Hi all been tested positive for COVID and now I’m panicking and had heart eptopic beats it says online it’s a symptom off COVID but I suffer them anyway this is just making me worse I’m in a right mess
COVID please help : Hi all been tested... - Anxiety and Depre...
COVID please help

Did you talk to your doctor?Are you resting and drinking plenty of fluids
Not spoke to my doctor no. Iam resting and drinking plenty off water. I started with headache Saturday and the Sunday feeling sick Monday sore throat hot dizzy and today headache and hot, but it hasn’t helped the weather, the lateral flow tests came back negative all the time when I felt ill so went and got one done positive, the lateral one today tho came bak, so when do I class my symptoms? From Saturday when I had headache??
There seems to be a confusion regarding your test results. You explain the last test came back positive. If this is the case and you live in the UK you need to go into LOCKDOWN for ten days, it also seems here many people will get better without hospital admittance. However any doubts get along to hospital and they will redue the test proceedure
In the UK we are supplied with a box of test kits each and take our tests twice a week. The tests are free and act as initial tests, we can then go to a test centre.

Hi So since Friday I used them test results the little white ones all came back negative even tho I had symptoms, so yesterday I went and a drive through one today it came back positive so I thought I’d do the little white ones again and that one aswell came back positive, so the white didn’t detect COVID as fast as the drive through one and also I’ve been isolating since Sunday when my symptoms started just to be safe
All I can suggest you remain in LOCKDOWN and hopefully you will get better soon. Younger people seen to get over Covid easier than those older people,, some even have not so many side effects.
Good luck, get well soon
The ones supplied at chemist are not as accurate the other at the test centre are more accurate. I suppose the test you took last time was a positive result and it worked. Good Luck with your Lockdown are you ok for food etc. Can you get family to get stuff in for you. Wednesday is not a long way off

Hi I’ve been tested at the centre and had the chemist ones both can’t back positive and I’m ok for food thanks for asking me my family have been dropping it at door step and I’ve ordered online and yea not to far off now just want to feel bit better in the morning

I have never been tested or given any kit and nor has anyone else I know. I guess you have because of your state of health? But it's certainly not all of us.
No the test availability was mentioed on television and in Berwick the test were supplied by our Chemist for free, we used them on holiday and when the box is used we will get some more, no charge. These tests are initial tests and if you show positive because of some inaccuracy you would get a confirmation at a test centre. We will if possible take a test every other day until next Monday.
Get your Tests pet, even if you do not use them straight away you have them if and when required.
Isolation starts after the first symptoms appear. Ten days minimum. You have to be symptom free before you can come off isolation,
You may need some electrolytes in addition to your water. Gatorade or something like that. Heart palpitations can be caused by dehydration.
I'm not a Dr. and can't give medical advice. I think you should call your dr and have them tell you what you should do. You may be reading things that do not apply to you and are getting you anxious. If you had palpitation prior to this diagnosis it doesn't necessarily mean you are having anything different. If you have a fever you need fluids.
Rest give your Dr a call and hydrate. Hope you feel better soon
Good advice Dolphin. We were told slightly different in the UK that you have to isolate for the required time but you are infection free even if some of the symptoms remain ie the hacking cough. This can be long term especially if you have respiratory issues already. I guess this is coming into the region of long covid.
Oh ok... that is just a bit different. I should have stated I was in the US. Things are probably a bit different everywhere.
Yes long Covid is scary. So many things coming out now.
Let's all stay safe
Paracetamol/Tylenol keep your temp down
Are my heart flutters from me panicking do u think? Rather than COVID
It sounds like the palpatations could be Anxiety, However if in doubt get along to a test centre.. Have you had any injections ??. We had our number two injection about ten weeks ago, my wife had her number two jab five weeks ago so it is important you get both to put your mind at rest
If I get really stressed I get palpitations too. I think it is the worry driving them for you,
I’m really not qualified to offer advice on that you need a doctor appointment even if they say it’s nothing to be overly concerned about….just go and get checked I did have Covid last year and the worst I got was temp at night so was lucky to stay out of hospital…but I was taking paracetamol every few hours …have you been vaccinated?
Yes I’ve got no temperature really just really hot keep taking paracetamol every 4 hours too, how long did yours last for? This is only my 4th day but don’t want to jinx it but it’s the best day off all 3 but that seems to good to be true with all the stories
I think if you panic that will bring on ectopic beats, I’ve been taking magnesium tablets and they have really helped with extra beats….why don’t you try them , I feel for you …
All the best
Yes I have been panicking all day contact on google saying heart palpitations seizuresetc all symptoms so that’s made me worse, I’m just trying to calm down and speaking in here does make me feel a bit better and thank you
Call your doctor on the telephone and ask him what you should do. Mention all the symptoms including the ectopic beats.
Don't minimize your concerns. I once had a. relatively mild infection, but was worried, so exaggerated a bit to get an appointment. When I saw the doctor I apologized. He said "If it is an emergency to you, then it is an emergency." Wise words.
Hi Hypo, have you had any vaccine jabs ? If u have had both , u are better protected than not having any of the jabs & as it has been mentioned self isolate for 10 days.
Make ur doctor aware & call 111 & hopefully they call you in & give you a lateral flow test which is far more accurate than the basic tests. If u had the heart condition before covid then its possible its u panicking. I spent a year in lockdown & I loved it as I had myself for company & to argue with too . Never lost 1 argument lol.
Seek medical advice & follow it to the letter & I can hopefully speak for some on here when I say we send you love & support. Get onto 111.
Our Doctor will not see patients with possible Covid, incase it spreads throught the Practice they refer to a Test Centre or ask you contack emergency health Services if your illness becomes really bad. It seems like the illness is not causing as many deaths, due to age and injections. You need to ask to be taken to hospital if that needs to happen.As mentioned earlier, go to your chemist and ask for a box of test that give initial results. We have been using them on holiday. You get the results instant virtually straight away
We have gone back into Lockdown and test for ten days after last holiday return. Last Friday

I’ve already been tested on Monday it came back positive