Anyone ever hear of unipolar depression? - Anxiety and Depre...

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Anyone ever hear of unipolar depression?

3 Replies

I am depressed every other day. Spoke to my dr about it. He said that I must have unipolar depression. Anyone ever hear of this? I am literally pretty good one day then practically ready to end it the next.

3 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Usedtobe, I am understanding that unipolar depression is more common in being

generalized depression without the manic episodes in bipolar. It still is serious and

needs to be treated. Between the combination of medications, the right dosages as well

as other modalities can be used to treat your depression. As you are seeing there is no

quick fix but it can be done. I wish you well, keep working with your doctor/hospital :) xx

FearIsALiar profile image

I actually have never heard of it!

I hope you can find the help you need soon. Are you in therapy?

Fulentium profile image

Hi, Hidden. I realize this post is eleven months old, but in case you still want feedback, here is mine:

My partner has unipolar depression and takes an amphetamine prescribed by her psychopharmacologist. It really helps her.

Additionally, I have two clinical psychologists in my family and one of them has the same form of depression as my partner. I talk to my family members about unipolar depression from time to time. We talk about how serious clinical depression can be, and how many people who don't suffer from it will imagine it is situational and not constant. "I went through that," people will say. "I went through a divorce and felt bad, but now I feel better."

But unipolar depression is not situational.

Lacanian psychologist Julia Kristeva wrote a beautiful and compassionate book in which she diagnoses unipolar depression in great artists, writers and musicians. It's titled Black Sun: Depression and Melancholia. Novelist William Styron also had this condition and wrote a book about his experiences titled Darkness Visible.

It can be a difficult condition to live with, but my partner is now incredibly productive with her current medication and has been for the past two years. But before she found the right balance, she went through periods of not wanting to get out of bed.

Depression can feel lonely, but if you have it, you are far from alone. Some of my heroes have had to struggle with that same neurochemistry. It can feel like anger as easily as sadness. Pursuing treatment can really help.

I wish you the absolute best.

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