Hola. I am taking duloxetine, methylphenidate, pregabalin, alprazolam for generalized anxiety and new attention deficit hyperactivity disorder but want to stop taking duroxetine, pregabalin and alprazolam. How can I do?
Adhd and Generalized anxiety - Anxiety and Depre...
Adhd and Generalized anxiety

You do not stop ANY of those medications without the prescribing doctors supervision. That is IMPORTANT! You appear tho be taking medication for three different medical issues. I may address alprazakan as I have taken for years under the supervision of board certified doctor of neurology and psychiatry with once a month visits. I had a severe collision with as truck 20 years ago resulting in serious injuries. I take alprazolam four times a day but have episodes of anxiety/ panic and I want to take more. But that wouldn't help. Perhaps you should talk to your prescribing doctors as to WHY you are on each medication and see if or how to eliminate . Alprazolam is for anxiety and very addictive . One must very gradually be reduced in dosage to stop taking it under medical supervision. Do not stop it suddenly as the removal can cause seizures and breathing stopped. It can cause death. Please work with your doctors if you want to stop it. I had seizures when there was just smaller amount of alphazolam in my system than there should have been. I wish you the best as you work with your doctors.
And I have corrected several misspellings in my reply but this site doesn’t seem to change them. I just corrected the misspellings again and hopefully this time they are recorded.