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Having trouble getting back into work at a job I hate after the holidays

Indiegal profile image
8 Replies

I was off work for about a week and a half for the holidays and just came back yesterday and have absolutely no motivation to do my work. I've been really hating my job lately and then found out right before the holidays that I was denied for a promotion that my director thought I deserved and recommended me for. So although I'm usually an overachiever and do more than expected, I'm just over it all after not being appreciated for all I've done for my company in the last 7 years. I've actually been looking for a new job for a year and have yet to find the right fit or get an offer even after countless interviews. I'm just so discouraged and have been wanting to just quit cause I'm always stressed and miserable and I just don't have it in me to start a new year at a job I hate.

Over my time off I've been thinking a lot and reading a book (called The Middle Finger Project, which is great by the way) encouraging people to leave crappy jobs and start their own thing, which I've wanted to do for years, but fear has been holding me back. I won't get into all my fears but one thing that keeps creeping in the back of my mind is what if my depression takes over and I'm not motivated to really do what it takes to make my own business succeed? Is this just another excuse or should I take that into consideration before I up and quit my job? I've always gone over and above in my work and know I will work hard (likely harder) doing my own thing, but I fear all those feelings of self-doubt will creep in and I won't be able to handle it. I've been trying to stick it out at my current job till I find something but I just don't have anything left in me anymore. Can anyone relate or has any advice to help me get through this?

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Indiegal profile image
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8 Replies
Ceemulann profile image

I’m only 20 so this is is just me thinking, but I feel like you shouldn’t quit your job just yet. I say this because we’re in a pandemic, and if you were to quit it may be hard to get a job. Continue looking for another job whilst working at this one .. yes I know you hate your job but make sure you don’t go over and beyond for a company that doesn’t give you the respect you deserve. You deserve to be treated right. If you have other goals look into them and right down a plan so you can achieve it and quit that job. Things take time and I know you hate your job but don’t let your job stress you out .. make sure you do something on the side that will take your mind off the stress you face at work, it may help a little.

Hope this advice helped

Indiegal profile image
Indiegal in reply to Ceemulann

That is very sound advice and you are wise to recommend not quitting during a pandemic. That's pretty responsible for a 20 year old. I'm in my 40s and my hatred for this job has got me more desperate than usual. It's funny I have quit jobs before without another job and although I struggled for a bit, I never regretted it. Now that was in my 20s and they were meaningless jobs and I didn't have a mortgage so I had less to lose. Plus there wasn't a pandemic going on, but either way I landed on my feet. I should mention I work in digital marketing so I'm not sure how much the pandemic will affect my ability to find some kind of work.

I guess the thing that makes me want to quit is that I work at an agency who is overworking me and every month I'm scheduled for way more client work than anyone else on my team and for more hours than there are in a day. I bring it up every month that it's a problem and it never gets resolved. And here we are again at the beginning of the month and my hours are super high again. So as much as I think I could slowly try to start my own thing on the side, I'm already burnt out and know I won't have the time I need to dedicate to starting a business to help it succeed. I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Ceemulann profile image
Ceemulann in reply to Indiegal

Sorry for my late response, I’m not sure if the pandemic affected your line of work .. but if it hasn’t, look for a role that suits you and doesn’t overwork you. My friend who is 24 was telling me how he’s been going through it mentally and physically, and I literally told him to quit because a job that’s ruining your mental isn’t worth it trust me. So if you really feel like you can’t take it anymore then quit, because your health and your well being is important.

The fact that you’ve complained and they haven’t sorted out your complaint is appealing. I would be talking to HR every day till they sort out my complaint, because that’s unacceptable.

Also please try and find activities that you love doing. For example when I was young I was a great artist and I stopped because life got so busy but now I’m getting back into my art mode and it’s really helped my mental health. Rn I’m jobless and I’m struggling to find a job because of the pandemic and recession but doing art is the only thing that’s keeping me sane and also helping me to keep being positive about finding a job.

I will also keep you in my prayers, I hope you find a better career and that it brings your happiness.

Indiegal profile image
Indiegal in reply to Ceemulann

Thank you for this! Sorry I'm just reading this now. My industry has not been affected by the pandemic. I work in digital marketing so there are jobs now. And my company has been doing really well this past year, partially why I'm overworked. I don't know why I'm struggling finding a job. Maybe I really don't just want a job and want something more meaningful. After working for over 20 years I'm just burnt out in general with companies taking advantage of employees and sucking the life out of us for a profit without sharing any of it with the people who got them there. I guess that's why I keep thinking of starting my own business.

I'm sorry to hear you are jobless but glad you're keeping a positive attitude and doing things that keep you happy. I told myself at the beginning of the year that I'd set aside time to do something creative. So far I've had a lot of distractions but I do need to make time for it. Thanks for the encouragement. And I hope you find a job soon if you are looking.

Indiegal profile image

I should mention that the director that put in for my promotion left before I was denied and it apparently wasn't his decision. But my new director has been my friend for years and I'm a little upset he didn't fight for me.

Thanks for your response and I keep thinking that yes, I could just get an in-between job but with Covid I'm not sure what I could do with the economy the way it is and the struggle I've had finding a job for the last year.

Blueruth profile image

I have been looking to do some business for a while. I am independent but in the old field which is a compromise. I don’t know what you want to do but a book called the year of knots really resonates with me. It is part how to, part advice. She had funds most people do not have but you don’t have to quit your job to get started. Just starting that path can help energize you in your existing job. That is what has helped me.

Indiegal profile image
Indiegal in reply to Blueruth

Thanks! I'll have to check that book out.

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Indiegal

I find most career change advice is about working for someone else or they assume you know what your business is. This is the first that took a different approach. And the knots are fun to make!

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