we support each pther: not finished... - Anxiety and Depre...

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we support each pther

16 Replies

not finished just slow edit lots better dpnt care we all support fellow artists

16 Replies
Shnookie profile image

I dig it ! U go for it !! Hi from across the pond !!

Hugs 🤗 Shnookie 😎💪

in reply to Shnookie

want alllllllllllllll artists creators whatever crafters whatever...everone to get supported...we have to collectively suport us or no one willl......thank u for understanding.....

works of art....the dream plane brtain and europe value the arts more
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oh soorry........how did i get that tape in the recorder ...myyy bad!!!!!sooooooo sorry

the tradition of honor in britain...long heritage ...dif view but correct....i lv brtain.
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dang it......soowweeee......myyyyy baddddd.....bit slow sincei got hit with the asteriod 63 millin years agoo........sooweee.....🇭🇲🇭🇲🇭🇲🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

i love britain..
Dolphin14 profile image

Great work Brig. You have lots of hidden talents


in reply to Dolphin14

takes a community ........u want to use what u have to benefit others....hard in visula arts v muscians although they earn it...

be sooo cool to do concerts for people or raise money...

oh well..........but thks

in reply to Dolphin14

dont think i dont appreciate it...but im pretty middle of road iq wis.e ...i bombed til i was 33...in art and worked endlessly in dreasage and riding til i found a system that works...

none of us werent trained to drive

to read

to bike

to type


myth that art or surg or whatever is for the gifted......

not true

helps....to have dedicated teachers not screaming at u when learnig to drive...

those super pateint teachers.......

lead to thousands of steady drivers.....

i hear it all the time....id love to draw or ride a horse


dude ....i explain and ecnourage....not one person is brave enough to step across the line....in 30 years....talent isnt........talent is 30 years of trying to learn baseketball so to speak......NOw i can dribble so to speak and tell peopl

nope....want to stay in their prison...

shown people countless times.....nope i done.....any effort is art or a start.....nope.....not to them .....been taught xyxx or defeated ro

thank goodness for certain people the will follow.....u just hav to find those people....

want to learn to cook...lets start with a sandwhich...No brig...

fine......thank goodness for others.........hey we finger painted and hey we did rocks and turtles.....hurray....

god bless the instructors ........i hate leaving people behind but

im talented because im a bou coup hard worker...after 30 years in can now sharpen my pencil.....but.....years ago.....i used to cry to my self sooo frustrated..........my dream impssoble....impossible......

here ..everyoen gets it....we celbrate everyones victory progress ...hey....each is a realtie achievement

v ......poor henry..or sally........she just paints flowers......not in a gallery or fine art yet..

for sally or henry....its a massive achievement.......

wee get it......everyoen gets to participate........not just the fine louve master works...........its not a Rembrandt yet Sally

want to throttle such people

we ....help each other here..........so were not in the Louvre

Hey Man.......thats sooo coool

WE are players......not bleacher sittng know it alls.....

dare to step across the line dude.....like Sally or Henry...or get out.........put up ..........or shut up......

NOT welcome........thse people ..have the guts to do....u just a mouth

in reply to

its the same in any field......the so called experts....and

the doers or players....yes mistakes can happen

never happens in the bleachers........ya wonder why

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here ...we celebrate a pot luck approach to creatiity

hey awesome cupcakes....never knw.

v ......sorry ....only one kind of cupcake.....

i know what stuffy is..........i like the potluck crowd....lets have some fun and mass potluck....ya ll bring whatever and show and tell..

oh well..........training (in art ) alone again......could have been sooo simple......oh well.

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i do appreiate what u said...truth is some are naturally gifted ok.so what

however rest of us...talent is developed....99 percent perspiration......

hey man......lets go play horse....dude.....ur dribbling...u usdd to stink...what the Hello? ....

been practicing..drive the horses nuts but....got it withone hand now.....u flow and shuck and dive and all that cool stuff but 100 years ill swish one....u juist wait......

soeme are gifted

some u cant beat off with a stick........

many ways to rome...........im the tortise......have fun.........ill get there.......the guys in the wheelchair learn the same way and they only have one arm.......they ....my inspiration.....

what wheelchair kid? spot u 5 points kid ..

ur on mister.......notice u never quit sir....

nope.....got to train this hand and arm....wear out this b ball....


Dolphin14 profile image

You are correct. We are here to support each other.

Work hard and things pay off. Never give up. I look at your work and see perfection

in reply to Dolphin14

its lke wittleng or creating a cake ...just keep whittling ......i never was a super neg person....prob from being paper boy...u had long route ahead..u had to think forward and get it done....not phobic about stuff......have 120 papers to run...and hills....lets go. tc

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think my pos always pissed my mother off....

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u develop toutgh faith due to the repettition each day ..4 years 7 days a week all weather.....like u ..have to get to wrok. that iddnt come from my momor or dad ....neith wi5h u

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used to wonder about the old biplanes v tri and mono..then realized the uncoool triple wings were triple lift.....ooh duh not so stupd......

this is exactly what atheltes and pepole try to tell shrinks...these people adapt and compensate....ya ...so what..we are going to buult his garden up so he can garden, ramps and stuff he will cut with his tgood arm...he will nail in (or she).....what wheelchair...what diagnosis....doctors....useless...........u train through.......u make it work......adjust...improvise adapt overcome...(usmc) 101.....

with buddies....lets go man.....baseball stuff already out.....his buddies dont limit him ....oohhh he might fall of his chair..oooh bull....lets go man......burn that baby in here....

doctors....royal PIAs........

u want to sit on the bench watching life go by ..fine..

not me.....id rather strike out ...my buddies we dont think failue shtf..if it takes me 5 years to hit the ball so be it.....

critics we house upside down in the trash barrels.....let them omment from there...

here.....there is no failure but to defeat others.........

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