Have been waiting 3 months for Corotid Artery duplex test. Hospital rang me to say they can do one today or in a fortnight. The person who does this is only available on Wednesdays and next Wednesday he is somewhere else. Now having a panic as I have had time to look at Dr Google. I made provisional booking for a fortnight's time.but my son's partner offered to take me todayThe hospital is an hour's drive away. I tried to ring to see if the slot was still available for today but was told calls were not being answered at the moment. It is going to seem a long two weeks.. I have searched Healthunlocked and I can find no other post relating to Corotid Artery. Is this test rare? I was baffled when the cardiologist could find noone to do this locally. Anybody? Save my sanity..🤔🙄
More panic: Have been waiting 3 months... - Anxiety and Depre...
More panic

Hi Nora. No this test is not rare at all. I’ve had it myself. Non-invasive so not too scary. Technicians who do these tests often go from place to place to do their jobs. So that’s most likely why it’s only done in your area on Wednesday . I know tests of any kind can rattle us people who suffer from anxiety a lot, but try to hang in there until you get your test done. Try to replace the negative thoughts about the tests with positive ones if you can. Best of luck!🥰
Hi. A lot has happened in the last few weeks. I have suffered a kidney infection that knocked me for 6, have been diagnosed as having gall stones, and blood test that opened up a whole can of worms. Today I had my corotid artery test. I don't know about you but I felt as though my neck would snap at one stage..Some blockages were found but the doctor has to examine results and send them to cardio. How long ago did you have your test? I hope you had a good.result. 🙂x
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you Nora. Jesus, do you ever have a plateful. Had my last test 5 years ago with good results. Hope that things are going a little better. I was thrown for a loop here myself this past week. My son was diagnosed with kidney cancer. Surgery to remove kidney on Monday. So I kind of went into hiding for a bit. Love this depression crap lol. I pray that they will be able to fix your blockages quickly. I have a few stents in my heart so can relate. Quick fix, a bit scary of course, but no pain. Medical technology is amazing . Hang in there, sending a hug🤗
Gadzukes...brilliant name. Says it all.. My goodness you have plenty to cope with yourself. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. I am so sorry to hear about your son. Sending love and prayers. My heart goes out to you. Thank you for reassurance regarding corotid artery. Not that one wishes another person to suffer, but knowing one is not alone is somehow soothing and I am grateful to you for sharing with me. My cardiologist has had the results from the scan and has requested a 'remote' consultation on Monday when I shall know just what needs to happen next. Hugs and 🙏😊
Hi Nora, how are you doing? I hope we’ll. Haven’t been on much lately, been kind of busy with my son and all. The stress in my life just seems to keep mounting. A student living with my son just got diagnosed with Covid so we are all holding our breath for the next little while hoping no one else gets it. We were all exposed but have been vaccinated. I think the only problem might be with me because I’m immunocompromised. Supposed to go get a booster next week. I’m beginning to wonder if the stress will ever cease lol Look forward to hearing from you. God Bless
Hello there Gadzukes. I gathered you would have a lot on your plate but my goodness it seems never ending.. Did the student test positive before your son was due for his op? ;;, Things this end have had me all of a twitter after the remote consultation with the.Cardio. He said lots that I really didn't want to hear. Am still processing the thought of more tests .Into each life etc...🙄😏
You must feel vulnerable being immune compromised. I don't know how it all works. A friend of mine has.always been told her immune system.is compromised but I don't think I have ever known her to catch as much as a cold.. She has all.manner of other things but nothing infectious and she takes everything else in her stride.
At the moment it does seem that all the stress will never end but we must hang in there. I look forward to hearing how things are going with your son and pray that things will turn around for us all pretty soon..God bless you and yours ,,
Hi Nora, my son is doing extremely well thank you. My son’s boarder tested positive for Covid the day he returned from the hospital but so far it looks like we have evaded any infections among us. Thank the Lord. If you don’t mind me asking, what other tests are they recommending? Funny but like your friend who is immunocompromised I never get a cold myself. Very strange. Praying we all get a little reprieve from life’s stresses for a bit. And yes we have no choice but to hang in there. Take care🤗🙏🏻
Hello there. So pleased to hear your son is doing so well and that you have managed to evade infections. That must be a huge load off your mind.. How long convalescence is he likely to require? I was interested to hear that, like my friend, you are resistant to all the usual bugs that go around. Should be some research on that. Anyway do you remember the phrase "i only asked?" IF so read on ref: more tests..Sorry This week I have to sèe a clinical pathologist for assesment (I believe fo be for Revasculisation) I I am having to have brain scan (possinly MRI and am claustraphobic) and then an appointment with neurologist Another echocardiogram in a few weeks due to the sticky valve and something else he picked up on which I haven't yet got my head round.. Cardiologist sent me copy of his report but looked too scary to read. He put me back on statins as he said the alternative prescribed by the doctor would not be so good at lowering cholesterol.. Not sure about statins as they had caused me to be diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy a few years ago..Enough about me. You have enough of your own to deal with but thank the Lord for the positive outcome with your son. So precious. Sending more😊🙏
Hi Nora, talking about having enough on your plate! . Wow so sorry you’re having to deal with all this medical stuff. I’m claustrophobic also so when I need to get an MRI I always request an open one. They are a little harder to find but are getting more popular. I’ve had a couple of open MRI’s and they didn’t bother me one bit, even the brain scan one. Cardiology stuff really can be so scary. I think I told you before I’ve had a few stents put in. The first time I was sure I was going to die, the second and third were a breeze lol. My son continues to do very well. Walking all over the place. Will have appointment with oncologist in a few weeks to discuss any further treatment so keeping our fingers crossed. Praying all goes well with your tests🙏🏻😊
Hi Gadzukes. Yes it never rains but it pours.. You did tell me you had stents but I did not delve any further and you seem to be doing so well. Again, thank you for sharing with me: it helps me to feel a lot calmer knowing that you understand my fears and have come out the other side. Especially reassuring to know that you too have had the brain scan. I wondered but didn't like to ask As you can imagine I am a touch nervous of what they may find but que sera sera..I HAD heard of open scanners..I shall keep that in mind. It is wonderfull to hear that your son is making such good progress. Thank you for responding I appreciate it so.much. 😊🙏
So glad I’ve been able to help a bit. Blessings🙏🏻
Thank you Nora. You are in my prayers❤️🤗