Interesting article on Bipolar Disord... - Anxiety and Depre...
Interesting article on Bipolar Disorder and how the moods change the eyes

I have seen this with serial killer interviews... when they finally start to admit their crimes, their eyes seem to just go black and cold like a sharks. It's pretty creepy.
Oh I bet, so scary! So interesting. 😧
Yeah, it is very interesting.... I watched a couple of series where these people were being interviewed...and every time... when they gave it up... their face went blank and cold, and their eyes went dark...very amazing to see how the mind of a psychopath can be so chameleon like. Ted Bundy was very popular even up to his death...but when he was cornered... you saw that evil in his face.
woaaah actual evil of a psychopath… I think to myself do they choose to be the way they are? I think they probably have a predisposition but that finally it is in fact a choice to act on the urges. Phew 😅 … but we hear of how they will not be able to stop their actions once they start…
For them they don't feel things the way we do. It takes an inordinate amount of stimulus to have any feeling. Not all psychopaths are killers, of course. But for those few that's a compulsion. And yes...they are born that way, it's proven that portions of their brain are different. Even with a bad childhood, that doesn't make them a psychopath... or many of us here would be. Most of us with abusive childhoods are in recovery and healing from the mental harm.