New to this and scared: Just recently... - Anxiety and Depre...

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New to this and scared

Twyla23 profile image
36 Replies

Just recently started feeling will not subside and I feel out of I'm going crazy is this normal with anxiety?

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Twyla23 profile image
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36 Replies
brightlife12345 profile image

Find a safe to sit down. Take a deep breath in and then out, do that a couple of times, and try to relax. Everyone has anxiety, anxious thoughts come and go. You'll get through this, we are here for you!

Twyla23 profile image
Twyla23 in reply to brightlife12345

I've tried that and I've tried meditation and the thoughts still are there...

brightlife12345 profile image
brightlife12345 in reply to Twyla23

Try to find the cause of your anxiety and find ways to manage the problem to help reduce your anxiety.

Twyla23 profile image
Twyla23 in reply to brightlife12345

It was a comment made by a friend that has seemed to triggered the anxiety and I play it over and over again...I dont feel like myself I feel overwhelmed and it is scaring me. I've opened up to a couple other friends and they havent experienced my symptoms...I just want peace of mind that what I'm feeling is normal when dealing with anxiety. Thanks for responding I appreciate it.

brightlife12345 profile image
brightlife12345 in reply to Twyla23

No problem! Take things day by day, you got this!

Organiker profile image
Organiker in reply to Twyla23

I have physical symptoms from my anxiety which I find overwhelming. I have tried many techniques (mindfulness etc) but the only way I find to handle them is to sit somewhere quiet and concentrate your mind on the worst symptom. This is usually my stomach. After a while the symptom will subside. This will give you some control over things. Deep breathing at the same time helps a bit too.

Twyla23 profile image

Thank you...I appreciate it

Agora1 profile image

Hi Twyla, what you are feeling is absolutely normal when we feel out of control.

I see that someone said something to you which started this anxious feeling.

Once our mind takes hold of anxiety, unfortunately, it plays over and over in our

subconscious mind increasing that fear.

The best thing you can do is to let go of that thought. You can't control what someone

says to you but you can control in how you react to it. That is an important thing to

remember when feeling overwhelmed.

The more you don't fight it but accept it as just something that happens in life, the faster

it will subside. You are not going crazy. Kick that thought to the curb. It's not worth

losing sleep over it. You'll be okay. We're here to help you through this bump in the road.

:) xx

Twyla23 profile image
Twyla23 in reply to Agora1

Thank you so much that means alot

in reply to Agora1

Yes exactly say hello anxiety I know you here. Not run from it but face it babe with it. And get water some cold water to drink, maybe splash face with cold water, have a camamile tea and put on some funny home videos of animals doing funny stufff, and chill and breath. You may feel much better.

I try not to think to much to stop the anxiety too. I change what ever I was thinking about.

Twyla23 profile image

Same I'm currently working and I'm just overwhelmed...does exercise work?

in reply to Twyla23

I find that exercise helps a little. I had EMDR for repetitive thoughts and that helped. As does distraction - in my case, drawing and fussing with indoor plants.

Twyla23 profile image
Twyla23 in reply to


in reply to Twyla23

It's the same thing they do for veterans for PTSD! :)

Twyla23 profile image

I haven't cried...just extremely anxious

Twyla23 profile image

Just being able to talk to others that are feeling this way can I help u?

Twyla23 profile image

It will talk to me...I'm here

Twyla23 profile image

What kind of dog do you have? it a therapy dog?

Twyla23 profile image

I'm sorry about least you still have your pup...a lap dog?

Twyla23 profile image

I don't but I would like one...I work alot but I applied to foster a cat

Catsamaze profile image
CatsamazeADAA Volunteer

Welcome! If you feel like you’re going crazy you’re not going crazy.......!

Twyla23 profile image

You ok?

