We all have an inner, naturally glowing light: I call it the light of the soul. You will never lose it. It’s always there, shining in the center of your heart. You may have heard or read about spiritual masters and teachers using the term “Lightworker” a lot. These days there seems to be so much darkness, hatred, confusion, frustration, bitterness and sadness in this world that we need to share our inner glowing light more than ever.
Being a Lightworker means sharing your light with others, sprinkling it like fairy dust and glowing as strong as a light bulb. In fact, being the lighthouse so that others can see your glow and follow your footsteps. By being the light, others can see themselves better, illuminated by you. That way you will attract the best kind of people into your inner circle. I can tell you from my own experience, this always works! I’ve experienced many situations when simply being kind and sharing my inner light with others makes someone else’s day, and mine. Light attracts light, just as like attracts like. By sharing your light you are giving a huge gift back to the universe, and to humanity.