Use your Own Intelligence! ❤️☀️☮️☯️🌻... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Use your Own Intelligence! ❤️☀️☮️☯️🌻🧘🏻‍♀️🌈🙏

60 Replies

Never ask for advice when it comes down to your core of being because everybody is so unique and so different that there has never been any person like you before, nor is there going to be another person like you again. So really, no guidelines for you exist. But existence is greatly compassionate. It has given you the whole program of your life in a seed form. If you don’t ask anybody, and just silently listen to your own heart and go on following it, you will reach the space where you can feel at home; where suddenly you realize who you are, where suddenly you feel a synchronicity with the whole existence.

Drop the idea of personal guidance, because anybody will try to guide you according to his mind, according to his ideas of how you should be. That’s what all the teachers of the world have been doing: imposing their idea, their image on people who are searching and seeking guidance. It is one of the most dangerous games to play, because in it you are always the loser. If the teacher succeeds in imposing certain directions, certain patterns, disciplines, then it is not guidance; it is misguidance. Because nobody knows your unique self — only you can know it. And you have to grow according to your nature, not according to anybody’s guidance.

To me, to be natural, to be spontaneous is enough. All guides have been misguides. And you can see it: the whole universe of humanity is living in tremendous misguidance. Otherwise why should there be so much insanity? Why there should be so much misery, so much agony and spiritual suffering? God is a presence, not a person, like beauty, like joy. There is no possibility of any dialogue between you and God. God simply means godliness. Why would people trust in dead words spoken thousands of years before by people we do not know. Whether they knew anything, or they were just creating fictions… unless you know, you can never be certain. These guidelines are nonsense when nobody has been allowed to be just himself, his natural being. The whole existence is available to guide you — and you are now in a position to be in direct contact with the universe. As your gratitude deepens, as your grace becomes more and more clear, as your silence becomes more and more rooted in you — it is the universe itself which takes you into its own hands. Those hands are invisible, but they are there; you are not orphans in the universe. You are immensely needed and loved, you are just not aware of it.

The mind was creating so much fuss, thoughts were creating so many dark clouds, emotions and moods, it had become a thick barrier between you and your real self. When the barrier is removed, it is as if you have removed a rock which was preventing a stream, a fountain. And the moment you remove the rock, suddenly the fountain bursts forth in a great dance of joy. Your blissfulness is not something that comes from outside, it springs from within you. Just the rock of your mind — thoughts, miseries — has to be removed. It is not that you have to repress it, because by repressing it you will be repressing the fountain behind it too. In meditation, silence comes on its own accord. You simply go on watching the mind without any control, without any repression, and silence comes suddenly just like a breeze, and with the silence, the fragrance of the flowers — that is your blissfulness; it is your own fragrance which you were not capable of knowing because there was so much noise.❤️


60 Replies

That is beautiful KoKo and so very true, we are all unique and should never strive to be someone different.💞💞💜💞🌺🌺🙏🙏🌈🌻🌻🕉 xxxx

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Awe thank you Alicia, always the woman of wisdom you are 🥰. Returning to the source is key. Authenticity is what missing in this society. ❤️❤️❤️🌻🌺🌈☯️🙏xxx

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You are spot on there KoKo re authenticity. 💞💞💜💜💜🕉🕉🌺🌺🌻 xxxx

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Aweee thank you Alicia. 😊 I feel the same way about you also, always stay true to authentic Alicia. Do what you like, like what you do 😘😘😘🌈🌻🙏xxx

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Aw bless you KoKo. I'll always be me and I like what you say, thank you. xxxx💜💜💞💞💜🌺🤗🤗🌸

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You’re welcomed Alicia. I love what you say too ❤️ Have a good rest of the evening and sweet dreams whenever you feel like hit the sack 🛌 ❤️❤️❤️🌈🥰🥰🥰xxx

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Aw thank you KoKo. Nearly bed time xxxx💜💜💜💞🤗🤗🤗

ZazenRiver345 profile image

This post is so important for mankind so they can begin to trust themselves again and become authentic 🙏. The so called religions and scriptures have made man neurotic. Man tries to force himself into living up to another's expectations. Maybe they will follow these scriptures but deep down they will be empty. They are just repressing there violent behaviors. True change and authenticity comes when we learn to become silent inside through meditation and understanding. Then we become truly virtuous❤

in reply toZazenRiver345

A meditator does not need guidance, he goes in within with great understanding to be harmonious with this Universe. There’s only one existence is you. So many schizophrenic people walk around and violently treat themselves because of some nonsense conversations they have in their head. If those voices create pain and suffer then it’s time to drop them and go back to your own self. Authenticity is key always. ☯️☮️🌈🙏

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With Schizophrenia, simply dropping the vices, delusions , and hallucinations; it's easier said than done.

