Peace is Bliss! ❤️☀️☮️☯️🌸🌈🧘🏻‍♀️🕉🙏 - Anxiety and Depre...

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Peace is Bliss! ❤️☀️☮️☯️🌸🌈🧘🏻‍♀️🕉🙏

69 Replies

Bliss is not even happiness. Bliss is more like peace than like happiness. Bliss is neither unhappiness nor happiness; it is peace from that turmoil, that conflict. It is the transcendence of duality. Happiness always lingers with unhappiness; unhappiness is always it’s other side, happiness. They are two sides of the same coin. Whenever the coin drops from your hand, you are neither happy or unhappy. What we call happiness is psychological. Whenever you find a certain moment of elation your ego is fulfilled, you feel happy but only for the time being, because your ego is fulfilled. You have defeated all other competitors, you have arrived; where others have failed, you have succeeded; or you have much money, power, prestige, fame. But soon one becomes tired of it all. Only successful people know how tiring success is. Only rich people know how utterly disappointed they are but they cannot even say so, because to say so seems to be even more foolish, people will laugh. They have wasted their whole lives accumulating wealth and now they say that it is stupid. The ego does not want to do that; the ego wants to go on keeping the illusion.

Seeing this game of happiness and unhappiness, the watcher, the mediator becomes unidentified with both. When happiness comes, he knows unhappiness will be coming , so why get excited? When unhappiness comes, he is not at all disturbed because he knows happiness will be coming just around the corner, so why become disturbed? He is neither excited by happiness nor disturbed by unhappiness. This is peace. He remains the same, in a deep equilibrium; his silence is undisturbed. Day comes and goes, night comes and goes, everything comes and goes. He remains a witness, unconcerned, cool. That coolness, that discernment is peace.

Whenever ego is fulfilled, you feel happy; however, bliss is not happiness but a totally different phenomenon. It is not plea sure because it is not physiological. It is not happiness because there is no ego fulfillment. On the contrary, it is dissolution of the ego, it is dissolving your separate entity into the whole. That’s what meditation is all about, merging, melting into the whole, totally forgetting that you are separate, remembering your unity with the whole. All that is needed is a remembrance; all that is needed is dropping this false notion that we are separate. In those rare moments when you can put aside your ego, your personality, your body, mind complex, and you are just a watcher, a witness, a consciousness, you know the first taste of meditation. And with that, immediately great bliss comes, it rushes toward you from all directions, from all dimensions. All your inner emptiness is immediately fulfilled. It becomes a lake of bliss. ❤️

69 Replies

Beautiful KoKo, so true and I love it 🧘‍♀️🕉💞💞💞💜💞 xxxx

in reply to

Thank you Alicia. We all have to find that balance ☯️ to be content with our own being. ☮️🕊🧘🏻‍♀️🕉❤️❤️❤️🌈💐🌺☀️🌻🙏xxx

in reply to

We certainly do KoKo 🕉🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️🕉💜💜💞💜 xxx

Be dont try to become☯️🙂🙏. We are already that which we have been seeking...We just need a deep remembrance🤗

in reply to

That is very true. Seeking means desiring and you cannot seek something that is unknown but going within your own core of being. ☮️☯️☀️🌈🌺🙏

13ga profile image

nice sentiment - but i think i'd have to disagree a bit...

i've been fearless most of my life - really only acquired fears in last few years...

and i can decidedly state - i didn't know bliss most my life... finally found and lost it... then found fears!!!

maybe i shouldn't be surprised... i seem to be upside-down in many ways... 8-)

in reply to13ga

Hi Rob I’m glad you disagreed just a bit 😅. I don’t think you are fearless most of your life because you would be in a more acceptance state. Now there’s bravery and there’s fear. We are always brave when we are by ourselves but when real situations come in, that’s when fear shows up. Hence, you found fears. Booomm 🤯🤯🤯🤣🤣🤣😎🙏

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

daaaaaaaaaam ! boom goes the dynamite! and koko drops the mike!!!!! 🤣🤣😎🤣🤣😎

in reply to13ga

Dropped the 🎙 , what’s done is done 😎🤣😂🤣😂. I’m hoping you would be screaming n kicking my reply with your philosophy all rolled up in your hurricane encyclopedia 😂😂😂💨💨💨

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

i would; but soooo tired.... maybe i kick it back to u tomorrow! :)

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

ok - i'm rested; and ready for my rebuttal....

