Many a man have secuumb to the new age technologies save the men true of the seas......born of wind and climbing through rope scalfolding to unfurl the heavy canvases to cathc the trade winds.........filling their sails and drving cargo ships on enldess voyages on the open seas...........orinally ships were round and slow but desirngers and builders learned over time to develop newwer and ever faster ships in competition for the riches of the china tea trades..........the clipper ships......long sleek and fast but........since they had to go around the terrible waters fo the horn in antiartic water...........they also had to be extremely rugged and tested to survive such voyaages both to china and then return home record time.
Two of thfinest fo the famed clipper ships .....were the Cutty Sark and the Flying cloud the throughbreds of their times. Men of those ships and their owners were extreemely competitiove and every moment they pushed thier vessels to cut time day by day......arch rivals with the finest of gorgous ships of their day..........
it was a long laywerd journey to China....load and then swing around and heavy with cargo,,once again....face the terrrible graveyard waters of the anticaritic......dreaded even today..............the men of the Sark and the Flying Cloud...the Lynn as they called her.........counted not only on their elegance but their safety in endurint the mast breakint gales nad frozen waters.............lashed by torrents and mooutnainouse waqves the men courage steadied by their belloved ships......................roudn the horn tehy did the final miles to England the captains and crews laid up every once of sail they had...........the ships brimiming to the flll with sails everywehre to catch every nusance of wind................people ran daily to english cathc glimpse of these famous racehorse ships............then a might cry some young lad would call out...........did they make many masts were still many knots are they making the old timers would call out.........rememberint their days long ago surviving such voyages.
they are coming they are coming cried the children......and low breakint the horizon still hard into the winds after 12000 miles..................were the immortal over
Sark adn the Lynn ...neck and neck..........wave afer wave they sliced through.....bringing both men and cargo home.........................glorous ships.....teh finest fo the fine...............immortalized in their glory..................glorous paintings of old.........
though steam and other powers have come finer ships were ever made or created................sailors of the age of sail............wont even look at such modern dog ships as they call them..............rememberint the times. of the most beautiful ships ever created.............and ever will.................raise their glasses in tribute they teh glrous days of teh Sark........................adn teh Lynn................the Flying cloud.......