Special friend of mine really suffers from SAD- really bad- all medical but this persons family has zero sympathy or empathy..........the word really doesnt matter..........and they have other medical conditions many or who here can relate to.............chronicness..............the unrelenting never ending ness. never get a rest never let up of various chronic ailments...........and the inflammatory respeonses make peole feel worse and and andn and people are not undersanding or suppportive...............everyoen here gets it.......
the isolation because no one cares or is supportive but here.............soo thankful for trhe people here that do care about this person and others..........real caring not patronization...........
whatever insights and suggestions u can gfive me im all ears..........please keep this person and all the people here truly suffering in slientce and bing brave..............please please please helop me pray for trhem or whatver ...........send cookies to your self or u r friend or hug your dog or cat............buy yourself some reward flowers ..........do someting nice for yourself..........however tiny.........
help me pray for this person or whatever advise orinsidghts...........they are one of us..............human...............and that more than great...........this is our
club................critics and refrigerators NOT welcome............gigantic gigantic group hugs to this person and the entire group.............
thanks for bearing with me and letting me talk to u......../listenting...........
giant group hug to all.........
giant yellow ribbon on my oak trees...................