trigger warning…. As I said earlier I had a breakdown, and now I’m really depressed and thinking ima die soon. I don’t know what to say because I feel so alone and it’s really hard for me due to half of my family members are dead… like my brother and my best friend. If anyone has any ideas help me
another breakdown: trigger warning…. As... - Anxiety and Depre...
another breakdown

We all going through it with breakdowns anxiety and depression just try to pray if you can im praying with you i had a episode today myself it wasnt good but im making it ....smh🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
I’m so sorry you are feeling alone and depressed right now. I know what it feels like to loose a brother so close to the heart and sorry about your best friend as well. What has cheered you up in the past? What tools do you have to distract you and lift you up? Maybe like reading, going out into nature, exercise, meditation, having calming tea?…
Hello Isturgglewithptsd ,
You are not that alone anymore. We, all the community members, moderators and lurkers are here listening, sharing and, most important, understanding what you go through.
I have no magic wand - shall I call myself harry maybe - but there is no magic.
Make a good recipe and invite neighbors to share it. Why not prepare a cake pe two ang share them with the houses - or the flats - touching yours ?
Have plenty of free time ? You may do ate time to the salvation army or similar to provide food to those in need.
Taking care of others helps taking care of yourself because when you give happiness, you receive happiness.
If you really do not have the strength to meet ppl, why not prepare cheeses ? It may be due to my Frenchness, but I swear that preparing cheese is neither easy nor loss of time. And, most of all, you'ml enjoy it ince ready.
And I can help you to make the first ones if you want !
What do you choose? What are you short term plans (1 hour, 3 hours, this afternoon, tonight) ? Small steps are what make the world move. Let's all take part of the movement!
Much love on you
Hi there is a lot of people who loves you💜💜
Hi - How are you doing today? I saw your post, but I am unsure how your moods are and whether they stay consistent for a long time or whether they shift depending on whether something has changed.
I saw your SN and thought I’d let you know that I struggle with PTSD too.
Have you looked into joining a support group or some sort of group therapy? It helps me when I talk with others in person who understand me. 💕💕💕
Me too! It's awful.
hey guys. I’m doing much bettertoday
Even though your family members are no longer physically here with you. i was told told they are actually closer to you. Pay attention to signs one time i was at the cemetery visiting my mom and i was sitting there a dragon fly flew right up to my face and stayed there for several seconds and flew away. I was having a hard time leaving the cemetary one day and i had the car window opened and a little bird stayed there for about 5 to 10 minutes They will always be with you. Cherish the time you have with you loved ones. I know they will want you to live your life happy. If you are ever feeling sad and you are aline. Put you right arm on your left should and your left arm on your right shoulder and give yourself a hug
I hope your feeling better!!!!! I’ve been there! How are you
Im so sorry for the loss of your brother and you other family members. Have you thought of volunteering. Did your brother have any favorite things that he had an interest in or any of your family member who have passed. My mom passed away almost 20 years ago Sge was my best friend. I attended a griefbusters meeting. My mom was a senior citizen. I started volunteering with senior citizens as a friend to senior citizens and it helped me out a lot.