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It is true easier said than done. Medications are offered to subside the symptoms only. Is there a cure up to this point? No and managing is the only way. The key is to have a strong support system in place which is eliminating all the nonsense pressing upon the individual that already had disturbed mind.

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Oh I could tell you some stories from when I was a community social worker.

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Would love to hear all those stories whenever you have time. 😊🙏

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I have plenty of time. 😆

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The key, as you so rightly point out, is to have a strong integrated support system. There's a myriad of systems and players that in a perfect would help relieve the stress of chronic mental disorders. It's unfortunate that during the Regan era, the emphasis was getting people out of institutions and care centers before they had the needed skills and supports in place. It became , as so often is the case, a matter of incoming dollars and less about patient care. But I digress and that is a subject for a different forum..right?

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That is true what you said. Bringing back to my point of this post is awareness of external voices before they become your own voices. Ofc there’s always a room of “he loves me, he loves me not” for this matter. 😅🙏

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Exactly... 😉

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Even I don’t need validation from anything or anyone but it sure feels nice to be approved by Mr. Tao 😉🙏

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Uh... gee ....Thanks!😄

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Not good enough, I wanna see the Buddha blush 🤣😂🤣😂🙏

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BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂 I don't think there is an emoji for that!

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Ooofff then I guess Mr Tao makes me use my imagination 🤷‍♀️🤣😂🙏

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I do try Grasshopper.. I do try. 😘

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"A person who is capable of blushing, cannot have a bad heart" Zen quote

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Good? Bad? Who cares? 🤷‍♀️ Just blush away 🤣😂🥰🙏

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If only I could find an emoji for that... Hmmmmmmmmm lemme think....😉🤔

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Tao doesn’t think. He’s on the same page with Nike, just do it ☝️🤣😂🤣😂

ZazenRiver345 profile image
ZazenRiver345 in reply to

Did buddha ever blush?😅😂🤣

in reply toZazenRiver345

Oh the whole arrays shooting out from all angles 🤣😂😅

ZazenRiver345 profile image
ZazenRiver345 in reply to

He wouldve blushed if Koko complimented him I'm sure🙏😅

in reply toZazenRiver345

Have u blushed today GB1? 🤣😂😅

ZazenRiver345 profile image
ZazenRiver345 in reply to

I'm always blushing 😊😂🤣

in reply toZazenRiver345

Uh oh, check your blood pressure now. Cant walk around with a red face 🤣😂😅

ZazenRiver345 profile image
ZazenRiver345 in reply to

Uh oh now I'm worried😅😂🤣. I always thought I was just really humble👍

in reply toZazenRiver345

Meditator doesn’t have time to worry.😅 prob just blushing around the clock is a defense mechanism ... not natural 🤣😂😂

ZazenRiver345 profile image
ZazenRiver345 in reply to

Meditators have plenty of time👍. Never rushing😎😅😂

in reply toZazenRiver345

Probably.. It goes hand in hand with humility..

ZazenRiver345 profile image
ZazenRiver345 in reply to

I think shes making the point that schizophrenic behavior seems to be the norm in society. Constant battling and chatter within ourselves. You wont be diagnosed with it unless you've gone outside the norm of public behavior, but that doesnt mean you arent sick.

in reply toZazenRiver345

There is a HUGHE difference between "self talk" and delusional thinking and responding to "unseen others"... it's not that simple or cut and dried.

