I feel so nauseous and sick. 😔 I keep burping. Does anybody get waves of nausea during anxiety? I was fine and I started thinking of some pretty scary scenarios and from there it's been horrible. Please let it go away. Deep breaths.
Anxiety : I feel so nauseous and sick... - Anxiety and Depre...

Do you have Gerd? Or Acid Reflux? Stress and anxiety can make those two things worse. I hate the nausea!
Anxiety plays havoc with our tummies and acid reflux etc, nausea is a very common complaint amonsgt those suffering from types of anxiety/stress xx
I get nauseous and feel like I'm going to vomit. My anxiety shows itself in my stomach.
I have nausea with my anxiety very frequently. (Unfortunately). Last night it was particularly bad actually. Walking with some friends helped, but getting myself up was really hard. I hope you're feeling better now.
With my Anxiety I do get nauseous and sick and it holds me back from doing anything, but what I learned is, if you have something to feel or something to touch it will distract you from being sick, For example, if you have a bracelet on what you can do is feel the bracelet and in your head describe the feeling of the bracelet and play with it. Another thing I learn is if you have bad anxiety to eat something minty or something sore it will change your mindset into something else. What works for me is I used to go for walks and those walks would get me out of the house and be more outside and everytime I went somewhere the walks helped because it got me to go outside and journaling helps to because you can write down everything that is bothering you.