beautiful I suppose 💁🏼♀️🌧🌧
Me too S-M, me too! I like the rain.It’s essential too. Welcome to our forum. Feel Free