I've been reading about the small cell carcinoma lung cancer that I was diagnosed with and in spite of the positive things people have said about it, that it's treatable, I'm having a very difficult time dealing with this. And on top of that I spent 10 hours in the ER yesterday because of severe constipation, something I never experienced before. The problem was finally taken care of and the ER called a Lyft driver to take me home at 2am because there's no one here that cares if I was in the ER or if I even get home or not. And now today I feel like the constipation is coming back. It's just one more thing for me to be afraid of. I did get prescriptions from the ER but I need to pick them up and I need a ride for that as well. There are just so many more things as well as what I've mentioned that it's overwhelming. I don't know what to do. I need rides for everything. It's so difficult when no one even cares about you. I mean offline, not here. I'm very distraught. And Because of the ride problem my first cancer appointment had to be moved from this past Tuesday to next Tuesday. A week away and I'm scared to death that the cancer is getting worse. I need treatment right away. Mow I feel like I have a small pain in the right side of my chest.
Not doing good at all: I've been... - Anxiety and Depre...
Not doing good at all

i am so sorry that your dealing with this 😔
Thanks. It's good to be here with people who care but I wish there was someone offline. I've never felt so alone before
your welcome i understand its tough and its hard . do you have any friends or family that live close to you ?
No. That's the problem.. My friends have all moved away or passed away. I only have a niece and her husband who don't really care but help a little when they feel like it.
blueslite, just a little tip...the Cancer Society has volunteers that can take
patients to and from their appointments. I don't have a number but I'm sure
the Cancer Society could direct you. Hope this helps.. xx
Agora your a lifesaver ❤️❤️
Thanks Agora. I'll look for their number.
Hi again blueslite I found the number for setting up a ride free
no tips allowed...Cancer Society volunteers
1 800 227 2345
Thank you Agora!! You are, as always, an angel. ❤️ This is an immense help for me and I'm sure the rides are in a more timely manner than the senior service here in order to fit my appointments. Thank you!!
I checked into it - they have nothing in this area. I haven't been on here in so long because I have computer problems now.
blueslite, I am so sorry that you weren't able to find a volunteer to drive you to your
appointments. Have you been able to get to your cancer appointment as of yet? xx
Thanks Agora! They haven't even started treating me yet for the cancer. It's a terrible place. I have so many other problems and all they do is MRIs, PET scans, biopsy, mammograms and on and on. Something wrong with my kidney but the doctor said "It could be benign" so they don't want to bother with it right now. COULD BE???? What about if it isn't? Shouldn't I be eating and not eating certain foods? I've read about kidney disease. There are protocols to follow - it is curable if taken care of properly. They're doing the same thing they did in the hospital - focusing on one thing while refusing to check on something else. Except in the hospital I forced them to talk about the cancer by solving my edema and high BP myself. Then they had nothing to talk about when I asked them what their tests showed - they finally had to tell me it was cancer. After almost 2 weeks of asking them and all they wanted to do was talk about the edema and high BP. I told them I could fix both and they finally let me go exercise and I changed my diet myself.
Anyway, there seems to be no help for me. My niece and her husband hardly return my calls. I usually don't call them more than a few times a month if I really need something. Doesn't matter anyway - they hardly ever call back, they never answer, I always get their voicemail.
That's heartbreaking blueslite that family doesn't call to see how they may
help you. There are times that your doctor can write an order for home visits
when possible. Please continue using this forum at least for support so you
don't feel so all alone. It sounds like you are being a good Advocate for yourself.
Don't give up xx
Thanks Agora! I have 4 family members and 3 of them are morons. The other is my sister and she's 85 and lives about 1,000 miles from me. The morons are the ones that live close.
I don't really need home visits, I'd like to get out more than I do but I'm afraid to drive too far from my house. I was talking to one of the senior center drivers earlier today and he gave me a suggestion about going to the center of town - my town isn't very big and the center isn't too from my street by car - and sitting, enjoy the nicer weather, There are benches there and people walking, shopping, although there aren't many stores now but there's life and a chance for socializing once the same people see you around a few days a week. There's also the senior center. I could take my Origami stuff there and sit and make stuff. I do modular Origami. The driver said he thinks that will get people talking to me. I think I told you I'm very shy and seldom start conversations with anyone. But if someone starts talking to me....well, they might find themselves trying to figure out how to shut me up. LOL There are activities there too and I might be able to donate some of the old books I have because they have a reading room full of books. And the driver told me they have a table where people can put free stuff for others to take. That's new since I was last there.
And coming to HU - I always like it here but I'm not a typist, it takes me so long to type anything. But I lurk a lot. LOL So many good people here to get advice from or just to read their interesting posts. HU, to me, is a place filled with emotion - sadness, happiness, aggravation, love, sympathy, the desire to care for each other and so much more. The list is long and filled with humanity.
Thanks again Agora! I can always count on you for support. ❤️