I am on my period and i just cant stand it being a girl sucks!Boys dont know how lucky they are like seriously i have heard people say "well it hurts a lot when guys get hit in the balls" thats no excuse i mean if a guy gets hit in the balls it is almost always because they did something stupid!they can avoid getting hit there girls have no fricken choice but to endure it every month its so frustrating and painful!phew okay now that i got some ranting out of the way i have a question.how to get blood out of underwear.this post will be for girls to also vent and you can share stories,tips,and even memes because every girl needs a place to talk about those problems
WARNING:Girl problems post: I am on my... - Anxiety and Depre...
WARNING:Girl problems post

this made me smile …like if you are getting hit in the balls every month you should probably make new friends
Hydrogen peroxide gets blood out.
okay wait..soak in sink?! what about my little brother-
It’s okay. I happen to be going through menopause. I never know when my period is coming!!! So I just wear pads all the time. It’s an ordeal. And some guys really don’t understand.

pretty much all guys. I mean empathy means you can understand without experiencing it but most people haven’t learned that skill. Yeah I’m cynical.
have you seen videos were guys use a period pain simulator?
ha ha! No. Is like like the pregnant man from the 70s? Maybe you are too young.
hmmm a guy got pregnant?
it was a pregnant costume is I remember correctly. To feel what it is like to carry the weight. I wonder if the meta verse will someday allow men to approximate actual giving birth at least visually like if being on the bed was from their perspective. Interesting idea.
there is a childbirth pain simulator out there
I wonder how they accomplish that? What I'm thinking I can't say here.
I hear you... right now wish to be in bed curled up with icecream (super painful this month) instead of going to work.
Are you worried your brother will see them soaking? Put them in a ziplock with cold water in it. Place closed ziplock in a brown paper bag then place bag in refrigerator overnight. Mark bag with “Lab Experiment 🚫 Do Not Open”. Rinse and wash with cold water next day. Add Clorox if desired, just make sure you don’t drink it. 😁
......seriously? thats cause your a boy this is girl issues its not weird comments these are perfectly normal things for a girl to talk about you know
For the blood stains go get SHOUT. Spray it and use an old scrubby to scrub it, throw it in the washer and boom. Gone
Yes because walking with our keys between our fingers is good. Constantly watching over our shoulder is good. Constantly having to remind grown MEN what the word no means, oh yeah that's the best. Oh, constantly having to be PHYSICALLY prepared to defend yourself, constantly being called a slut or whore but get made fun of if we have no action. Not to mention the exact same shirt in the men's section is 25% cheaper than a women's, for the EXACT. SAME. SHIRT. So yeah, if a girl kicks your balls you PROBABLY deserved it. But yeah we have it good right?
Hi SH7.I just have to say I taught both my daughters that when they're on their own walking somewhere their keys need to be between there fingers & to aim for the eyes first as they're the softest part of a jerks face & they will need medical attention too so BOOM cops have him or her ( I'm modern thar way ) also I've known women with bigger balls than some men too ) .
U keep those keys handy & a suggestion if I may add a couple of keys to spread between all fingers as usually we have 2 keys at most.
wow this thread went sideways…
Cool kitty: I feel you. I really do. I try explaining cramps pain to my husband and he just grimaces and says “I’m glad I’m not you, I don’t think I could handle that every month”. Haha so true. The perioxide should work if you let it sit for a bit then wash in cold water. I don’t know what you currently use when you are menstruating but there may be better options out there for you that will prevent this from happening. I have been doing all sorts of research about it lately lol. PM me if you want
Hi CK1934.
Now I speak as a father who raised his 2 daughters by his lonesome & I chose at a time before my daughters needed things that they could turn to me & if we were our shopping they were placed into the trolley or if they need extra underwear too no questions asked & that's a promise I still keep for them even though they're both in their 20s & earn their own money. Now both unfairly have it worse not only both start the same week but both are very very delicate & even the wrong breathing from me can set them off BUT they both explained to me why they have the " darker reactions " & now they warn me & if they need to rant they can at me & I pay no mind as they're just being themselves. Worst part is eldest has PCO & youngest bless her suffered from endometriosis & she is in such agony & nothing I can do except offer her my love.
Absolutely SD , they're my everything