Have you ever done it? Are you doing it? How do you do it, do you just write without a specific subject, or prompts, or do you organize it?
How was it to start? resistences, what started to happen in your life? Has something improved?
Have you ever done it? Are you doing it? How do you do it, do you just write without a specific subject, or prompts, or do you organize it?
How was it to start? resistences, what started to happen in your life? Has something improved?
I personally didn't care to journal but did write my emotions in poetry style
in a positive manner. Whatever way we chose to address the path we are on
is the right one for you if it works. I wish you well. xx
I did it for about a year and a half.
From the time that I lost my previous group to the pandemic until I finally found this place.
I basically used it as an outlet, which I needed to survive during that time frame.
But.. I really missed being in a support group, because sometimes when I help others, I realize that I am helping myself in the process.
I guess what I am trying to say is that it's a good tool to just get everything that is on your mind out on paper, but (for me) I just happen to prefer support groups more.
I kept a daily diary for years as a teenager and wrote poetry as an emotional outlet. Haven't written creatively for decades. Still trying to get to a mental place of being able to resuscitate this outlet I love.
I kept a daily journal during the pandemic furlough cuz it was such a crazy time of uncertainty and there was so much free time to fill I thought it would be a weird relic to read back on and see how much it disrupted the world. Once I returned to work, that ended due to a different lifestyle disruption of having to work 8pm-4am for almost a year and 2 more major surgeries.
Then I found HU as a support group and my journaling has morphed into this place. It has been a great source of learning about others and myself. Healing through helping is a real thing. Gratitude and support for each other has started to help me reframe my own problems and bad habits and conditioning. It's a long process that requires daily reinforcement of new strategies. It's just too easy to revert to the bad conditioning when you have a bad day or week. I'm going through this challenge right now. Rampant workplace anxiety and my moms bday is on the horizon, she'd be 84 on the 22nd. She's been gone since 1994 and every April is an historically reclusive month for me. Just trying to be gentle with myself right now.
I'm closer to starting to write creatively again. That will be a day to 🥳 celebrate 🎈
I journal when I'm bad off-helps me figure things out
I’ve kept a diary since my teens, 75 this year so there’s ’ lots of them😳.
Hi Twinklystar, we get our emotions out one way or another.
Whatever works for us...It's important. I enjoy following you on
your journey x Keep writing.
Have a beautiful Easter! xx
Only you can make that choice Twinklystar as difficult as it may be.
It's a big purchase that isn't like buying a pair of shoes. I believe that things
fall into place to help guide us to the right decision. Right now you're
a crossroads of going left or right. You've got that sense of direction within
you. Breathe The choice will become clear. xx
Either way Twinklystar, it seems like you can't lose.
Each home offers you a different perspective but both
are charming. One day at a time until Tuesday. xx