So I tested positive for covid and now I'm out of work but that's not the bad part I'm terrified to tell by boyfriend because if he gets it he has a high chance of dying what do I do
Covid damnit: So I tested positive for... - Anxiety and Depre...
Covid damnit

Would you expect your boyfriend to tell you if he had Covid…… Yes!
Therefore you must tell him, but if he truly cares about you, he will stand by you….. good luck😷❤️
I told him he hasn't responded yet but I'm scared of what he will say I exposed a lot of people and if he got it he exposed a lot of people too I'm crying I'm so scared
Don't be scared; it's not your fault. You didn't create covid and certainly had no intention of spreading it, had you known you were infected. Even the most protected among us will still get sick from time to time. And with a 99% recovery rate, there's even less reason to worry. Worry does nothing but freeze you. I know this all too well.
You have to tell him as soon as possible. Hopefully, he has been vaccinated and has some protection. Don't be too hard on yourself, though. It is impossible to completely shield yourself from exposure and it sounds like you were doing the right thing being careful and getting tested.
That is a possibility, but it would be unfair unless you were being extremely careless. Like your boyfriend, I am one of those vulnerable immunocompromised people. The people around me take whatever precautions they can, but short of hiding in my house and never seeing another human, there is really no way to have zero risk. Telling him will allow him to monitor any symptoms and take action to prevent severe illness. I understand why you might feel guilty and afraid, but it is not your fault that there is a horrible global pandemic right now.
If he hates you for exposing him to Covid, that you didn’t know you had until you were tested, he is not mean’t to be in your life….. persevere with getting better yourself, then go foreward with your life……. You are a young lady, I’m sure you will find another love in your life ahead🙂
Hi Lookingforhope! I know how it feels to be terrified of disappointing or angering someone. It sucks to be blamed for something. Here’s the thing I just noticed: just because you got tested first doesn’t mean that YOU gave it to HIM. If he gets it, he may already have gotten it elsewhere. He could have given it to you. You’ve said he will have exposed many people, which means he is not taking many precautions. I think, I think this one is not your fault. Even if you did get it first, which is debatable, it’s not your fault because he allowed you in his space to begin with.
I’m rooting for you. 😍🤗
I’m so sorry 😞 Lots of hugs and support
Tell him!
You have to tell him. If he's high risk he needs to see his Dr. If you don't tell people that have been exposed it's wrong in my eyes. They can be spreading it and not knowing.
Would you feel worse if he got covid from you and was hospitalized from it?
In my humble opinion, it is simple.
I think you should tell him immediately, self isolate until you are negative, and have him get tested.
I hope that helps.
You Must tell him, as not only would he be in danger, but everyone he meets unknowingly! You need to keep away from him for awhile.
Tell him. That way, he can be on the lookout for symptoms and be proactive in his care. And a real man will appreciate you telling him.
I told him and all is well he got a test it came back negative we temporarily moved out of our houses to avoid getting sick we are handling things well and are staying safe