I feel shaky and dizzy and like I’m breathing fast but also like can’t get enough air in. On the drive to work I had extreme derealization and nothing looked real and my body feels numb. Has anyone felt like this before? I wanna cry but I can’t because I’m so scared. I want to go lay under the blankets at home!! I also feel really nauseous and my stomach and side is cramping
anxiety symptoms?: I feel shaky and... - Anxiety and Depre...
anxiety symptoms?

Hi. Firstly, I hope you are feeling better. It sounds to me like a panic attack. They can be incredibly scary but the good news is, they pass. I struggled with panic attacks for a long time. It really sucks when they happen but there are ways to work through it.
My first recommendation is to try deep breathing. Breath in for 4 counts, hold for 2, and breathe out for 6-8 counts. This forces your brain to calm down and reset.
My second recommendation is grounding. This helps you escape the panic in your head and bring yourself into reality. Here is a good description of this technique. urmc.rochester.edu/behavior...
Anxiety can be really hard to deal with in you daily activities but it doesn't last forever. You have the power to control it (with practice). Hang in there
I do feel “better” now. I feel just depressed and sad because they get so scary and new symptoms turn up every time I have one and it sends me into a spiral of WHAT IFS. Every-time I feel like I haven’t had a panic attack in a while… BOOM. It just feels like a huge setback and I feel like this is my life forever. I’m gonna have a look at the link on my next break. Thank-you for your reply, really🥺💕
Yeah that's a panic attack alright. Yes, they can be scary and I speak from experience. I don't like having them either. From my therapy and this app I'm on which is called DARE it's on Android or iTunes. It's free. They have audios to help guide you into calming down and soothing yourself.
I've learned I need to be logical when I have them. Try to remind yourself that #1 you have survived 100% of these. Try to ground yourself like 5 things you see, 4 things you feel, 3 things you hear, 2 things you smell and 1 thing you taste. Take your time with all of them.
Best wishes to you on over coming panic disorder ❤️ you can do this! May we both overcome it! ☺️
I’ve read DARE but I was actually wondering the other day if there are any other good books about anxiety and or podcasts. I hope we do overcome it!
Two books. “ Hope and Help for Your Nerves ” by Dr. Claire Weekes, and “At Last a Life” by Paul David. Both use similar approaches for anxiety/ fear. The great thing about these books is that they explain to you the physiology of what’s going on in your body, taking away the bewilderment of what is wrong with me. Understanding anxiety and or depression, along with their approach to how to heal yourself is so important.
I’ve felt like that 1000 times. Things that help me. Every morning do the Wim Hof guided breathing exercises free on you tube. Get 30-40 minutes of cardio exercise to help burn off steam and produce endorphins., take a cool shower or bath or maybe a dip in a cold lake or natural body of water. You tube has all kinds of people doing it on video for mental health. Avoid all stimulants and try get 8 hours of sleep. A quote I like. People with depression live in the past . People with anxiety live in the future. Try to only live in the moment.