i can def say i FELT fearless most of my life... you may want to call that brave... but i'm not sure it was that either... i can say that i've never had a fear of death... or that maybe i was hoping death would find me... i def am NOT afraid of death... only of HOW i might die.

if you want to make the argument that i simply repressed my fear - that - i might believe without argument.

but i do really think that for most of my life i wasn't afraid of most things. and i'm sure i repressed fear of the few things i'm fearful of now....

truth is - most of the "dangerous" things i've done - i would do again even now. risk can be calculated, and mitigated; and reduced so as to make those things as safe as can be. and another thing - most of the "dangerous" things i've done - are safer than driving a car... so it's really about perception. so i think i look at things most think of as fearful - and i say... that's not fear!!! you wanna know TRUE fear??? be inside my head - then you'll know fear!!!! LMAO

so most that stuff in world... not as scary as in my head!!

in reply to13ga

Ok Rob, I’m eating lunch and here’s my rebuttal to you 😈😈😈

Fear and brave are two sides of the same coin, always exist together; that’s when fearlessness is key. You said you embraced death fearlessly but intimidated by how you might die. From this statement alone, I see you let your emotions interfere; instead of understanding death, you become trembling by how death would come. If you truly accept death in awareness, you will surrender to whatsoever the “how”. If the road to death is painful with mental anguish then people have a choice without prolonging the pain; hence euthanasia is freedom but that will be another topic 😅. So here’s the twist, whenever you feel fear, you will understand that life is momentary with tremendous opportunities to live life and death totally, passionately, intensely without second guess what your heart truly desires. There’s the difference between taking risks and living recklessly which judgment comes in and it should come from your inner feeling of bliss. I don’t think I’m fearful of what goes inside your head because any man who is 💯 sane is death and I see you are alive, screaming, kicking, and chasing your own tail around town.... 🤣😂🤣😂.

Boom 🤯🤯🤯😎🙏

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

daaaam K - you are serious badass!!!!

i really don't wanna admit defeat - but you know i'm truth seeker... and i'm finding it hard as heck to top that!!

so i must, admit you got me - this time! and with great pleasure - i doff my chapeau to you!!!

well played! and yes - i can read your mind.... it's hard to miss when you've got great material... i know i know!!! ;-) 8-)


misslillie profile image
misslillie in reply to13ga

I think the whole world is upside down at this moment in time.

13ga profile image
13ga in reply tomisslillie

miss lillie;

i appreciate your reply - but i don't think you took it far enough!

the whole world is upside down; inside out; and has been transmuted into another dimension!!!

i've been living every day - in absolute disbelief of this entire reality!!!!

and i'd normally put a bunch of smiley's here - but i can't - cause that aint funny... 😱😨

misslillie profile image
misslillie in reply to13ga

I think you are right. Last week I developed the usual symptoms of spring allergies and called for an appointment with the doctor who has treated me for the last five years. His receptionist refused me an appointment because my symptoms were to much like Covid. She said the doctor would call me. But he never did even though I called daily. In a second conversation with the receptionist I became adamant that I was being ignored. Still the doctor has not called. I think I have been ghosted. I find this all very alarming. I don't think I have Covid but I am afraid I been marginalized and ostracized. It is very anxiety provoking. Has me feeling very paranoid More concerned about human behavior than the actual virus although I am careful to wear a mask and social distance.

13ga profile image
13ga in reply tomisslillie

lillie - omg - do i ever hear you!!!!

that story is horrific! and inexcusable behavior from what's supposed to be a professional!!!! at the very least they should do a video call or just a voice call. there's NO excuse for marginalizing someone like that!

and worse still - i agree with you (that's not the worse part :) ) - i think this behavior has not only become the norm - but it seems to have become acceptable!!!! i don't see anyone screaming about how bad this stuff is - except for places like this!!!!

the world is going to spit. and it's going to spit - because the PEOPLE are going to spit. behavior that should be SHUNNED - is applauded by half the country!!!! it's absolutely insane!

you are most certainly not alone - not in your feeling of being ostracized; not in your anger or dismay; and certainly not in disbelief.... i'm with you on ALL of those!

