I am still single and still very much dislike it . must of guys that I talk to a even a crazy guy or guy that just want sex . other guys were also too fast for my . the only issues is still self isolation at home . so I can't leave the house yet . the another is that I always find creeps or guys that are crazy an doesn't understand what No mean or what I am mean that i am not interested in sex but is interested in a long term relationship I am 23 year . i am not sure what do . I tried to look on Facebook and jus feel like it take even more longer now then before hand . I also do not like taller guys and guys that are too good looking , is there something wrong with me that I get very attractive guys that I am not even attracted to .
Why do I always has more issue with f... - Anxiety and Depre...
Why do I always has more issue with finding another new boyfriend then before hand but has some toxic ex boyfriend's
Okay, so I always try to tell people this. You don't need validation from a man. I understand being lonely though. I'm currently married, but before I hated being single. From the age 12 to around 18, the longest I had been single was a month. I couldn't stand being lonely. In your case, I would first recommend to stop looking, because that's usually when you find someone. However, I also understand wanting to seek people out. Have you tried dating apps?
There's nothing wrong with you. In fact, it sounds like you're probably so attractive that attractive men can't help but reach out to you. And most men are creeps, and will objectify people that they find attractive. It's hard at our age (23 also) to find men who want something serious. I got lucky with an older man (6 year age difference) who was ready to settle down. I hope you find what you're looking for.
I already tried online dating meet even more creeps and guys that just for hock up . My mum rules is for dating or been relationship has to date guys with learning disabilities because I have a learning disability . also my older sister is gaslighting me by calling me her favourite sister i didn't like her and always been very hash .

Sorry to change the subject but I have a couple questions. What's your learning disability? And how old are you? If you don't mind me asking. My brother also has a learning disability (down syndrome).
My is very rare and called 18-p and nobody can tell that I have a learning and is very unknown . My petties arm on my chromosome is delete or missing . got cursed with being cute and attractive and being smaller then avenge women

Dang. I've never thought attractive women regret being attractive. It's nice to see another point of view! I always struggle with self esteem. I hope things get better for you. I know it isn't easy but I'm sure you'll find someone one day. Don't rush! You're still young. I love the family I've made, but I wish I could've experienced my young years more.
I do not have great family . they seem very hash . My older sister I think is gaslighting . even when I tried to tell my older sister things that I didn't likes . she always point of me must of time . the thing that i didn't like was my birthday card that my older sister wrote in Favourite . the bad part of being cute and attractive . can't get any female friends since they always see you as threat to even know that I am not interested in there boyfriend's . even when I did have a relationship in college . some girls tried to ruin my relation by trying to get involved or get them to cheat on me .

Girl's can be cruel. Like me, they have self esteem issues. However, some girls feel threatened by another woman instead of realizing that it's internal. And I'm sorry about your sister gaslighting you. Maybe talk to her about how you feel.
I already tried talking to her once but she blown up in my face and tried to attack me and she also like taunt me . my older sister also gang up with my little sister . My mum doesn't even believe me when my older sister is rude and gaslighting . I only hit my mum once because she was being very entitled and trying to touch my hair . I has bitten my self more then once . I hate loud noise . mental breakdown in Liverpool since my mum didn't even listen and yep she hart my wrist and i already was bitten my arm . one of lady tried to help me but told her no thanks .

I'm so sorry. Not having a learning disability, I don't really understand as well as I wish I could. I do however have a sister. She's mean a lot. I have to walk on eggshells around her. Do you have a counselor?
not yet but is called social worker in England . part from speech therapies person . that is from NHS . I also tried therapies but wasn't good . is made even more worst . also was another women that was therapies and talk down to me like i am not intelligent person . then she kick us out . by the girls at college was a learning disabilities special college and also went to special learning disabilities high school

Oh wow. Seems like you've had a lot of bad experiences. But don't let s few bad times outshine the good times and the good things about who you are.
I had no issued with men part from creeps and crazy men . other then that men were there to help me and defend from lying jealous girls . also one girl that was i college did threated . another girl that wen to my college went to my high school and now she at my job and she always verb attacking . my job doesn't even have a HR. some men were there for me more then women were . i just getting even more bad luck . I had meet up with guy at McDonald's but turn out too attractive and too taller . he also lie about his age and height and looks . i wasn't even attracted to the guy at all . he is helping to for something to with social media

Oh wow. It's good there are men who are there for you.
yes but one of my friends starting to have crush on me while i did have a boyfriend at the time and he asking very inappropriate question about guys genital . he was also taller then me . his was same year and same classes of me . other guys that i could liked turn out be crazy . I liked guys that are more on shorter side .
Hi, do you have a support worker?
Unfortunately this is a discussion that needs to be had in person and with someone that knows you well.
Relationship and sex issues should be part of the support you receive either by family or support workers because it really depends what you have learned and if you are able to put boundaries with guys.
Finding a good partner is generally very difficult for all of us, so don't be discouraged but PLEASE be patient and don't waste time with those guys who give you attention but are not nice at all!
Ideally you want to join local meet up groups (and also the Fb pages of these). I understand the current covid situation is not ideal, but you can take precautions just like when going out to the local shops etc..
I hope things improve for you and are to meet lots of lovely people, don't give up!
I just called a social worker . I been talking to NHS speck therapies . on zoom since I been self isolation and now waiting eve more longer . to even get back out and find group in rl . i look on Facebook but most of learning disabilities group all has same rules of No dating .
I through i already tried some online dating platform that were disabilities and learning disabilities . found some guys that were just looking for sex or fling or short term dating . dating site hasn't even work since i all i got was creeps, crazy guys and guys that do not understand what NO mean or what I mean when I said i am not interest in sex or short term .only looking for long term .

Maybe you have to spell it out in all caps that you’re looking for someone long term and no one over a certain height and put right on your profile that you will not have any sexual relations until you’re in a long term relationship or married (whatever you want).
Sadly a lot of men don’t get the hint but if you put all that on your profile it might help, especially the no sex part. I don’t think many men looking to just hook up would waste their time if they see that. You could also talk on the phone a lot first, build a foundation that way, again I don’t think men looking for just sex would put in effort talking on the phone and really getting to know someone.
I met my ex hubby in 1997 on the internet. There were no dating sites I don’t think but there was a program called Mirc and I went on there to my cities chat room and met a lot of friends and we would get together regularly and one guy friend I made had his own chat room and his friend who lived in California was in there and we started talking all the time on there, then on the phone and really fell in love that way.
We chatted every day for hours and met in person about 4 months later and just loved each other so much. We were both very young and he stayed in Canada for 6 months at a time and go back for a week , then back for 6 months (his parents had money so he didn’t have to work). We eventually got married but sadly it didn’t work out in the long run but was great while it lasted and I think building that foundation over the phone was great for us.
i through tried putting no sex or hock and i put my learning disability and didn't really stop[ guys trying to push . even did put on caps on
That sucks! Hopefully you’ll find a diamond in the rough eventually.
all i kept getting are crazy men and now i do not even feel safe to single . I also got a lot compliment from guys from my jobs that also full players .