I’m so anxious about going out. This morning I drove a ways to the vet noooo problem and now I’m about to be going out with someone else who is driving and I think the reason is I need to go to a mall and there will be so many people. My social anxiety has been high lately. I took my meds that sometimes help with anxiety but so far it is the same feeling of dread. I know it may seem like not a big thing but there’s a fear of going back to the way it used to be which was dibilitating and I will try to move on from it because the more I focus on it the more power to it but just needed to process this with you guys. Thanks people ❤️
Oh my anxiety’s high: I’m so anxious... - Anxiety and Depre...
Oh my anxiety’s high

That’s a great way to look at it. Thank you, Indieabc. How are ya doing? How is your son doing?
My heart is beating so fast so I’m deep breathing... ugh
Good Job Starrlight, Breathe You're invisible behind that mask.
You are Safe, You are Okay. Don't allow Anxiety to fill your mind
with negative thoughts. It can't win against you. You are too strong
for it. Bring your shoulders down away from your ears, Stand tall
and confident, You've got this. Breathe
Count backwards from 10 to 1 slowly as you feel your anxiousness
go downward and out your feet. Breathe
Make sure you sip on water and hydrate. Buy a little treat for yourself,
This is your "me time" xx
I thought of you and what you’d tell me before you posted here, I think of being a warrior and deep breaths. I’ll add that I’m invisible behind my mask next time I like that a lot. So it was difficult but I tried to find things to laugh at and since I took my babies (kids) 😆 with me that was easy. ❤️ to you Agora my friend.
Starrlight try slow breathing exercises You may get help with that.People sometimes have problems understanding people with these fears. If at all possible it is sometimes easier if you feel enclosed, in a car etc, been with someone. The problem is if alone in a busy area people become frightened and sometimes confused, it is a really common problem Consider treating yourself, a job well done when you fulfill the need to go out on your own.
I have never been in a city in my area for many decades when we shop for anything we shop in Amazon or in our nearby town. We never stay there for long. We arrange to take the dog out on the beach, it is something of a pleasure breathing the fresh air.

It did help knowing I was tall alone. Oh and yes I did end up treating myself to a beautiful top on sale. I order mostly online amazon as well. Did you say DOG and BEACH how lovely.
Big hugs Starrlight... you got this... take it easy at the mall... check in with yourself, give yourself permission to take breaks if you need to. With all with whats going on it's understandable to feel the way you do. Remember you have support & you are one strong lady. Here for you hun.Ps. Cool painting.
I have this to Starrlight. I cannot shop on weekends at all right now.
We had 7 errands last weekend I was a basket case. My husband drove, I’m better driving than being a passenger to begin with so that alone sets my anxiety in high gear. I bowed out of every check out line to wait in the car.
I don’t have the answers, hand holding you loved ones, deep breathing, tell your self this is temporary and will be over soon...use all the coping skills you have you can take with you.
I hope you get home soon so you can get back to your comfort zone. 🌺💜

Yes it didn’t take long at all. Got my returns and a treat for me then ice cream for my kids and away we go to mail letters and then home. Wow You ran seven errands now that’s a lot! I know the feeling of being in lines and having to get outside away from triggers and into fresh air. It’s ok we do what we have to do.
💜💜 ice cream has the ability to cure what ails ya.
My errands were quick stops, go in and get out except Lowes and Walmart. These are the worst places to be on the weekends, except the Mall. Covid and non mask wearers wear on my anxiety 10 fold.
My treat that day was Peppermint Bark, I’m still eating that, like right now even. 😂😂

In the city I live in it’s so populated and I haven’t seen a soul without a mask these last couple of months. I think one can get fined for not. Haha 😂 you are cute enjoying your bark!
Starrlight I get it ! I am currently feeling like my chest is beating fast and woke up anxious at the thought of seeing ppl or being outside. Even taking a shower right now and washing my hair feels exhausting.
I hear ya Ashh Yes sometimes showers actually scare me when anxiety is tainting regular stuff with lies of hurtful things.
I have been super critical of myself and have even been isolating myself from my partner. I finally let him know what was going on in my over thinking/super critical brain of mine but often compare myself to him. He’s so confident and feel like he has everything figured out and I feel so lost. Like I feel on this surface I look like I have it together but inside I’m a hot mess.