This feeling has been so prevalent the last couple months and pretty strong at times. I don’t know how to shake it I try and not think about it but like when all the intrusive thoughts are like you’re going to to die right now it gets overwhelming. Anyone else that’s dealt with this have you made it through?
I wish I could shake this feeling tha... - Anxiety and Depre...
I wish I could shake this feeling that I’m dying

I have had horrible intrusive thoughts similar to but not exactly yours, that you will die. Must be very scary but just try and see if you can tell yourself “I am safe “ every time the thoughts come up. The anxiety tries to protect us that’s all it just feels horrible but we can beat the anxiety just don’t give up. Enjoy times of peace and try to extend the good times by breathing deeply through the nose slowly out through the nose. I use this focus on the breath as a quick meditation/mindfulness
I'm afraid I can relate. Unfortunately, this intense fear and an overwhelming sense of dread are hallmarks when it comes to anxiety attacks. It sucks, you might know you're having a panic attack but when they hit all rationale goes out the window... I like to have a physical distraction to play with along with using square breathing, it makes me feel like I have control over something when it feels like everything else is falling apart.
I wish I could say practice has helped but it's been nearly 24 years that I've been having panic attacks and while I've gotten better at coping, the intense fear of "something going wrong" is something I have trouble shaking during my worst attacks.
It’s just so frustrating waking up feeling like this or just randomly be sitting there and bam like maybe it’s my health anxiety playing a roll in it I really thought I was going to start turning the page
Hey maybe you are making progress, with mental health progress is almost never a straight shot, it's a curvy road that doubles back on itself sometimes. When you get these intrusive thoughts, try to remind yourself that you know it's a normal reaction (to an albeit somewhat abnormal reaction).
It's handy to have a few common things to tell yourself to help cope with your fears, things like "it's just anxiety, I'm excited and it's going to pass", or "this fear is a shitty part of the anxiety, as I calm down (and I WILL calm down), these awful feelings will fade with it". I had been doing this for a while before having a therapist tell me I should have about 3-5 ready-made things to tell myself when my anxiety hits. Something reassuring and simple, like a mantra you can repeat.
It IS frustrating, just like all the stupid little physical sensations you get. There is hope in it being a situation you can do something to cope with. Hang in there guy!
I have felt like that; but one morning I woke up and said 'F*** it!' and ceased caring what other people think, I live for Me..
I have a barrow-load of conditions,but I'm a stubborn old battleaxe, and I won't let things get me that far down any more, and believe me, I've had a lot!
Old. Yes I'm 74.
I've had an abusive marriage, I have digestive problems, my knees are breaking down, arthritis ans well as depressive problems. Fibromyalgia. I used to be a very sporty person, but no longer have the strength to rock climb, Aikido, fencing, horse riding, etc.
I have a wheelchair which lurks with intent in my garage,(and long may it continue to lurk!). I get around on a rollator. Can't drive any more as my eyes can't cope.
Having a dark sense of humour has helped me get through it all.
Cheers, Midori
I have an autoimmune disorder so I literally am dying everyday but I've been feeling like each day could be the last for years before my diagnosis. The stress and anxiety that overcomes my thoughts, then how those thoughts take over the physical aspects of everyday life has been very difficult to learn how to overcome at least enough life can be bearable. What I did to learn and control some of the anxiety and panic was I went to several group support meetings and listen to how everyone there dealt with the anxiety and panic attacks they were experiencing. I read absolutely everything I could find about severe anxiety and panic. Between the knowledge I obtained from reading and what I heard from real people who go thru it, I took a part here and there to apply to my coping skills so I could feel when the attacks were beginning and implement the techniques I learned until I found what worked for me. Thru time I found methods to catch the attacks as they began and what worked for me to stop them before they became paralyzing. I have found counting to ten really fast over and over in my head helped and before my physical handicap I would take walks with no destination, just time to think things thru instead of thinking about where I was walking to. The most important thing I learned was that each person has their own way of easing anxiety, panic, and stress. The key is just to find what works best for you. I really hope you find those techniques and being diagnosed at 9 with a severe anxiety, panic disorder I understand and if you need any information or want some techniques I've heard thru my life I am more than happy to help. Good luck to you and hope today you can find at least a few minutes of peace.