Yea anxiety is annoying

Wowzerzzz profile image

You’re definitely not alone! Something I like to do is make lists and read them when I’m anxious or sad. I just write out anything that makes me feel better, all the good things going on, things that soothe me. And I keep adding. I also like to separately write down what’s making me anxious. Pin point it, write it, why I’m feeling it, should I logically be feeling it, and some things to make me feel less bad about it (ie this won’t matter in a week, they probably don’t even remember that, I have so much going for me right now)

Twyla23 profile image

Me too

Twyla23 profile image

Wheres your pup? he with u?

Twyla23 profile image

I know...I would go get her and hug on her

Lazy_dog_lover profile image

Anxiety hits everyone a little differently. I agree that slow, deep belly breathing. In for 4 count, out for 4 count. Imagine the exhale is whatever is bothering you disappearing into the atmosphere. Go for about a minute.

The next part is important. You have to replace that thought with something else. Without a replacement, it can seep back in. You have options, here. A meditation where you are going to your safe, warm and fuzzy place where only love and good feelings happen. Good people. Favorite activities, etc.

You can also go with an active replacement, a puzzle, exercise, dance, sing...anything that uses your brain for something else.

If you journal, make sure that for every stressful thing you write, you have a positive thing, something you are grateful for.

Vinnie77 profile image

100 percent normal with a panic attack. Anxiety and panic attack are a symptom of something deeper. I had suffered for years and went undiagnosed for a very long time before a dr finally found what was wrong with me. Dr kept say I was depressed and had general anxiety disorder. I'm like yes but why? I was telling her how I was fine and it just started one day along with dizziness and light headedness. Anyway, after about 4 years of antidepressants and xanax nothing was making it go away. Finally went to a natropath who looked deeper and found I was b deficient, had hashimoto's, D deficient, had a genetic mutation that doesn't allow my body to absorb any of my b vitamins properly. I also have chronic Epstein barr virus and am anemic and had my serotonin levels so low they were undetectable. No wonder I was having horrible panic attacks.

Please find a good Dr. Who will listen. I suffered for 4 years every single day until I found the Dr that saved me. I'm feeling do much better and I no longer suffer from crippling panic attacks.

Breath,be kind to yourself, rest when you need to and except help when it's offered. Best of wishes to you

TheGalician profile image

What you are feeling is terribly scary but totally normal. It takes time to accept that anxiety is what it is - something that cannot harm us physically or mentally but has affects that overwhelm us and shake us to our very roots. You will have to learn to befriend and love this aspect of yourself rather than fight and reject it which essentially heightens the fear. Johann Hari’s book “Lost Connections” is a helpful book since it discusses reasons why anxiety has gripped the modern world and way of living. Charles Linden has some good things to say about the symptoms and describes them very well. The No panic website in the UK is very helpful and has some good resources ie how to stop a panic attack in 3 minutes. In the end, the answer is so simple and yet takes much practice to know and embrace. You have to accept that anxiety is an inner atmosphere that comes and goes and learn to observe it rather than be or fear it. That is why meditation and learning to truly love yourself are key tools but take time and much practice. In the end, learn that you are not alone. I am curious about what your friend said to you since you say that this was a trigger?

Chittychatty profile image

Hi Twyla23. my daughter discovered (I think it’s called) Great Vibes on Utube. There’s hundreds of pieces of the most calming music. My son uses it too to try to sleep. Give it a try. It’s beautiful and takes your mind elsewhere. Good wishes.

Jstbcuz profile image

YES!!! I remember when I started dealing with anxiety, I too thought I would never feel normal again. It was scary. Over the years I learned that mine is caused from stressors. I had to think about what had gone on in my life. I always reacted after the fact. I was on my 20's when I experienced my first panic attack. So scary. I still get anxiety now and then but not panic attacks. I always worried when the next one would hit. Years later I found a good psychiatrist and a good psychologist. I take meds. I learned that anxiety is one of the mental diagnosis is the easiest to treat. Trust me I use to go to the ER. Scared to death. You can get through this. Seek help and learn as much about it as you can. Knowledge is power. You will be ok, I promise.

