Trying to see the light at the end of... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel

dogandcatlover27 profile image

hello everyone.!Just joined this group I’m from London.I am currently suffering with depression and anxiety which I’ve had for most of my life.I’ve had good periods but it always comes back…..It’s very bad waiting for therapy but not until April24 it’s a 2 year waiting list in London.Have no appetite and really getting very thin and weak.Trying my best to the light at the end of the tunnel.

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dogandcatlover27 profile image
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24 Replies

Hi and welcome to this community! Good for you for trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel!👍

Hello. Also glad that you see the light! Have you by chance tried meal replacement shakes (Boost, Ensure, etc. )? Perhaps getting some of your caloric intake in by drinking it would be easier on days you feel you're not able to eat.

dogandcatlover27 profile image
dogandcatlover27 in reply to

Thank you that’s a good idea.x

gerrerd profile image

Welcome at least your trying first step to better health, think it could be on the way. Went to London in November its not very friendly down there no ones smiles at you, or chats to you ! come up north we are more friendly! But you are on the right track mostly friendly on here, Ray.

dogandcatlover27 profile image
dogandcatlover27 in reply to gerrerd

yes I do agree London can be an unfriendly place.I live in East London.I must admit northerners are a much more friendly and I love the accent.x

gerrerd profile image
gerrerd in reply to dogandcatlover27


designguy profile image

Hello and welcome to the hood, glad you are here.

dogandcatlover27 profile image
dogandcatlover27 in reply to designguy

Thank you so much.x

dogandcatlover27 profile image
dogandcatlover27 in reply to designguy

thank you

Welcome. That’s outrageous having to wait 2 years to get some therapy!!! You probably need it right now. I’m in the USA. Is it a possibility that maybe there’s some kind of group therapy you could go to? That would be better than absolutely nothing.

dogandcatlover27 profile image
dogandcatlover27 in reply to

I have tried to get group therapy but also none available at the moment.

in reply to dogandcatlover27

All I can say is you’ve found a good place here. I’m having a lot of problems with the mental health agency I’ve been going to myself. The care just isn’t there and it’s so depressing for me to even go there and sit in the lobby for appointments. I’m lucky that my 80 year old mother is really great with me, and I worry about what will happen to me when she’s gone.

Mohammad-341 profile image

I agree group therapy can be very good thing after joining this group. I feel very bad for 2 yrs waiting. If u can afford try online therepy from some Asian psychologist who would be much cheaper than UK

Toddzen profile image

There is a shortage of Therapists and millions of people are suffering from Mental Illness. There are free Zoom Groups online in US. Anyone can join. NAMI is good. Live Well is another.

Welcome to the forum. I would certainly agree that two years is way too long to wait for psychotherapy. You have gotten some good suggestions from other posts, including teletherapy and trying some liquid meal supplements to get the nutrition in need without actually having to eat anything. Teletherapy may be more expensive in England than using the national health system, but it is certainly worth it to avoid waiting two years.

I would also suggest finding support groups like this one and others online.

Finally I would recommend reading Feeling Great by David Burns. It is a book that will teach you how to do cognitive behavioral therapy for yourself teach you the skills you need to feel better.

Rachmaninov2 profile image

Sorry you are suffering dogandcatlover. I saw my GP last week about my depression and I have a telephone assessment tomorrow with the IAPT service. I don’t know yet how long the waiting list is for therapy to begin.

Did your GP refer you, if not it might be worth trying. I live in Outer London.

dogandcatlover27 profile image
dogandcatlover27 in reply to Rachmaninov2

I think I had to ring the mental health service and make my own appointment.Feeling so bad today my brain isn’t functioning properly.Just want to go to sleep and not wake up.

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to dogandcatlover27

I have just finished my telephone assessment and have been referred for CBT. I have been advised that the waiting list is approximately twelve weeks which is shorter than I was expecting.

gillyflowerz profile image
gillyflowerz in reply to Rachmaninov2

I’m in the UK. I had to refer myself for CBT via the IAPT route. I think the waiting time to start was about the same as yours. First of all it was an online group session of 2hrs weekly for about 6 weeks. This was during the COVID crisis and so that may be why it was online. I found it interesting and useful but it didn’t “do it” for me. I have been depressed on and off all my life and negative habits are hard to change. At the end of the group session I had another telephone assessment where it was agreed I would benefit from 1:1 therapy. The wait for that was much longer - about a year - but it was worth it. I had 12 hourly 1:1 telephone sessions over 12 weeks - all with the same therapist - and not only did I feel the therapist was very caring but she was incredibly knowledgeable in her subject and was able to put it across clearly. It hasn’t made me suddenly cease to be depressed but it has given me the tools to help myself and I feel more positive about the future. I thought you might find it helpful to hear about my experience.

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to gillyflowerz

Thank you for your response gillyflowerz. Yes, hearing about your experience has been very helpful. I don’t think group therapy would be for me and would be very happy if offered 12 1:1 sessions. It’s good to know that you have benefited from CBT. Wishing you all the best.🙂

dogandcatlover27 profile image
dogandcatlover27 in reply to gillyflowerz

thank you.I also suffer from BPD and have always found life difficult.Really finding life so hard.I would like to just go to sleep and not wake up.But Ifeel so guilty letting everyone down

Rachmaninov2 profile image

Please ring your GP tomorrow if possible and tell him exactly how you are feeling, he may be able to get you a quicker appointment. Meanwhile as others have suggested try to have something light for your energy levels.

I understand what you say about wanting to sleep, I am in a lot of physical pain and sleeping does offer some respite.

The people on this forum are really supportive and someone will always respond if you make a post.

Please let us know how you get on. 💐

Midori profile image

Meantime, we can support you here, Welcome!

Cheers, Midori

mydogs profile image

welcome to this friendly site I am going through the very same and spend most of the day crying my appetite is very poor and suffer from insomnia.I have just started cbt therapy and have my third session on Wednesday,I do hope you get your appointment soon through your GP referral,you can message me if you feel like a chat Take Care 💐

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