People are attracted to War because it is exciting, whereas Peace is boring. People indulge in personal dramas and traumas, and when they are not indulging them, Life is a bit flat. If a man who has not known inner peace is forced to live peacefully, he will either murder or kill himself. Even that will provide some excitement. Excitement is a great nourishment, but only the right kind of excitement is nourishment. The wrong kind of excitement is poison. And up to now humanity has been dominated by the wrong kind of excitement.
We are surrounded so much by the mind and its turmoil, we never come to hear the still, small voice within us. There is no thought in the mind and in that nothingness, you come to know, for the first time, the taste of peace. To ENJOY PEACE is to enjoy silence, to enjoy something that is WITHIN YOU and you do not have to depend on others for.