Hello, my name is Skylar I have learning disabilities: ADHD, OCD, Auditory Processing Disorder, Oral Expression Disorder, Severe Anxitey, and Depression. I feel sorry, anxious, depressed because I feel like people think I am annoying, crazy, weird, etc. It feels like nobody likes me or wants to be my friend. It feels like barely even anyone wants to be my friend. It feels like barely even anyone wants to text with me/hangout with me. It feels like I am invisible like some people dont even notice me. It makes me feel sad and lonely because it feels like nobody wants to be my friend.
New Here: Hello, my name is Skylar I... - Anxiety and Depre...
New Here

ok -u willl find lots of caring people here.....i will not be a freind due to my age and gender ....but i want a 55 page report or list of all ur interests, hobbies good things about u and how ur going to forgt ur diagnosis and prettend were all uir fans and dog or cat friends who like u for who ur are.....and thats that........now........here the test ..of how well u hear.........we....take u an dlike u just a sdog and cat sdo.....were dont care aoub ur diagnoiss or what ur doctor who dodnst know u thinkks......lwe are all feinds here and hang out and pal around....not one of us isnt human or perfect and thas totally fine..........sooo again......not to sound gruff but ........i am going ot push u to tell me all ur interests and waht u want to do or look forward to doin or wish u ould do or have done or funn stories or whateve....help us get to know u....asssume ur welcome here and suume u have hudnrefs and hundreds of freinds here now.....all true.....and how ur going to build the life quiality in uiur life ...........and freinds will find u here and in life.......foregt any negative ur heard and just help us get to know u ........as were dogs and cats ..inow i siad that and illl say it a hudnreg timeimes to make sure u get it..........nothing negatie intended but......pusing u to know tons and tons of pepole care about u care aoub u care about u care about u vaeou t u here here here here........u came to the right place.......help us get to tknow u come pla with th etoher dogs and cats and birds and horses here.......were all geart pals.....
and yes...my typing is horrible....sorry......mr mcgoo here .lol

can we please dm?
Hi, welcome, glad to find your page. I hope this place helps you. Just curious about your username are u a swimmer or is that a metaphor for swimming in pain?
Feel free to dm me whenever you want, and I can help you and be your friend if you're ok with that