Does anyone know any techniques for anxiety as a passenger in a car? I have to go to my doctor tomorrow and I’m freaking out Because I always have panic attacks in a car. Any tips will help I haven’t left in a car since February.
Anxiety : Does anyone know any... - Anxiety and Depre...

Admire the view outside the window. Dont think that you are sitting in the car. Just think you are sitting in a moving chair.
This summer I developed a phobia of driving. My psychologist taught me to ground myself. Right now I’m driving two times a week with my mom.
The one that works best for me is the senses. Finding five things I can hear, see and touch. That shows me that there are many other things happening at the same time as my anxiety. And then my anxiety seems smaller.
I also like to knit, which relaxes me.
I’ve also taken to praying a rosary as a form of meditation, which is also very calming.
I hope some of this helps you. I know it’s hard. I know waiting is excruciating. You will get through this. Promise. 💙💚💜
Hey Sierramist,
I know travel anxiety is so tough. But you can adopt these measures.
Try to take a deep breath, distract yourself from your negative thoughts, you can listen to music, try to focus on the environment, try to concentrate on other cars or the road ahead.
I hope this helps you.
Take Care.
I used to suffer terribly with this.And probably still do.I am 52 now.I think it is a fear of loss of control.I never have found a cureunfortunately.Take care .I am a bit agoraphobic too.It feels as if I am doomed to failure and I am ultra sensitive to the negative effect of other people. I am taking Sertraline.
Wear comfy clothes!! I know it sounds silly but loose comfy clothes help me feel less exposed. Like I’m in this nest of warm and comfort within an uncomfortable car... idk if that makes sense. also playing calming music.