Sadly, yes. But you're among friends.

Try mindfulness. Focus on your immediate surroundings. Another suggestion from the book Brain Lock is to find something you enjoy doing and do it, even if you think you can't. About 15 minutes later, the anxiety should subside.

Going forward, despite my efforts, I ultimately needed medication, so that might be the best option for you as well. Get with your doctor and therapist to get recommendations for a good psychiatrist.

Matt_S profile image

Yes this is normal in anxiety you are not alone, the feeling will pass and you will feel better I listen to meditation music which helps me a great deal and I do anxiety/depression meetings on zoom that also helps and really makes me fell I’m not the only one, I hope this helps and we are all here for you.

HealthAnxietyGuy profile image

Hi, I completely understand your anxiety. I've been there for many years until I finally find solutions that seems to help more than just myself. One major one is Probiotics and finding the foods that can trigger symptoms at times, especially if you have IBS.

Here's my story:

I had severe IBS but always related it to my Anxiety/Panic Disorder. I tried so many things, Diet, Exercise, Meditation/breathing techniques, medication then vitamin supplements, nothing helped.

The 3 things that have completely controlled the symptoms were #1 Faith in God, #2 Probiotics, #3 CPAP machine for sleep apnea, I believe induced by IBS/Anxiety untreated for years/decades. I am not obese and my doctors kept ignoring my request for a sleep study because I would tell them that when my anxiety was bad I would stop breathing when dosing off. Finally Dr. accepted and did the study, and diagnosed mild sleep apnea. So my sleep is much better with the CPAP.

The biggest help was really the probiotics, because the issues didn't completely leave with the CPAP.

I really believe that for many people their gut microbiome is messed up, which affects our immune system, and other systems, etc.

What has helped me is, 50B probiotics daily, with psyllium husk capsules to help feed the probiotics. I've been through 3 different meds last year which hadn't really helped much, some made me worse. About 6 years ago I was on Venlafaxine (Effexor) which really helped and stopped my panic attacks, but came with a bunch of side effects, including fatigue. I had also tried diet and exercise but with no results and usually felt worse for hours/days afterwards. I also went through a lot the past 10 years with anxiety and panic.

My anxiety is pretty much nonexistent now, and my energy levels are still problematic at times but I'm gradually recovering from years being unwell. Biking/moderate exercise 3 times a weeks sometimes a little weight lifting in between days. All of this I find helps me to actually be tired at night and fall asleep better.

The gut and brain connection plays a huge role and the probiotics helped me tremendously and might do the same for you. It took a few weeks to finally notice a difference and a few more to really see a big difference.

I saw a study that shows that approximately 80% of our seretonin is produced in the gut, so imagine all the other ones that might be the same.

I use Ultimate Flora Critical Care 50 Billion from Renew Life. They also have 30, 40 and 90 billion. Here's what strains you should try to get if you can't find it in your area, since these helped me:

Bifidobacterium bifidum (HA-132) 25 Billion

Lactobacillus acidophilus (HA-122) 10 Billion

Lactobacillus casei (HA-108) 8.875 Billion

Bifidobacterium breve (HA-129) 4 Billion

Bifidobacterium longum (HA-135) 1 Billion

Lactobacillus rhamnosus (HA-111) 250 Million

Lactobacillus rhamnosus (HA- 114) 250 Million

Lactobacillus plantarum (HA-119) 250 Million

Lactobacillus fermentum (HA-179) 250 Million

Lactobacillus salivarius (HA-118) 125 Million

other companies have similar ones but I know this company worked well for my mom (treated her C-Diff) and I. Their capsule is a slow release so that more can reach the large intestine. Multiple strains are being studied because theoretically probiotics are supposed to help your immune system, anxiety and the probiotics help convert the food you eat to vitamins more effectively, since they aid digestion.

I pray you find a solution and that this may help. God Bless.

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