For knowledge that there are good times to come
I’m also grateful for having appreciation for nature art and beautiful souls
For knowledge that there are good times to come
I’m also grateful for having appreciation for nature art and beautiful souls
That is a nice thing to say. I'm always grateful for Nature too. Glad that Covid seems to be going. Glad to survive. N looking forward to Spring days in my Garden! ☺️👍
I’m looking forward to Spring too, definitely!!! I want to create an herb garden this year. I want to work hard and use the herbs for tea. I think I’ll do lavender, lemon balm, mint...what type of garden do you have?
That's good! I grow Peppermint too and Lemon Balm. In pots, because it does tend to take over. I'm in UK and have a Tiny Bungalow, with a small garden. I like Cottage gardens and try to grow mostly, Natural British Flowers. At the moment I have Snowdrops, and Crocus, out. Next will be Daffs, Bluebells and Tulips and later a whole riot of Lavender, Asters, Cornflowers, Poppies, Foxgloves, and anything that I and the Bees and Butterflies will enjoy. I'm not a neat gardener, I have no colour schemes, and I don't fuss about tidyness. There's only a little Lawn and a few large Tropical plants in Pots. But I love it! When I'm out there, I think of nothing but, what I'm doing. Its great for us anxious folk. What is your garden like Starr?
I’m thinking I’ll have some in the ground and some herbs in pots ... I have a large backyard with an old garden area that used to hold lots of blueberries a d blackberries. I’m excited for Spring.
Me too!
So cool!Best to us!
I used to speak to you a few years ago, Starr. I left for a time because my Son needed all my attention. But, I am so very glad for your hopeful, posts and that you seem so changed and positive. it gives me and others such hope. Thankyou. Yes, Roll on Spring!
I remember you, beautiful ❤️ Good to see you. Yes I have done a flip. I’m glad I can give hope and positivity; that makes me so happy 😌 how is your son? How are you? You sound good.
That's nice, I'm glad to be remembered. My Son is very much better. Thankyou. He has a good job now and a relationship he's happy in. So he did a 'Flip" too. I'm a bit down as I have bad Chest infections due to Asthma,/COPD and lung problems. Don't get much sleep. Been isolating well over a year too. But striving to stay positive and look for the good in life. As you do. My best to you Hun. 💐
I hear ya wow I’m so so sorry you have that suffering to bare with the infections and isolation. I’ve been sick as well for a month. I think I’ve finally figured what the culprit is.
Try meditating before you go to sleep as it really can settle the mind down so you can get better sleep.
I’m so happy that your son did a flip too I bet that makes your heart so happy
😀 Best to you and your family, beautiful.
Sage is also a useful and easily grown herb. And it survived our Maine winters for years. It’s not only a flavorful culinary herb but a cup of sage tea will settle a sour stomach in no time.
Sage is also an easy to grow and care for herb. Not only is it a flavorful culinary herb but a cup of sage tea will settle a sour stomach in no time.
I'm greatful for still being alive and active.
Great full for my dog, always by my side, doesn't judge or complain and always happy to see me whether it's me coming in from yard work or if I've been gone all day.
Grateful for my ' cabin' on 'my' mountain
Greatful for the small close knit community I am privileged to be a part of.
Greatful for this website.
My snuggly pup (I'm not feeling good today, so staying in bed).
My beautiful silly friends & family.
That we have ginger ale.
I'm grateful for what I've learned from a television show.
I am so prone to seeing only the dark side of life, but Mr. Monk reminds me that so many of our strengths are both a blessing and a curse.
I am grateful for the words I love, that bring comfort, art, and grace to my life. I am grateful for the songs, that allow me to share what I feel when I haven't the words.
I am grateful for you, Starrlight, when you remind me again and again to do the hard job of finding gratitude in the muck. I didn't think I could ever do it, but now I surprise myself sometimes.
You are doing an amazing job. I love your words too, they are beautifully full of hope. Keep listening to the music and sharing. I am grateful for you too! ❤️
Star, you are such a comfort to me. How do you always see this "hope" where I see pain and struggle? It is such a special gift. You grant me a grace I can't find alone, and I thank you.
Thank you That makes me so happy. I really care about you. Hope is within the pain and struggle. We are in pain and call out and see what we can hold onto and that there is the hope. Within us. We are stronger than we think. You are a fighter.
I don't learn quickly or easily any more. Is this right?
"See what we can hold onto... and that is the hope. WE are strong. I am... No. I can't manage that one. But I thank you.
I'm grateful for how far I have come in my journey to peace.
That's a beautiful picture. That's what the sky looked like here today.
I watched the birds outside. Spring is coming
I'm grateful that I'm still here.
I know what you mean about the importance of having passions. When I cant seem to concentrate on them I feel less alive. ❤️
I am so grateful for my 13 year old son. I have 6 kids and a spouse but my son always can tell when I'm having a bad day mental and asks me how my day has been.
Passions are important, I just can't seem to find mine. Everything I try that I used to love, just is frustrating for me now. Sleep definitely doesn't count, lol.
I am grateful for everything I have in my life and mostly for seeing that being so humbled by so many negative things happening to me is actually making me see things with a clearer and more positive attitude.
The dryer broke and all my clothes are wet,ok use the clothesline. My hands are numb, so pace yourself hanging out clothes,but now it is raining,ok so hang some up in the garage with a fan and heater. Find solutions,
The burners on the stove died, so t
take your time and use the one small burner left and the oven
Adult son came back home last night and was screaming at me about stupid things he did but blamed me, I did nor engage him but ignored him. I noticed that hubby and I only argue when son is home and hubby gets mean to me then too. All my health troubles get amplified as soon as that kid is back,limbic system goes in overdrive, Fight or Flight responses of body to fear and constant extreme stresses.
I never would have figured it out without all the caring people here !
Wow you are so strong and you have so much going on! Amazing you are!!! ❤️ I’m here any time you need to talk.
Thank you. This strength is appearing due to my troubles and getting stronger with each new solution I create. I am starting to see how miserable and unhappy my meth addicted adult son and mean short tempered hubby are with themselves and all they do. They need compassion from me not negativity to fuel them,and at times , " Silence is golden ".
I have had anxiety for years then got notified I had cirrhosis of the Liver (non-alcoholic and now cancer of the liver. I often wondered why but, I have found my Savior Jesus Christ and have slowed down a lot to see the small things of life and what God has given me. Now I find myself at peace knowing He is always with me. You are never alone, a wonderful Savior awaits you and is always by your side. That I cannot ever show thanks enough for his Love.
I read all of the replies to Starrlight and would like to add that I'm grateful for coffee, especially in the morning! I'm also grateful that I'm not in pain and am able to take long walks.