Never ask for advice when it comes down to your core of being because everybody is so unique and so different that there has never been any person like you before, nor is there going to be another person like you again. So really, no guidelines for you exist. But existence is greatly compassionate. It has given you the whole program of your life in a seed form. If you don’t ask anybody, and just silently listen to your own heart and go on following it, you will reach the space where you can feel at home; where suddenly you realize who you are, where suddenly you feel a synchronicity with the whole existence.
Drop the idea of personal guidance, because anybody will try to guide you according to his mind, according to his ideas of how you should be. That’s what all the teachers of the world have been doing: imposing their idea, their image on people who are searching and seeking guidance. It is one of the most dangerous games to play, because in it you are always the loser. If the teacher succeeds in imposing certain directions, certain patterns, disciplines, then it is not guidance; it is misguidance. Because nobody knows your unique self — only you can know it. And you have to grow according to your nature, not according to anybody’s guidance.
To me, to be natural, to be spontaneous is enough. All guides have been misguides. And you can see it: the whole universe of humanity is living in tremendous misguidance. Otherwise why should there be so much insanity? Why there should be so much misery, so much agony and spiritual suffering? God is a presence, not a person, like beauty, like joy. There is no possibility of any dialogue between you and God. God simply means godliness. Why would people trust in dead words spoken thousands of years before by people we do not know. Whether they knew anything, or they were just creating fictions… unless you know, you can never be certain. These guidelines are nonsense when nobody has been allowed to be just himself, his natural being. The whole existence is available to guide you — and you are now in a position to be in direct contact with the universe. As your gratitude deepens, as your grace becomes more and more clear, as your silence becomes more and more rooted in you — it is the universe itself which takes you into its own hands. Those hands are invisible, but they are there; you are not orphans in the universe. You are immensely needed and loved, you are just not aware of it.
The mind was creating so much fuss, thoughts were creating so many dark clouds, emotions and moods, it had become a thick barrier between you and your real self. When the barrier is removed, it is as if you have removed a rock which was preventing a stream, a fountain. And the moment you remove the rock, suddenly the fountain bursts forth in a great dance of joy. Your blissfulness is not something that comes from outside, it springs from within you. Just the rock of your mind — thoughts, miseries — has to be removed. It is not that you have to repress it, because by repressing it you will be repressing the fountain behind it too. In meditation, silence comes on its own accord. You simply go on watching the mind without any control, without any repression, and silence comes suddenly just like a breeze, and with the silence, the fragrance of the flowers — that is your blissfulness; it is your own fragrance which you were not capable of knowing because there was so much noise.❤️