😋 What is your passion? What drives you? What is it that you love talking about that others around you may not understand or even appreciate? That one thing that melts away all your anxieties? ❤️
I’m curious, what is your passion? - Anxiety and Depre...
I’m curious, what is your passion?
The one thing that is my passion are books & reading. I could go on & on for hours discussing different stories of amazing, complex characters. I wish I had a bookworm type friend that I could talk books with. 😩😩 You’re on a role today with these open minded posts. I love it. It’s getting the whole group chatting & it gives me goosebumps! 😊
📚 are good. You would be surprised there are lots of book worms hiding about. Are you a part of a local book club?
You might be right! I am not a part of a book club, perhaps I should join one? Haha. I would totally love that!
I'm actually headed to Barns & Noble tonight. Do you have one near you?
Yes! There's one at the Mall in my city. I love Barnes & Noble! I go often to get a starbucks & I can be in there for hours lol.
That's usually how my trip to B&N usually plays out.
I love the smell of fresh books! It's heaven!
Do you close your eyes and cover your face with a book just to enjoy the aroma? Too cool! 😂 I do.
Haha! I'm sure that I have. I love the smell of the bookstore too tho. It's just a peaceful place. I need to go to Barnes & Noble soon myself to pick up some new releases. I'd rather do that instead of ordering them online or e-books. It's just not as fun!
I'm a absorb lots of audiobooks, but yes there is something special and organic about holding a fresh book.
Taking photos of animals. ❤️❤️❤️
Interesting! Share with us?

My favorite is birds in flight. It is hard to capture them flying and it to come out sharp, but when you do it is a great feeling. I could sit forever just snapping pictures with my camera. It is so peaceful, just you and nature.
What is yours Superstar?
Traveling and exploring cultures. The never ending pursuit if purpose and joy.

Purpose.... my favorite thing to contemplate and feel lost in. Where are your favorite places to travel?
Do you have lots if pictures? Favorite places are California, Dubai, Italy. Asia is next on my bucket list.

I do have a lot of pictures. The funniest ones... a blurry wing, tail feathers flying away... lol. I am getting better at it, but in no way a professional. I am really good at ones that sit on a tree. Lol
I have been to California, but none of the others. I have terrible travel anxiety. Hate being locked in a plane, so it kinda makes it a little rough to go far. I did go to Alaska this year. Yea me!!!
So what culture seems to understand their purpose the best... or are we all equally lost? Lol.
But those pictures are your pictures so that makes them special. I don't know which culture is the best, but I find more of myself the more I explore them.

They are and when I get a good photo I am so proud!
Finding yourself is important. Exploration helps make you understand the bigger picture. Good for you!
Birds in flight is amazing. So peaceful.
My passion is writing books. I’ve been reading since I was really young but I don’t read as much. I’m going to a writing conference in October and hoping it reignites my passion. 😁😁
What do you like to write? 📚

I like to write romance. I am writing a memoir which will have to be fiction because I have family members that could sue me. I’ve been plugging away for almost 15 years and got derailed because of life. I have many ideas floating around in my head.
The veil of fiction. Love it. I hope you share with this community so we can check it out.

I will share it. Hopefully it could be insightful for others. I always start with a title and I’m thinking of “Her depressed life.” But that could change. I have notes everywhere. 😁😁
I'm sure it will all come together amazing when it does. I can’t wait.
yeah!!....your a writer!!!...my book currently is a labor of love and not far off from taking the time it takes as with J.R.Tolkens 10 years to write The Hobbit....I'm taking my time as well. I had my wall where I write covered with notes, maps, references, character bios to remind me to focus, since my story spans many century's..but to keep my neat and tidy partner from going nuts with my mess, I took it down... and because I also don't want to be tagged for any argument on historical accuracy when it was all up for debate in the time frame anyway.... mine too is termed fiction....
Can’t wait to read as well. 📚
Oh my gosh, another thing in common!! I’m so excited. I have character worksheets, I also have a notebook of my “city”, I also have a motivational board and tons of notes. Fabulous!
One of my passions is my dogs! They really relax me and I love to pet them and talk to them. My babies!!
🐶🐶🐶 always make the moment brighter

Me too!
I like to work with my hands. Nothing specific. I like accomplishing something at the end of the day.
Share more? Sounds interesting.
Not much else to add. I build stuff or fix things.
You are not going to believe this - aliens .
I am intrigued by all these anomolies on this planet, those things that nobody can explain. Like how did supposedly primitive people, cut and move huge blocks of stone around, then put them into buildings that we would struggle to copy even now. Yet they did not even have the wheel. Not just once, many times, all over this planet. How does this get explained away, usually this evidence is ignored, hidden away or people who ask serious questions are ridiculed.
So for me - either aliens helped us, or humanity is much, much older and far more advanced than we have been lead to believe.
( in my house they know not to ask questions like that because i could rabbit on for hours. )
Great question by the way, do we get your answer?
Oh lol. I love it. It’s a thinker. And what about the nephilim? Fascinating

Yes apparently the giants of old, possibly the ones mentioned in the bible. People love to ridicule those of us who are not prepared to just accept what we are told. Funny though when you point out that it is said in the bible
a look of disbelief often appears. Again with the giant skeletons that have been recovered from various parts of the world, the evidence seems to disappear. 7,000 skeletons , many of these having the elongated skull, all but a handful disappeared and the few survivors are hidden away in a museum, out of sjght .
No proper research has been done on these, it is as if they are an embarrassment.
SORRY - here i go again 🧚🏽♂️🧚🏽♂️🧚🏽♂️
( away with the fairies , as my family and friends say )
It is a fascinating world for sure. 👽
Please share with all of us?
My passion is definitely writing. I wish I could spend my days writing books and make a living off of it. The idea sounds charming and romantic.
Give it a go! 📚
Superstar, my passion is Medicine, not the kind you take but the kind you practice.
I enjoy interacting with doctors and attending forums that keep me learning and in the loop.
That sounds fascinating. Medicine is important to the world. I imagine you discover some cool topics about disease and cure. Any particular concentration in your study?

It's always been around emergency medicine but more lately has been about a better understanding in health issues I have and how better to help others with the same.
I'm not a rocket scientist by any means, just curious in learning all I can.
Thanks for posting an interesting question Superstar. Helps us better know what's behind the great people on this forum. It's not always about anxiety/depression. There is more to us.
I am passionate about God and the Lord Jesus Christ. Because I lean on Him and know He can do All Things with Christ who Strengthens me, it helps me in trusting him and not anxious about things that may happen to me. I read a lot of books too, but mainly Christian books that help me understand myself and my struggles.
I love talking about my future. Wondering who I will get married to, what my wedding will look like, activities I will do with my kids. I know it's weird but it makes me happy.
I love talking about my future. Wondering who I will get married to, what my wedding will look like, activities I will do with my kids. It's weird but it makes me happy.
Not sure yet honestly im kind of a scatterbrain.. I love painting and cooking and recently started gardening. The beach is where i feel all anxiety melt away...This post made me take a min..Thanks for that