work- one of the 6 or 7 languages of ... - Anxiety and Depre...

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work- one of the 6 or 7 languages of love

4 Replies

Affirmations, gifts and other things are languages of love. Service another esp for people like me that service and hard work was expected before anyhting else.....and of course if u want to impress or prove urslef as a man in male terms (from my region) then u were a hard hard worker good provider and got things done so ur wife didnt have to be one of those widows of carpenters or whatever whose deck never gets some men can move away from romance and closeness in hope that his spouse will be impressed and hope he is her hero and she knows hes working for her and not oneof those bums in life (lke my twin who took a firehose to get out of bed and slept in til noon........not depression i assure u) without jobs or careers or money are not going to get signiicant others inthe main so many (not all) are trained and drive our spouses crazy.....of over working........all the while hoping she will be proud of u........

all relathshionships or human is about communication as most women ex could never rest or stop working so i ......burned out from working til early hours as directof of a college dept (had to be the darned director).......i needed time on the weekend as i have heard some say..........becasue they cant relax with the other is a work ahoilc ish.........

however...husband/spouses can.............being human misread situtations and people.............easy and super easy for me to say ...........but to preven things from building up as it did in my thought.........just sharing and noooooooooo one at fault........

might be wise to sit down with a spouse (i did tell this to my spouse many times) and say..........Greg......i m very very proud of u as a worker adn apprecaite all the things that get done........i never have to ask all the tme...........but..........honey / dead by the weekned........and my need is to..........and dont take this personaly hone.y........please dont take this personally........i just need some recharge time...........before goig back to work or ........i need a girls night or i need.........

im NOT pointing men get our heads so full of the to do list.......and al lthe projects were going to tackle etc so she will be proud of.............we lose...........out antanae.......we may or may not hear............soooooooooooooooooooooo the man u want

and ..........find a way to let us know............what u need**** and want ............and aplogies

for misreading or not hearng or not always being aware or................but every man is dif and every d woman is different...............sooooooooooooo ...................we ...........really appreicate.........when u help us.........not u.............our life partner............we dont

want to be can be and dont................want snowball or accumlate

this is a NO FAULT NO FINGER POINTing message as we all want the same thing

happy ever after and long long long row row row ur boat together relationship gong in the same direction.............i do NOOOT want to hurt............anyones feelings acceidently ..........just

sharing .........lessos from my divorce..............

ignore anyhting that doesnt fit..........

4 Replies
Dani20192022 profile image

Thank you. I need this. Working on my thinking not to be afraid of my spouse but what this world is throwing at us.

in reply to Dani20192022

beleive nooo expert ......and i should have communicated or done things better in my ex marraige.........i get not wanting to open cans of worms or rocking the boat or ......get ........spousal ........ahhhhhhhhhhhnot being thrilled about discussions and etc.........

and i needed my days to rest and recharge.........

forgive me for not having the right words......

prob wth relathisohips is were are joinign appled and oranges........different people diff ................well know

we husbands can lose ...........our antannae........and be accidentally or whatevr insenstive........apolgies and best wishes

mean nooooooooooo insult........

Midori profile image

Wise words, Brig.

Cheers, midori


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