I posted something the other day, but didn’t get any response. So I just took it down. Well what I found out was if you want to feel differently, act differently. It won’t be easy of course , but over time it gets easier. It may take awhile. I feel this may be helpful especially when, I react to something bad happening yet again in my life. Which brings me to the pit. However, I feel I’m going to give this a shot. For example if you want to be courageous. Act that way. Act courageous. And it might just change the way you feel and you will be courageous. He said we tend to put our feelings first. We identify ourselves with our feelings, instead of with who we are. So if we are people of great characteristics who have morals or virtues of , honesty, compassion, kindness, empathy, peaceful, generous we don’t act that way. We instead identify ourselves with our feelings of despair or anxiety, anger, sadness, depression, loneliness and label ourselves that way. We become one with that and start believing that’s who we are for the rest of our lives, yet people with high blood pressure would never say “ I am high blood pressure” yet we say “ I am anxiety “ its like we have now become whatever we have labeled ourselves with and no longer a person. We don’t give ourselves enough credit for the great human beings we are nor any compassion towards ourselves. We freely can give it to others and would never treat others that way and willing to help them, yet feel unworthy of ourselves . It’s something to think about.
Identity and Labels: I posted something... - Anxiety and Depre...
Identity and Labels
Hi 👋 this Shnookie. Thank U for so openly expressing your feelings. Pinning labels on ourselves is not always a wise thing to do. Unfortunately with mental health issues
being under Americans with Disabilities ACT AKA ADA fortunately there might
be some with mental health issues who might need accommodations to be able to
produce valuable work product. I’m here 4 U hugs 🤗 S
I agree that there are disorders ,but the fact that we are are here for hugs and support indicates we must truly want someone to see that we are more than this. And that is great that we have the support here and have it. Other people see the value in us that we can’t see in ourselves. For example, The values in you I see are that you are a respectable , grateful, intelligent, person in your opening sentence when you introduced yourself also a here to get and give support and a kind person. Am I right ?