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With your mental health issue does anyone also suffer from insomnia?

MoiveMarcus profile image
31 Replies

Heya just curious to know if anyone has insomnia or broken sleep as well as there anxiety or depression, I really found having bad sleep exaugurated the symptoms of the other? is this hitting close to home for any body?

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MoiveMarcus profile image
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31 Replies
MoldyPenny profile image

Absolutely. My anxiety makes it really difficult for me to turn my brain off sometimes, which results in a lack of sleep. I then have more time to think about whatever it is that's causing me anxiety, which makes the anxiety itself so much worse. It's a vicious cycle for sure.

MoiveMarcus profile image
MoiveMarcus in reply to MoldyPenny

Have you found any way in particular that helps with breaking out of the cycle?

MoldyPenny profile image
MoldyPenny in reply to MoiveMarcus

When it’s bad enough that I’m not able to go back to sleep, I’ll get out of bed and do something else for a little while. Sometimes I’ve even taken a medication that has drowsiness listed as a side effect just to get some relief.

Tara52 profile image

Yes every night🥱

MoiveMarcus profile image
MoiveMarcus in reply to Tara52

have you been able to make peace with it? i mean have you found a way to cope?

hypercat54 profile image

Yes it does with me. I have had high functioning depression all my life but at times can worsen a lot for a while. The first warning I had of the last worsening was that I was unable to stay asleep and kept waking up every hour or so. Then I wasn't able to get to sleep for hours either.

I started taking a very lose dose of mirtazapine which is just enough to let me sleep a bit better. If that doesn't work then I have a large glass of wine or something, but not very often and I wouldn't recommend it. Alcohol always makes me sleepy especially red wine!

MoiveMarcus profile image
MoiveMarcus in reply to hypercat54

i have tried experimented with alcohol in the past, and after those experiences and research i found it just makes sleep worse, just lower quality and feeling worse in the morning, also you immunity just builds up and you need more and more drinks, if anyone is reading these two comments don't use this as your crutch! On another note, you have any top tips for coping with your high functioning depression?

Shnookie profile image

Hi it’s Shnookie. I’ve had sleeping issues 4 Years. I take 1 mg of Klonopin in the evening as a way to ease me into sleep. Unfortunately I do not get a full night sleep and if I’m under extreme stress/anxietyI can have bizarre dreams. Now I need to cut back on dosage under my shrink’s supervision because at times I’m groggy in the morning. I’m here 4 U

Hugs 🤗 s

MoiveMarcus profile image
MoiveMarcus in reply to Shnookie

thanks for sharing shnookie, hugs back! ive never seen a "shrink" before, has it helped?

Shnookie profile image
Shnookie in reply to MoiveMarcus

A shrink is a slang word for psychiatrist

MoiveMarcus profile image
MoiveMarcus in reply to Shnookie

lol i understand this, but ive never been to see a psychiatrist, has it been useful for you?

Shnookie profile image
Shnookie in reply to MoiveMarcus

In order for me to be able to take my psychotropic meds such as class 2 Klonopin which needs my driver’s license ID, I need to see a psychiatrist. I have seen my current therapist 4 five and a half years thru Medi Cal - CA

other states Medicaid. I have been able to effectively communicate with her re topics such as my challenging relationship with my father and getting back into the outside word after being the sole caregiver for my mom who died from pancreatic cancer and helping me obtain temporary disability benefits from state of CA due to

Problems with bipolar/ anxiety ADHD

issues. If U want U can personally message me. Hugs 🤗 S

MoiveMarcus profile image
MoiveMarcus in reply to Shnookie

thanks for sharing shnookie

Shnookie profile image
Shnookie in reply to MoiveMarcus

Of course. That’s what we’re here 4 in this group. U can always personally message me

Moonira profile image

Hi..totally hits home..like its now 5am in the morning..I'm reading my phone etc...I'll pay for it later by being tired and out of it...but I will try and meditate. You're NOT alone

MoiveMarcus profile image
MoiveMarcus in reply to Moonira

I've also been using meditation as well as a few other things, it helps a lot, what kind do you do?

MoiveMarcus profile image

on another note i know how hard it is not having a decent sleep schedule, the inconsistency of it just seems to make life worse. also is it trauma in the past that creates your nightmares? that sounds pretty tough! like a 2 in 1 sandwich...

WickNeo profile image

Yup! I’ve been waking up at 4am every night/morning . Unpleasantly, consistently. I’m using it as my quiet time to get things done. If I go back to sleep, I oversleep, then panic, then go downhill. I’m trying to embrace this thing until I find out why I’m up at 4am. Is it pain? Was it yet another nightmare? Yes and yes. Time to make some modifications, try to stay up later before collapsing into an exhausted sleep. No answers here, just camaraderie. Good luck on your journey and know that we’re on the path to healthy with you.

MoiveMarcus profile image
MoiveMarcus in reply to WickNeo

thanks a lot WickNeo, from your name looks like you like to kickass! Keanu fan? lol its a good spirit mentality to have, what time do you initially sleep? how many hours do you usually sleep? do you have physical discomfort/pain when you sleep?