Poor Mike. Didn't see it coming.

in reply to

GB2 who’s Mike? 😂😂😂😂

Somebody said Mike got dropped by you?

in reply to

Prob heartbroken

in reply to

Ohhh 🎙 🤣😂🤣😂 just karaoke contest

in reply to

So it wasn't mike? Was it brad then ?

in reply to

Don’t even go there 🤣🤣🤣 Brad is handled with care no dropping 😇🤣😅

in reply to

So brad is safe then? Whew😏

in reply to

Got burped n tucked in nicely 🤣😂🤣😍

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to


in reply toHb2003

Well hellloooo

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

How are you?❤️✌️

in reply toHb2003

👋 how was your nap? 🤣😂😅

Too much Pepsi?

in reply to

He doesn’t drink sodas, not my Brad 🤣😂👍

But what does he have over mike? Is mike ok?

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in reply to

Had to draw me a picture. I get it now.✌✌✌💯

in reply to

And now brad is napping

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

Oh yay i am called brad 🤣

Darklight_465 profile image

i deeply agree! meditation is wonderful. our world has become this pyramid of people always trying to rise in wealth among each other. its just sad sometimes

in reply toDarklight_465

GG Superstar for sure 🤩👍❤️ Very true observation about climbing the ladder of success. True bliss is peace ☮️🌈❤️🙏xxx

Darklight_465 profile image
Darklight_465 in reply to

for sure and some people are just to focused on the $$$ and they just need to refocus on their peace of mind

in reply toDarklight_465

Wealth is not always a bad thing but greed is misery. If we all learn to prioritize to have a balanced life ☯️

Darklight_465 profile image
Darklight_465 in reply to

couldn't have said it better

in reply toDarklight_465

Aweee I hope you’ve had a great day so far 🤗

Darklight_465 profile image
Darklight_465 in reply to

I did im just physically tired but that no biggie better than being emotionally drained

in reply toDarklight_465

Oh my that’s so true. Daz why Koko meditates thru out the day, even while eating 🤣😂👍

Darklight_465 profile image
Darklight_465 in reply to

meditating has change me im not gonna lie 😀😊

in reply toDarklight_465

Aweee I’m so glad you found mediation work wonder for you 🤗❤️ Just find some quiet time to space out even for few minutes but so refreshing after 👍

Darklight_465 profile image
Darklight_465 in reply to

i try too trough the day

in reply toDarklight_465

Yes and replenish yourself with some green smoothies which helps boosting your energy 👍

Darklight_465 profile image
Darklight_465 in reply to

uhhh... i need to try that since breakfast is not a thing during week days lol i really need to get up early 🤣🤣

in reply toDarklight_465

Oh yessss Koko stocks fruits in the fridge, morning blend it real quick and brings a fruitbar and out the door 🤣😂😂😂💨💨

Darklight_465 profile image
Darklight_465 in reply to

bought frozen fruits yesterday they are waiting for me

in reply toDarklight_465

Oh yayy 👏Morning is like the rabbit from Alice’s in wonderland: I’m late. I’m late for a very important date, no time to say hello goodbye, I’m late I’m late I’m late..... 😂😂😂😂

Darklight_465 profile image
Darklight_465 in reply to

yessss!! your screaming the story of my life

in reply toDarklight_465

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt for it 🤣😂😂😂

Darklight_465 profile image
Darklight_465 in reply to

were can i get mine !!😂😂😭

in reply toDarklight_465

Gotta earn it sweetie😎 But I think it’s shipped from China 😂😂😂👍

Darklight_465 profile image
Darklight_465 in reply to


in reply toDarklight_465

What would u like on that T-shirt? 🤣😂😂

Darklight_465 profile image
Darklight_465 in reply to

wake up late

be late



in reply toDarklight_465

Encore encore 🤣😂😂😂

Darklight_465 profile image
Darklight_465 in reply to

🤣🤣🤣 I cant omg im crying from laughter

in reply toDarklight_465

Did u tinkle? 😳🤣😂😂😂

Darklight_465 profile image
Darklight_465 in reply to

i dont think so... let me check... its all good here folks 🤣🤣🤣

in reply toDarklight_465

It’s alright. If u do, up the game, tinkle in tune ☝️🤣😂😂

misslillie profile image
misslillie in reply toDarklight_465

I think you just hit the proverbial nail gun n the head.

Catsamaze profile image
CatsamazeADAA Volunteer

You write with such eloquence! For me it all boils down to three words....peace of mind. That’s the treasure I seek.

misslillie profile image

How comforting. What wonderful words. Ordinary words that are put together uniquely to form a different perspective. It seems almost magical. I am going to read it again and again.

in reply tomisslillie

I’m glad you enjoyed reading this. A quote is only a quote if we can’t understand all aspects of it. Have a great weekend misslillie 🌈🌻☮️🙏

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