Need some guidance, Possibly been suf... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Need some guidance, Possibly been suffering for years. Physical health condition has now brought it to the forefront

Jelley93 profile image
15 Replies

So here goes I am a 29 year old man from England, Throughout my life I have probably had undiagnosed anxiety and depression. When I was younger I would suddenly feel like I had to get out of a place or situation otherwise something bad would happen. Other times I felt like I don't really like how I am I felt down. Now back in 2017 I randomly caught Glandular fever which has left a lasting mark on me. I now have a underactive thyroid gland from that. When my thyroid levels are a bit out of sync. My mental woes comeback with a vengeance. I have been on propranolol now for nearly five years for the anxiety which flares up randomly. At the moment I am suffering quite bad mentally and physically. I feel dizziness all the time due to the anxiety/ possible PPPD. Propranolol helps with the anxiety but I want to try a SSRI. I want to try and be as normal as possible. Obviously the thyroid condition is for life. I would like a bit more mental stabilty and was thinking a anti depressant might help me out. What I want to is what is a starter dose usually given for Anxiety/Depression. Are the side effects manageable especially if you are at work. What sort of time frame would it take to notice any improvements?

Thanks in advance for your responses

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Jelley93 profile image
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15 Replies
Louie35 profile image

Ive taken ssris for years. They don't work right away, for me it took about a week or two to notice any change. Work closely with your doctor as far as the dosing, everyone is different in the way they react to medication. Wish you the best!

Jelley93 profile image
Jelley93 in reply to Louie35

Yes, like I say propranolol works. However I wouldn't mind being in a position where I can plan stuff for the future. Rather than not attempting due to feeling lousy all the time.

hypercat54 profile image

I presume you are taking thyroid medicine?

Jelley93 profile image
Jelley93 in reply to hypercat54

Hello yes levothyroxine

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Jelley93

That should help though it might take a time to get the dose right. There is a thyroid site on here if you want to take a look.

Jelley93 profile image
Jelley93 in reply to hypercat54

Hi yeah, I'm joined up with them to. However they're mostly to do with medications and blood testing etc. Very good site. However for mental health probably best to be in here also

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Jelley93

Yes of course you can be on as many sites as you want. I am on the Lung one too as I have copd.

I have a borderline underactive thyroid but not on any meds. I know what you mean about the Thyroid site as everyone seems so knowlegeable don't they? I felt like the thickest person on there and didn't have a clue what they were talking about. It's all TS4 and TS3 etc. I felt so out of place.

Dell12345 profile image

Hi there, I'm sorry you are going through this. Often Citalopram is the first SSRI a GP will try in the UK. It can be very effective. Side effects vary from person to person, most go away after a week or two, and are minor (headache, feeling a bit sick) if they don't then your GP may advise trying another SSRI instead. Sometimes they can make you feel worse for a few days before you start to feel better (this is why they have the black box warning for increased suicidal risk).

Generally SSRIs take around 6 weeks to have a full effect, but you may notice improvements before this. Occasionally people find they have a smaller effect straight away.

Hope this helps,


Jelley93 profile image
Jelley93 in reply to Dell12345

Hello Dell thank you for the information. Yes I have read up on citalopram. It has mostly positive reviews. I have just gone back on a phased return to work and I am struggling somewhat. I take propranolol. However I have probably took them wrong over the years. Opting to take them after work around 4pm. Whilst at home not really feeling the benefits as I am not anxious at home really. However last few days I have took one or two 10mg in a day and noticed that they calm you. In long term I think my brain chemistry is a bit off though. When out in public etc anxious thoughts start reeling off. Thoughts of doom etc. There is history with mental illness in my family on my mum's side. Both depression and anxiety. So I guess I am a prime candidate as well.

Dell12345 profile image
Dell12345 in reply to Jelley93

It's interesting that you take propanalol, I've been prescribes it too bit haven't yet tried it. Do you find it helps much? I've heard it's good for physical sensations but not mental or emotional feelings.

Jelley93 profile image
Jelley93 in reply to Dell12345

Yes, imagine you are about to have really bad panic. Like you know it will be a dreadful experience. Now when a propranolol is taken you feel like you will panic in the head. However you can't physically panic so it acutally makes you not bothered about panicking if that makes sense. It keeps you in a more composed state. Flight or fight is not activated as would be the norm with bad anxiety.

Jelley93 profile image
Jelley93 in reply to Dell12345

As well take them around a hour before if you know you will be in a situation where you will feel intense anxiety

Arkus profile image

I took Zoloft (sertraline) for years for depression and anxiety. I felt a change in my body immediately, although they say it takes 6 weeks for the full effect. It was helpful, but the side effects were not pleasant. I had a dry mouth, and difficulty sleeping. I don’t have experience with a thyroid problem. Your doctor would advise you on the right drug combination. You sound very practical and thoughtful so I’m sure you will sort this out. As a footnote, I was told by one doctor that I’d be on the Zoloft for life, but years later another doctor suggested I quit for a while to see how I felt. It was good advice. I’ve been off anxiety medication for 17 years. So there’s hope you can stabilize and live a more normal life. Best of luck!

Jelley93 profile image
Jelley93 in reply to Arkus

Hello Arkus yes my mum is on Sertraline for many years now. She has had ups and downs throughout life. But with Sertraline it keeps her on a even footing. I believe a dose of 50mg is what she takes

Mohammad-341 profile image

Never try anti depressant, try psychotherapy

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