lately ive been troubled by what i think is somebody following me everywhere i go. not only do they follow, they continue to taunt and harrass also. now im told its all i my head by people that i do not trust. to them it all started with the voices in my head. so if these people following are proven to be real what does that say for the voices?
voices in my head?: lately ive been... - Anxiety and Depre...
voices in my head?

ptpablo, this needs to be addressed by your doctor. It's not an answer that
we can simply diagnose since we are not doctors.
We want you kept safe. Please make appointment with a professional.
We stand behind you because we care. xx
yes ive been trying to find the right dr however i am pretty much the most hated person in the twn i live. im not certain how it happen but slowly i have watched an intire city turn agsinst me. my family has no choice but to go with the flow, leaving me alone, homeless, jobless, and extremely hopeless. im not ready to just walk away from my daughter so i see her everyday but she lives with my mom. everyday its a new problem that is bringing me closer to rock bottom and literally on the streets. it wont be long.
If the people following you do turn out to be real, then I guess you should report them to the police; however, if you truly want to assess whether these people following you and the voices you hear are real or not, I think it would be good to talk to a counselor or a psychiatrist.
i tried using the police before and i ended up a snitch. which is probably why im having most of my problems.
What do you mean you ended up a snitch? Did people go after you because you told the police?
yes. and it is a label that i will carry for the rest of my life. you try to do whats right but somehow you still become the bad guy. since i was on here ĺast it has gotten even worse, now i think they are going to kill me. but thats not the worst part, people that i know and hold close to me, people that said they would help me, people that i trusted, know and have known of these people and their plans for me and have kept valuable information from me, life saving information. and i am seeing how alone i trully am and how big this really is, because it is alot bigger than me and has been going on for quite some time. i stumbled into something and i fit perfectly. i became the focus point of a type of group that intimadates and terrorizes a person like if they were a bullied student
I am sorry that you are going through this it is super scary i have had that before doctor said i was hallucinating and that my brain chemistry is doing that
everyone tells me im crazy but half of them say that because the are keeping the truth from me because they feel i couldnt handle it, the other half dont even listen to me or even consider what i say to have any truth to it. i have never in my life been a lier or a bullshitter and have given nobody a reason to doubt what i say or think of it as a made up story. it has gotten so frustrating that i dont tell anybody what i go through anymore,i just deal with it all on my own. im lost. i feel like i may be cursed. like the old me is inside this person and he cant get out because i think the same, my values are the same. to me the only changes i have gone thru are all caused by the people intimadating me and by everyone else doubting and thinking im lying or making it all up. as i sit here writing this i hear them talking to each other and im supposed to be the only one out here. its our old family church, 30 miles from twn, but they are here almost as much as me.