WickNeo profile image
WickNeo in reply to MoiveMarcus

I watch every Keanu movie I can find because he has had personal trauma, but still seems like a good person. He’s a work in progress like us all, right? Plus, I feel powerful watching the fight scenes I could never do myself.

I fall asleep, exhausted around 10 or 11, then wake up like someone yelled my name at four am. Yes, I am in a lot of pain recently, but try not to take a lot of the groggy inducing pain meds since I’m a single parent. Thanks for reminding me to use the topical pain meds before I sleep.

My anxiety is off the charts at the moment. I moved. I’m in grad school. New school for my daughter, too. I have a biopsy coming up next month. I just had my first car accident (my fault, no injuries). I probably should take another klonapin before bed too to reduce the intensity of my nightmares. Once this pattern starts though it usually continues for about 6 months to a year. I accept this as a part of my life. It gives me more time to read in bed. Lol.

MoiveMarcus profile image
MoiveMarcus in reply to WickNeo

Glad you safe and injury free from the car accident, must of been awful! have you tried any meditation, breathing exercises to help with your anxiety? its helped with my well being

WickNeo profile image
WickNeo in reply to MoiveMarcus

Yes I’ve tried meditation with mixed results, but with a kiddo in the house it’s next to impossible. I can always take an additional anti-anxiety medication but napping when tired and overwhelmed seems to help. Stopping to eat fruit helps too.

mschloe profile image

I've been a poor sleeper most of my life with 5 to 6 hours being the normal amount I get. The end of Oct. 2020 I injured my leg & the night pain caused sleep issues. I started taking klonopin frequently to get some sleep but eventually it stopped working as I built up a tolerance. I then got Temazepam (sleep pill) from my doctor & that also worked until I also built up a tolerance. I was getting frequently getting 0 to 3 hours of sleep & my anxiety disorder eventually got out of control which made my pain issues worse; I was a basket case & found my self struggling not to have another major breakdown. I went to a sleep center & did the overnight stay to rule out apnea & other issues which I didn't have. I went on a strict sleep program which included sleep restriction & sleep hygiene, which you can read about online. There are tons of videos on You Tube for insomnia, anxiety, depression & pain which I explored & use. I found a good progressive muscle relaxation & deep breathing video that is only 16 minutes long & practice it several times a day, especially before bed. A little over a month ago my doctor put me on Mirtazapine which in a low dose helps insomnia. She wanted me to stop taking the sleep med but I'm still taking a low dose & am having trouble stopping it. She also put me on Busperine for anxiety which I take 5 mg. twice a day & it helps my anxiety; it's not a benzo so not addictive like the klonopin. I still have bad nights but not as severe or fequently. Last night I got over 6 hours & am thrilled. When I get up in the night if I can't sleep I usually read & listen to soft music & use a very dim light. Last night at 4 a.m. I did my muscle relaxation only & fell back to sleep when I went back to bed. It's a real struggle to deal with insomnia & my anxiety disorder, but little by little I'm improving. There are lots of things to try so do alot of research online & try them. Good luck.

MoiveMarcus profile image

its getting to a better place, its been an interesting transition to say the least, last night wasn't perfect but seeing as its a Saturday now i can just relax today, sorry if I was a bit direct about trauma I appreciate that's personal, i hope your able to get the help you need, I'm trying to get some stuff done for me and then also my other half and it is very slow...

designguy profile image

I've had sleep/insomnia periods on and off. even tried taking klonopin and ambien but wanted a more natural solution. One thing that helped a few years ago was CBD tincture with herbs for sleep but it turned out that it's bad for people with glaucoma which I have so I quit that. This past spring I had another period of it and got off of caffeine and started taking ashwaghanda, phosphatidyl serine and magnesium glycinate before bedtime to lower cortisol. High cortisol makes it difficult to relax and fall asleep. I also take melatonin before bedtime. My sleep has definitely improved with this routine.

MoiveMarcus profile image
MoiveMarcus in reply to designguy

im so glad! you find something that works, is melatonin safe to use in the long term? I'm sure your doctor has mentioned it and has it all in hand x

designguy profile image
designguy in reply to MoiveMarcus

Apparently there haven't been any longterm studies about using it. I probably won't be taking it longterm.

MoiveMarcus profile image
MoiveMarcus in reply to designguy

I understand typically doctors will prescribe it for 2 years but usually no longer as whilst you have it your body stops its own natural production, just be aware of that, how do you find it affects your quality of sleep? ive heard some say its fine others not so good, id be interested in knowing

designguy profile image
designguy in reply to MoiveMarcus

I think it helps my sleep but I think the other supplements I take to help lower cortisol probably do more for my sleep. I have sleep apnea and use a cpap machine and get woke up occasionally from it leaking but i'm able to easily go back to sleep.

I live in the US so melatonin is easily available over the counter without a prescription. I'll check out the 2 year concern, thanks.

I do have the same issues, I read the Bible and listen to jazz or meditation music. it’s a struggle every night. best of luck🙂

MoiveMarcus profile image
MoiveMarcus in reply to Butterflyfish-2021

thank you butter flyfish! i havent used music to wind down yet, ill have to start using it

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