ZazenRiver345 profile image
ZazenRiver345 in reply to

I agree. Theres degrees of schizophrenic behavior although I feel. Excessive self talk is part of it. Once its reached the hallucination stage it becomes unmanageable to function.

in reply toZazenRiver345

"When beliefs are shared by others, the idiosyncratic can become normalized."☝️😂

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"What were once vices, are now habits"

Roxylox profile image

I'm impressed. That was an absolute revelation. There is a lot of truth in what you say. Of course we are all unique and I suppose should create our own personal plan. Great wisdom on your part.

in reply toRoxylox

Thank you Roxylox for taking interest in reading my post. Authenticity is key. Likewise very much wisdom from your part to create your personal plan that stays closed to your heart. Have a wonderful day ahead! ☮️🌺🌞🌈🙏

b1b1b1 profile image

Worthwhile and interesting.

in reply tob1b1b1

Thank you b1b1b1 for taking interest in reading my post 😊. Have a wonderful day ahead! ☮️🌺🌞🌈🙏

"Be what you is, Not what you is not. Folks who is what they is, is the happiest lot" Mr. Wizzard ca. 1960's

"Use your own intelligence"

While in principle this is good guidance and well said . It is advice and was sought and or given freely.

More than advice ,rules, opinions, or guide lines. What we seek is Validation, and Permission

Validation for our thoughts and actions and words as well.

Permission to openly acknowledge those beliefs.

We need outside observance and responses (good or bad) to help us form a balanced outlook and a secure sense of self.

Children seek parental approval until such time that they form their own ego strengths and the ability to think critically. Baby steps.

While it's true that "teachers" do influence our learning with their own views, we need to be aware and challenge what doesn't fit our perceptions.

Humans are by nature curious and seek to learn.

In most cases we can't afford to take the time or meet the expense of guided meditation, or to take consciousness expanding drugs in a sweat lodge or in a shamans hut in Peru.

We seek an easier way to attain knowledge.. a short cut if you will.

The teachings of prophets, preachers and sages from the B.C.E. to present day are , if taken in study; to me offers guides not verbatim gospel. Question everything then choose for your self. It's about FAITH... Faith in your own belief system, philosophy or religion, and faith in the Universe.

I agree. Be natural, be you, be here now, speak your truth. Be ready to accept what you find inside. Be ready to have others question you.

Not everyone will have the same sense of self that you can achieve. Nor should they.

That's the beauty of finding your path, your own Tao.

How Zen is that.

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Thank you Mr. Tao for your words of wisdom. 😊🙏 A great teacher is a teacher that encourages us to use our own intelligence to create our own understanding, our own paths that stay closed to home which is our existence. Returning to the source, our own self, be harmonious with this Universe as it is here and now to support us. Human nature is always seeking and it is important to know where to seek. Great point on pointing out those nonsense shamans with tricks as they prey on human despair. Be authentic to our true self without seeking validation, opinions from others. This society is keeping on showing a beggar begs another beggar mentality , hence humanity is suffering. Zen is nothingness, be nobody so we can learn and find our own path. ☯️🌻❤️🙏

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Roxylox profile image
Roxylox in reply to

Also a very wise and measured post True indeed about needing validation. Perhaps one can also be guided towards the options that suit them best by being shown some choices and picking just some.

For that reason perhaps the guidance of teachers, or indeed preachers is not wasted

in reply toRoxylox

Good point. Pick just one? Oh that takes all the fun out of exploration and experimentation.

Roxylox profile image
Roxylox in reply to

You'll see I said just some

in reply toRoxylox

Duh'OH! My bad! Thanks for pointing that out.😀

Roxylox profile image
Roxylox in reply to

S'alright, hope I didn't seem cross, wasn't.

in reply toRoxylox

That didn't come across in your reply... Text does leave something to be "inflection" 😉😉

ZazenRiver345 profile image
ZazenRiver345 in reply toRoxylox

The point is you should listen and learn from all sources but you should never make a choice based on someone elses understanding. A lot of knowledge from your preachers and teachers is borrowed so you will have to discern what is what using your own intelligence. Only follow your own guidance is the point of the post🙏❤.

Roxylox profile image
Roxylox in reply toZazenRiver345

I had gotten the point. You are basically repeating what I said. I was saying take what you think might suit you from their guidence. You could also add in anything else that suits you. You will be using your own intelligence to discern what in thir teachings might suit you

in reply toRoxylox

With enough exposure, the student becomes the teacher.

in reply toRoxylox

I can see your point Roxylox. I think Zazenriver345 was on the track of knowledge is borrowed to your response of teachers and preachers advice are not wasted. Teachers are under school-system guidelines and preachers are under scriptures guidelines. But I think we all agree here is staying true to our core of being because by the end of the day, we do whichever resonates to our heart without pain and suffering.🙏

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