Hello, everyone. I scheduled my first dose of the COVID vaccine for next Friday. I am very anxious about this because I had an adverse reaction to the flu shot. I had to be allergy tested for the COVID vaccine and I am not allergic to it. That is the good news. I know I need to go into this with a positive mindset. I also don't want to spend the next week worrying about this.
Very Anxious about COVID Vaccine - Anxiety and Depre...
Very Anxious about COVID Vaccine
A friend of mine had a bad reaction to her first flu jab, but was ok with the Covid jab. There are other posts about this subject on other HU forums. You could put in a search if you need lots of opinions. Just click on the magnifying glass and put Covid vaccine in the space and search.
Everyone seems to be different. I just got my second jab last Wed. of the vaccine and this one has affected me. But I was told that was a possibility. I am allergic to bees so I was very worried, but as long as you either have an epi-pen like I do, and or have your shot in a clinic so you can be monitored for any allergic reactions, which I did also just to be safe...you should be okay. I didn't have much but a headache after the first jab, but the second one is kinda kicking my butt. But it's no worse than having the flu really. It beats getting a bad dose of this new Delta variant Plus…70% more transmissible and 30-40% worse symptoms...
I received my doses about a month ago maybe a bit more.. over the course of a couple weeks in between. I received the Moderna vacc. The only issues I had were a feeling of being tired, and a sore spot at the injection site.. so I rested and didn't puch myself. For the pai I alternated between cold pack and a hot pad.. I made sure to sleep in the opposite shoulder as much as possible.. Other wise the shot)s) weren't that bad. I hope this helps you
Thank you! Yes, it is helpful!
Don't worry. The reactions to the first shot tend to be minor (slightly sore arm and a little tired). The second shot has caused a bit more of a reaction for some people, although not for me. I think knowing you are vaccinated will cause less anxiety for you in the long run.
I have had 2 doses of the Pfizer Vaccine and the only side effect I had as fatigue. Several of my co-workers also took the Pfizer Vaccine and had No side effects at all. With the Moderma Vaccine, some of my co-workers had some pretty severe soreness and body aches that lasted a few days. I don't know which vaccine you are getting, but from the feedback I have gotten on both Pfizer was my preferred one. Either way, I will say the fatigue I got after both shots was much worse with the 2nd dose. I was nervous as well to get it but working in public schools, I was more nervous not to. I also have been getting the flu shot for several years now and I don't know if that had any impact on my side effects. Good luck and plan to take it easy for at least a day
If you want my advise don't look on here for help with anything regarding vaccines. None of us are trained medical professionals and even if we were we are not your doctor's and we do not understand your needs and your medical history. Speak with your doctor if you have concerns, that is what they are there for. As far as anxiety about any medical procedure being done, it's pointless to compare as we are all different. My experience will not be your's and so on. So I would say if you are committed to getting the vaccine stay away from any information that is not your doctor and do your best to remind yourself why you are getting it. To protect yourself and your loved ones. Also remind yourself it's okay to be nervous. Most of us get nervous before any shot, so it's only natural to be nervous now. Do your best to practice your anxiety coping skills and again stay in contact with your doctor.
Thank you. I am getting it at my PCPs office and will be monitored for 30 minutes. Hoping all goes well.
Well said.
Some people who have had a past reaction have been advised to take 2 paracetamol after having the jab when they get home - so irradicating any flu-like symptoms they may worry about experiencing. The majority of people have had no symptoms. I have allergies and experienced none at all. I am sure you will be fine.
My brother spent 4 months in the ICU- go get the vaccine no matter the reaction
Did anyone experience insomnia? I have had really bad insomnia for 2 nights, night time palpitations and body shaking in the middle of the night last night. I am on day 4 after getting the Pfizer vaccine. Feeling anxious about my stressful sleep.
No but you should report it to your doctor. They are required to report to the cdc vaers database (anonymous). It doesn’t matter if it is unrelated. There is also a cdc check in program where you can report it and if they feel it warrants it they will call you. Months later they still have me check in about once a week. Takes a minute.
Yes, I had that too, really bad insomnia , body shaking and palpitations and then fatigue and brain fog. Did you have the same reaction with the second dose?
I did not go for the second dose as the first one triggered my panic disorder and I'm still struggling to get back to my normal self.
Hi I have Hashimotos and I'm still so concerned about taking the vaccine because of long term contra indications with Hashimotos. Does anyone know about cognitive long term affects?
Thanks all.
I haven't heard anything. Who do you go to for your Hashimoto's? I would see what they say. Best wishes!
I would encourage you to talk to your therapist or your doctor about the concerns you're having, the anxiety you're experiencing.
I have always thought that anxiety was a mechanism to make you stop and think about what you're about to do. Kind of keeping you from jumping off of a cliff sometimes.
Your doctor will be able to provide you with the updated information and help you work through some of the anxiety. Or therapist.
Best of luck to you.