trying this out, feeling hopeful abou... - Anxiety and Depre...

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trying this out, feeling hopeful about it

5 Replies

Hi everyone, I hope you all had the best day possible. I’m trying this out, not exactly sure what to say— my depression and anxiety have led me to withdraw from most daily social interactions and into a career where I spend most of time doing research. I recently lost my father in August, which has taken its toll, but I feel that I’m surviving through it. I’ve been feeling very lonely, just hoping to at least connect with a few of you.

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5 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Hi GreenVinyl, I'm happy to Welcome you to a caring support group.

Let me say how sorry I am about the loss of your father. I hope you find

this site to be helpful as you find others who feel the same loneliness and

pain. :) xx

Wildflower13 profile image

Welcome! I am new here too :)

I am so sorry about the loss of your father, I truly mean that. 💙

I wanted to say, I connect with you on the withdrawal part, due to anxiety, I understand what you mean. I have no social interactions outside of work (which I interact as little as possible), other than the occasional family gathering or something along those lines. I haven't even seen my best friend in probably 6 months. I know withdrawing does nothing but fuel my fear, but it is really hard to put myself out there. I feel depression creeping in. I even deactivated my Facebook account because I just didn't want people in my business - which may sound strange..I just didn't/don't want to really interact with anyone. I just want you to know that you are not alone. I have a feeling you will find solace here. I've only been on this sight about a week and it has already proven to be very beneficial for me. :)

in reply to Wildflower13

Hi Wildflower13, I feel like we're speaking the same language. I deactivated my Facebook a month or so ago with this idea that I could "drop off the radar" and not be bothered. It sounds rude when I put it in that way, but for lack of better terms... it also feels like depression came rearing its head. It's definitely hard to put yourself out there, even at work where I really, really do want to get to know others around me (and when they run into me in the elevator to say hi, because they at least recognize me). But I find myself dimming the lights and shutting the door. I'm hoping that opening up with you guys here on this site that I can kind of compartmentalize, feel less isolation, maybe help melt away this cold exterior that I've accidently created.

JasmineJaz profile image

Hi GreenVinyl, welcome to the group, and sorry for your loss... You are safe here, anything is welcome 💕 There must be someone that can relate to you, and you can always talk to us.

Welcome to the site!!! Just be warned that this site is still social media and sometimes people say unhelpful and rude things. I hope you get some good support here.

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